My puppy has a tick and it hurts! Is there any treatment?

Hi. Finnegan has a tick. It is engorged, greenish-whitish, and disgusting. He won't let me near it, I'm assuming it hurts pretty badly. He gets Revolution, so will it fall out and die on its own or do I need to do something?

He's at the top of the stairs whimpering. :(
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Does it look like one of these? ... ticks.html
In my experience, I haven't had a tick actually hurting my dog. In fact, they don't even seem to notice that they are there... on occasion they have scratched at it occasionally like it's a little itchy.

Where is the tick located?
On his back, just below the left shoulder blade.
Well you want to pull it off of him as soon as possible, if only to prevent disease... here are some pictures on how to do it with tweezers:


If it IS hurting him, then once you get it out the pain should stop, I would think.

By the way, these pics don't show it, but the tick frequently comes off with a cone shaped piece of skin with it.
Ron wrote:
the tick frequently comes off with a cone shaped piece of skin with it.

It's possible that I might throw up. I have an irrational fear of bugs. It's based on nothing logical whatsoever, hence, irrational. I've doused the tick in Zodiac and called the 800 number. The operator said that it could take up to 24 hours for the thing to die and fall off. Will it just fall off? Will it really be dead when when/if it falls off? If it's not dead, will it seek and destroy any living thing in its path? Do they get on guinea pigs? Is it possible that it laid eggs on the dog or in my house? Should I bug bomb?

WHY ARE THERE TICKS IN THE WORLD??? Do they serve an ecological purpose?

I feel faint.
He may be whimpering due to your fears and reactions. :(

If you've doused it with "zodiac", I don't think it will survive, but I'd want to get it out of his skin as soon as you can get up to it, to prevent disease transmission.

Do you have a neighbor or friend who can help?
Some dogs have allergy's to tick bites. My collie did, the only reason I knew it hurt her is after it was removed it was red and swollen. If you touched the spot it was red and hot and she cried
I would ask one of your friends that isn't so squeamish to help you remove the tick. I would bite the bullet and have someone hold the dog down and go ahead and remove the tick as soon as possible. Your baby will be much appreciative.
I found ticks on my 7 week puppy, im worried I cant afford a vet right now. what should I do?
Here are three things you should read:

My Puppy has a tick, HELP!


How to Identify different ticks
Poor thing...Revolution has no tick prevention!
Good Luck with the baby.... :(
When one of our non sheepie or Pyrs first came to us from the shelter, we pulled 74 ticks off the dog! I would hope you can overcome your digust for a moment for the dog's sake. I still HATE pulling them off, but I've gotten pretty good and fast and then immediately hand it to my husband, "I don't want to see it, just kill it." (the day of the slaughter we put the beasts in a jar with a little rubbing alcohol. Instant death)

Contrary to all I've read about removing them, I use my fingernails. Since I don't crush the critter, I worry less about tick borne illness transmitting to me. (Also we don't have Lyme disease)

All the dogs have gotten a reaction from the tick spot. Harry is the worst and often requires a cortisone cream on the spot.

Now as for the bug bomb, NO WAY! Why risk your health, the dog's health and anyone else in the family with toxic chemicals? Instead vacuum often.....daily or 2x a day if need be. Pay special attention to baseboards.

Chances are good you will see more ticks on your dog. Find a way to deal with can vomit later.
dont forget after removing them to put them in a container (i use an old pill bottle) filled with alcohol....if you flush them down the toilet without totally smooshing them, they can still live.......the alcohol will kill them...
Anybody wanna see a picture of my old pill bottle filled with alcohol and ticks?
Anyone else notice that the original post is almost 3 years old? :roll: Hopefully the tick is gone by now! :lol:
Original yes, but secondary question just the other day. Had meant to answer the second question, but ended up with first. I'm very sleep deprived right now. May tomorrow be better!

Thanks for pointing that out.
Ron, I actually would like to see a pic of your
ticks. What can I say? It's a train wreck sort of
thing with me. When I find one I spear it on a pin
and roast it over a candle till the legs are crispy and
then I flush 'em. I figure, you can never be too sure.
I hit 'em with everything!

Ron's ticks can be found on the main page of this site, just scroll down.

PLEAAASSEEE don't ask to his his tick bite!!!! :excited:
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