All of this info is available here on |
Wondered if anyone had any feedback (good or bad) on the new 6-month treatment heartworm shot. I've had Avery on Interceptor (once-a-month pill) for a year and a half, but I'm interested in learning more about the twice yearly injection. |
Hi! my vet always recomends Interceptor I belive it kills one more intestinal worm than heartgard.The shot is called Pro-heart and it is fairly new. The only problem is that it is not labled to kill all of the worms that the monthly's are.However it is so much less expensive if you have a giant dog.My vet also recamends every 6 month intestinal worm checks so if your dog gets worms you are sure to know.I am currently using pro-heart for my 2 older dogs it is so convenient.I must admit I am not the best about giving the monthly on time.(I even know better becouse I have woked for a vet for 8 years.)Grizzy is to young for pro-heart becouse he is a large breed and his weight will change so much between now and 6 months from now. He is on interceptor. I hope this will help but be sure to talk with your vet they usally are glade to help you make the right decision for your baby. |
I got an e-mail with some consern about proheart I am going to call the vet I worked for in Virginia and find some answers so until then I would say use heartguard or Interceptor.P.S. thanks to the e-mailer for the info. |
I agree with Verveup that this topic should also be under Medical and Nutrition.
I gave Abbi a combo heart worm preventative and flea and mosquito preventative and she went into seizures. I took the medicine back to the vet and exchanged it for Interceptor (she has been on it for 4 years). I will try to find out what the name of the stuff was, but suffice to say I would recommend you just give the tried and true oral preventative. |
what med made Abby go into seizures? do you remember the name of it? Just want to be sure not to use it.Thanks( I think I am going to use Interceptor for Grizzy)I have used it most of my 8 year olds life and she has never had any problems.I will not use Pro-heart ( ProHeart or ProHeart6 ) again. |
You can give a dog some Pepto Bismol - but I'd run it by the Vet to be safe! Also - sometimes diarrhea is the bodies way of ridding bacteria and poisons - so you may not want to stop it.
The one thing I would watch out for (and track) - is he experiencing this diarrhea within a few days of receiving his heartworm medication???? Alot of dogs have a similar reaction to some of the heartworm preventatives. My Vet has told me that they've had a lot of reports of diarrhea in dogs on the generic version of Heartguard. Sydney had a severe reaction to Heartguard when she was younger - which included diarrhea - but much more serious (involving blood and vomitting) - so she was switched from an ivermectin based heartworm preventative to Interceptor (alot of herding breeds - particularly collies have problems with Ivermectin (which is the active ingredient in Heartguard).
It took me a few months to make the connection with Sydney.
Kristen |
I found a really cheap sight for pet meds-
ex. 12 months of Interceptor (51-100 lbs) $59.99! That's what i paid at the vet for 5 months! |
Our vet prescribed Interceptor(mibemycin oxime) by
Norartis animal Health Co. It is a one time per month flavored (chewable)
tablet. Their 800 # is 1-800- 332-2761
It is a prescription by the vet and is prescribed by weight.
Check with your vet as to what the options are and what he
suggests for your area.
We use Frontline Plus for flea/tick/and chewing lice.
Its a once a month topical treatment (also prescribed by weight)
Their 800# is 1-800-660-1842
The Frontline Plus was suggested to us because of the high deer
tick population in our area.
Hope this helps....
Good luck!!!! |
zahra wrote: Our vet prescribed Interceptor(mibemycin oxime) by
Norartis animal Health Co. It is a one time per month flavored (chewable)
tablet. Their 800 # is 1-800- 332-2761
It is a prescription by the vet and is prescribed by weight.
Check with your vet as to what the options are and what he
suggests for your area.
We use Frontline Plus for flea/tick/and chewing lice.
Its a once a month topical treatment (also prescribed by weight)
Their 800# is 1-800-660-1842
The Frontline Plus was suggested to us because of the high deer
tick population in our area.
Hope this helps....
Good luck!!!! |
Jasper just started with Interceptor last week too. He only gets one pill at a time for now until his weight levels out. They're $4.95/each. |
The web site for Interceptor is----
The web site for Frontline Plus
(Select united states, then products) |
Jasper started taking Interceptor at 12 weeks for worms. Also, he's on K-9 Advantix for ticks, fleas, and mosquitos! We have mosquitos really bad here in Mississippi also. |
OES and other herding breeds are overly sensitive to Ivermectin, which is the ingrdient in traditional heartworm medication. Like Jasper, Bailey's vet put him on Interceptor which has a different active ingredient (mibemycin oxime) and is considered safe for all breeds. If you live in an area where heartworm is a concern I would definitely ask your vet about Interceptor. |
After posting my previous reply I read the post "Eewww!! by Willowsprite. I am going to run the various replies about ivermectin by my vet and see what his respone is regarding Heartguard. Will let you know. Looks like Interceptor would be a better choice.
George |
Hi all,
I ran out of both heartworm and flea medication for Phlufie, and I figure now is the time to research the field. He is currently on Interceptor and Frontline. I wonder if other med might be better? Can you tell me what your dog is on? Do you know what med doesn't work well? Phlufie used to be on Advantix, but it didn't work well (ticks on him!!).
I saw Revolution, which treats heartworms AND flea.... but I don't think it treats as many kind as Interceptor and Frontline combined (roundworm, tape worms, etc).
I don't have any problems yet with the med he is on now, just want to see what else is out there.
Karole |
Exam 42.00
Wellness care workup 52.50
Fecal Parasite exam 19.00
Cestex 100 mg 57.80
Frontline 19.99
Interceptor 42.99
Heartworm Antigen 31.00
Osha Waste Disposal 3.00
Panalog 22.70
2 Intestinal Wormer 38.20
(also include an ice pack and bandage for Mom for the bruises to her knees from having to tackle Barkley who jumped out of the car and began chasing a van when she opened the car door when they got home) |
when I first got Daisy and took her to the vets, he recommended Frontline which we used for the first 3-4 mos but wtih regular use, flea baths and everything else I could think of, we still had a flea problem so bad it was driving ME nuts. The vet finally switched her to advantage and we haven't had a problem since. Here in TN, it is recommended that they stay on it year round, with Interceptor for heartworm year round.
Hate the idea of giving all these meds, but have decided that it's better than the alternative. |
Hi everyone , So sorry i did leave a lot out , Bam has demodecosis or know has demodex.
He will start with red marks like scabs ,puss filled then starts the hair loss so what starts out to be small turns into this big patch of hair missing from his face hip and paws . We did have him scraped to see what was wrong . Bam has been on antibiotics know for 2 months with no improvements what so ever . He was on them early on only because we thought it was nerves. until we found out further the vet did say that there is some indication that long term use of antibiotics is helpful in controlling chronic cases of demodecosis. I am not sure how this works but perhaps relieving the skin of some of the immunologic burden allows it to fight the demodecosis better. The only other medication for direct control of the mites that you was mention was milbemycin (Interceptor Rx). This is an expensive option and not always effective, either, but it is another alternative. Some vets are increasing the concentration of amitraz (Mitaban Rx) used but I have not been willing to do this yet as we see some problems with toxicity at the recommended dosages.
feel so bad but lost on what to due ???and getting expensive he has already had 2 scapings and had to be put out for both. |
Thursday we had an acupuncture treatment to help boost Sassie's immune system. and started giving her Cod Liver Oil. This morning she is hardly scratching at all! Not sure what worked but we're going to keep it up.
We've been "maintaining" Sassie for 6 weeks with some relief from itching and not too much hair loss using baths consisting of Benzoyl Peroxide (opens pores and kills/washes out mites) followed by Neem Oil Shampoo (Kills mites, calms and sooths skin see website). But the mange has spread all over her body with red skin scratching and some angry looking red patches smaller than a quarter. We are waiting for INterceptor to work (nothing yet) or to get theDNA kit to test for Ivermectin sensitivity. Also trying to investigate Advantabe Multi if we can get it from Canada.  |
Quote: But the mange has spread all over her body with red skin scratching and some angry looking red patches smaller than a quarter. We are waiting for INterceptor to work (nothing yet) or to get theDNA kit to test for Ivermectin sensitivity. |
This sounds sooooo much like what we went through (and as of yesterday are still goign through ) with Auntie Dixie. The Advantage is not a miricle drug....might help...might not...
Dixie came from the same place as Sassie's mom. She has been scraped twice and only 1 mite found each time.
I haven't really been convinced that is is/was mange...but more like allergies. We have been treating her for both, but I am convinced that the non-allergy food etc we put her on is the best preventative. Look at my camera and there are some pictures of Dixie's sores and skin when she was really bad. I can PM you some worse ones, if you are interested We shaved her down and kept her in T-shirts.
Dudster's Murphy was put on a grain-free kibble so we did that, too. No grains, dairy, beef, lamb, chicken or anything like that. Only fish and rice or fish and potatoe...Plus lots of meds...vitamins, Benedryl, Advantage Multi....It took a few weeks but she finally started to clear up.
But I spoke too soon and last nite she scratched her throat nite, for the first time in weeks. I rubbed her neck in the dark and it was all sticky. Put the light on and sure enough, she scratched her self raw and there was blood all over her neck...the skin looks like hamburger meat.
Arggghhh!!!! I think someone fed her somethig she shouldn't have had. Or she found an old raw-hide or something...or found an old bird in the yard and ate it (poultry)....
Get your girl on some HP Vitaimins (high potency) for skin and coat, to strengthen her skin up....and a non-allergetic kibble. |
This may have been addressed?
How many of you use Frontline & Interceptor. How often to you use both or each on your dogs?
I have been using both for years once a month (frontline on the 1st & Interceptor on the 15th). I don't use the Frontline after Oct & start it again in April. I am now worrying that this is too much & too often. Thx, sue |