Drool and a dirty chin...yuk!

Hi everyone,
Great forum Ron.
Have a question I thought I'd throw out to anyone. I have two sheepers, Norma, a non-drooler and Hank, a drooler. Within a few days of his bath, Hank's chin is covered with an icky goo and whatever dirt happens to be stuck to it. Does anyone who has dealt with a drooler have any methods or ideas for cleaning the ick easily ?
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June -

I will be interested in the answer, as I have never found a good way to clean chins myself. But I really am curious - are your two names for characters on Twin Peaks, or are the names just a coincidence?

Just wondering....
Guinevere's Dad, Kevin Z.
Kevin -
Had no idea that Norma and Hank were characters on Twin Peaks. These are two rescue pups who came to us at different times and already had those names. I'll have to fimd some reruns to watch...
I have found that baby powder with cornstarch seems to work somewhat.Make sure it does not go up their nose.
I keep hand towels everywhere. Molly loves to have her chin tickled so she doesn't mind that I wipe the chin every time I pass her. I too have one drooler and one non drooler. Molly drools a little but also sticks her entire head in the water dish to drink.

If your drooler is like Molly, cornstarch can just be a pasty mess on the beard because it never seems to dry. I keep hydrogen peroxide in a squirt bottle. Once a week I clean her beard with it. It helps whiten, kills the nasty smelly bacteria and makes me feel better about the kisses that she heaps on me.
Thank you for the great answer.I shall too try the peroxide.I don't paticularly like the baby powder.I live in Louisiana and my sheepies tend to like it indoors,except to go out in the yard to do their business and play.
BonnieMolly wrote:
I keep hydrogen peroxide in a squirt bottle. Once a week I clean her beard with it. It helps whiten, kills the nasty smelly bacteria and makes me feel better about the kisses that she heaps on me.

That sounds like an interesting solution, but I have to ask a question.... how exactly do you clean the chin with the squirt bottle? do you spray it right into the chin, then wash it out, or rub it or what?

Also, my dog has been licking his forelegs and I'd like to whiten the fur there once in a while, too. Will the HP work for that as well?

Also, what concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide? Do you dilute it, etc....
I squirt it into the beard full strenght and then massage it in good. It won't hurt if the dog gets a taste but they don't like it at all so it isn't a problem.

Some people give hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting if the dog has eaten something that they shouldn't have. I know that poison control recommends that for some toxic substances that won't cause problems on the way back up. YUK
I have found that a good way to keep up with the dirty chin issue is to keep baby-wipes handy--especially the cheaper ones that do not have aloe and the like. If you can catch them after dinner, the chins don't seem to get as crusty.
Thanks for the tip on Hydrogen Peroxide. Going to try it right now.
I've just been adopted by an OES named Neko. He's my second OES and never could figure out how to keep the chin of my first OES Charlie from being brown. Hope this works

My experience with Hydrogen Peroxide is that it not only makes the hair brittle it also opens up the hair to even more dirt and sludge and makes it harder to clean the next time. I like to use the rinse, towel and put on a corn starch and baby powder mix in the hair while it's still damp. It's messy so use a towl or do it outside.

Good luck!

I know I shouldn't even suggest this, but I live on the Texas Gulf Coast. I love my dog, but hated the dirty chin, lips, and goo. So I shave her face and chin and clipped her top knot.
She isn't a show dog, so what's the harm. And I don't have to worry about her face any more.
I use to have a standard poodle. Now my OES looks like a very beefed up poodle herself, because I gave her a lion cut. Its sort of like the Continental, but it leaves all of her chest hair, legs, rump, and head. She has a smooth back, totally clipped under neath, shaved face and rear.
Everyone stops me to ask what kind of dog she is. Most OES owners down here use the puppy clip on their dogs and want to know where I had Abbi's hair done.
I think she looks fantastic and she loves the attention.
To whiten her up in between baths I comb her out and use corn starch bath powder--she smells great too! I have a spray bottle with lemon juice and water (1 tablespoon lemon juice to a quart of water) that I give her little spritz baths with now that she became incontinent(?). She's on hormones and is become her old reliable self so fast! But for those off days I have the spray bottle and a roll of paper towels. And Abbi seems to like the attention, because she turns around for me to wipe her now every time she goes outside. I did not think she would actually learn that so well.
Of course Abbi does not look like the classic OES, but she doesn't run into the fence anymore either.
Watson's chin hair gets dirty more so from his food. When he drinks water, it just drips. I can clean the floor then he goes to drink and it is wet all over again. Any ideas on how to solve this? I thought about snipping the hair shorter.
Yup, yup - we've got a "floor washer" too! - I can only suggest leaving the water bowl outside (depending on the weather of course).

Totally agree with the Cornstarch / Baby powder cleaning method. We only have to do it once a month or so - I find that simply keeping a good supply of fresh water available cleans Woofs beard pretty much as he drinks! In fact it looks exceptionally good when dry! Maybe it's something in the UK water......
Folks, I don't own a sheepdog, but I look like one. The way I keep my chin white and clean is with Mrs. Stewart's Laundry Bluing (75 cents a bottle & lasts a year). It works on your teeth too if you add it while brushing! (Just be careful not to splatter it around full strength. It won't stain, but it can take a while to get out of clothing. Directions are on the bottle.)

To whiten hair mix it 50/50 (or stronger, I now use 75/25) w/water then shampoo and leave in the lather. Next, add the bluing mixture by squirting it on from a squeeze bottle and massaging it into the lather and leave on for a while. I can't say just how long, but no longer than it takes to finish a shower works for me.

I have never turned blue, like the little old ladies you see sometimes. I think that happens if you just try adding full strength bluing to wet hair w/o shampoo lather. In any case my beard is sparkling Santa Claus white all the time and so is my Jack Russell. (Use Pantene "Fuller and Thicker" shampoo if you want a 35% increase in the hair shaft diameter.) It makes my beard much fuller, but doesn't change hair volume on the almost hairless Jack Russell that showers with me. BTW, you can even use bluing to grow a neat crystal garden for your kids. :D
LC, your post took me back about 15 years! I tried the laundry bluing trick once, but our Mr. Winston was a bit matted from too many swims in the lake. Guess what? Too much bluing + matts = one very blue OES!

Eventually the bluing washed out but he sure was a sight for a while. I have resisted the urge to try that again with Maggie. It's safer and easier for me to just use whitening shampoo on her, especially if you have the "more is better" philosophy as I do. 8O
While growing up my parents used to use laundry blueing on their sheepy. And it worked great as long as it was completely rinsed out. However, for Halloween they used to purposely leave the blueing in so our sheepy would have his very own unique costume. Haha....
My husband has always thought avocado green would be a fun color. Too '70's! :lol:

Sorry, guess this is getting off the topic.
Still off topic, we have colored hair gel that the kids love to use sometimes, and for our last (maybe *very* last :() hockey playoff season, for team spirit we used the "Toronto Maple Leafs" blue gel to paint the kids and Dancer. Dancer just got a blue streak on the top of her head, but it looked cute anyway...lol....
I believe Pantene uses animal ingredients and tests on animals.... :!: :cry:
Anyone ever try using Woolite? I read somewhere that that works but I haven't tried it yet. Clyde could use a good cleaning before company comes over on Sunday so I want him to look his best-- at least for 10 minutes or so and then he can slobber all over himself!
Hi everyone, to clean my Murphy's beard I mix equal parts of Philpps Milk of Magnesia and hydrogen peroxide, then add corn starch to make a thin paste, I then take my fingers and rub it in good. I either let it dry natural or blow it dry, and brush it out real good. His beard is as white as snow. Try it it really works :D loried
Thanks lorie, sounds like a good mix....
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