Hot spots versus other skin problems?

How do I tell if a sore on the skin is a hot spot from him chewing or something that isn't from his chewing?

I think Barns has allergies and we are about to switch his food (properly, gradually, etc) but I was just wondering if people who have dogs with skin problems can give me some help.

We give him frontline flea and tick and he's always been tick free (except for the few times we've missed the frontline in the early part of the season) so we think it works pretty well. He is mostly an inside dog, aside from walks, which are mostly on cement and then a little on grass, and then when he goes into our yard it is on grass (rather than bushes or woods or anything).

But lately I've noticed several small (maybe dime-sized) spots on his body (all over, well, not all over, but not just in one spot--he has one on his chest and one on his upper back and one on inner back thigh). It kind of looks like what the ticks looked like when they were there, but we can't find any tick. It is a little red, but mostly kind of black and crusty, almost like he scratched off a scab. But the one on his back he couldn't have reached to scratch. The one on his inner thigh is now about a little larger than a quarter.

Any suggestions?
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Hot spots are usually pretty evil looking. Very pink, obviously inflamed and, in our case, always much larger than a coin. Lucy's last one was almost the size of a soft ball. 8O But, it isn't the size that matters. I know this sounds lame but, could Barney have mosquito bites? That would be about the right size of inflammation. If he yanking hair out?
Mosquito bites! That's so lame.
ha ha ha...They might be mosquito bites, but it seems odd that they aren't really red. That's the part that's confusing me. It's that they are black-ish and scabby looking that's making me wonder. They don't seem to bother him except the one on his paw, which he chews a lot, but he always chews.My parent's sheepdog has a ton of hotspots and hers can get pretty bad, but they look like hot spots to me.
I guess I'll take him to the vet to see what they have to say...
I just noticed how similar our avatars look, in terms of poses. Like I've said before, if they weren't a few days apart, I'd swear they were brothers!
Could be ringworm.
Okay...first of ringworm contagious? From Barney to people? Or Barney to the cats?
Second, has anyone's dog had it and know what I should be looking for?
The weird thing is that aside from the scabbiness, it doesn't really seem to be affecting his skin too much. Like his skin isn't raised or red or sore looking (except for his one chew-paw). I guess I'll do some more research about ringworm...just didn't want to see gross pictures if I didn't have to :roll:
It's super contagious to everyone-- people, dogs, cats, etc.
I have this site bookmarked.

It is from a breeder's site, but has links at the bottom of the page to all kinds of resouces for skin problems. I like the way it is well structured, and if you scroll down there is a "quick reference chart" that it easy to refer to.

According to what I see here all Dixie's problems still relate to allergies and immune difficiency issues. Good news and bad news, I guess.
We have a five year old Wirehared Dachshund and we have come to the conclusion that Frontline is causing the same sore spots on our dog that you have mentioned on yours. This problem is now coming to light since I have talked to numerous dog owners that have pets being treated with Frontline and having the same skin problem.

STOP the Frontline before it causes skin cancer in your pet............... :cry:
I have three labs that have been plagued by hotspots. It finally dawned on me that they got them the day after I applied Frontline. I've since been told that Frontline can be a severe allergen and can lead to hotspots. I'm going to switch to Advantex and see what happens. Hotspots are very painful for dogs and are intensely itchy. :cry:
Ringworm is very contagious, but in people, it seems to be easier gotten by men than it is by women, according to Adam's doctor. In reading about it online, its been written thats some people are more genetically pre-disposed to getting it than others. I've never had it, but Adam got it twice in the last few years. There's never been any blackness to the affected area; just a raised pinkish dry area that itches.

Adam got it last year, and gave it to my cats. He'll tell you otherwise, of course. :roll:
I've since been told that Frontline can be a severe allergen and can lead to hotspots.

One of my girls can't use Frontline. It caused a bald spot right between her shoulder blades- . It took a long time for the hair to grow back in. Fortunately we've seldom had a flea problem.
Yukky skin???????
We have been there a hundred times over with a few dogs.
Devyn had a fungus that took a year to get under control.
Quin has allergies that we have eeek knock on wood...
seemed to figure out!
Quin gets baths in Maleseb which helps alot..we keep him short to get the
medicated shampoo to his skin!
He just finsished up yet another course of antibiotics and steroids.
Every dog is different but, Wellnes Single Source Duck and Rice has worked really well for him.
Just my thoughts
Good Luck, I know how it is!
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