Luxating Patella-Ty may have it

Ty is having x-rays tomorrow, my Vet thinks he may have LP. For awhile now he has been intermittantly favoring his left rear leg. Friday he started to hold it up and hasn't put it down all weekend. I spoke to the Vet on Friday night and we decided that since he doesn't appear to be in any pain to wait til Monday and do Xrays if he is still holding it up. The thought being that if it was a sprain or a strain keeping him quiet over the weekend would give it a chance to heal and he might be fine by Monday.

Well, here it is Sunday night and he's the same :( . It doesn't appear to hurt, I've poked and prodedded all over but he absolutely will not put it down. There is nothing in the paw pad or toes that would cause pain. He's his usual bouncey self, only on three legs!!!

LP is a common problem in Malts and can be surgically corrected, but I am of course all in a tizzy :cry: :cry:
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I am sorry to hear about Ty. I hope things work out for him, poor thing. Keep us posted.

Helen, Mom to Violet, China and Pearl
Poor Ty! I hope you get good news tomorrow at the vet. LP's are so common in small dogs, like hip dysplasia is in large breeds. We send good wishes from our house!
Poor kid. I hope it comes out ok. Maybe it isn't as serious as it seems. Let us know what happens.
We had a dog in rescue with an LP. There are I think 4 or 5 levels or grades???

The dogs was a bichon and he had a grade 2. The vet did not recommend surgury, but just maintenance and pain meds, as it wasn't too severe.

I don't know much about them, exept that they come and go. I always thought it was a temporary condition, that appeared off and on. Does it last that long? Like a whole weekend?
If the patella doesn't go back into place or if it keeps slipping out it can last. There are different stages.
Sorry about that - it is so hard to wait to 'find out' what's going on. . .
Awww poor baby hope all turns out OK, thinking of you both.
I don't know about the different stages, but I had a Pomeranian that was diagnosed with it. She only had problems one time with it though.
She limped for about a week then was fine.
I hope Ty is ok and doesn't require surgery.
Poor little Ty! I hope it's temporary and that he's back to his old self in no time!
Poor Ty!
poor boy! I hope it isn't anything bad...
Poor Ty, hopefully he won't need orthopedic boots.
If he does need surgery, maybe you can get him a hot poodle to be his physical therapist!
Orthapedic boots could be cute!

Seriously, I hope Ty is ok. I am glad to hear it does not seem painful. Hoping the vet will give good news. . .


He still won't put his foot down as of this morning. The hardest part this weekend has been keeping the two of them from playing their constant game of chase. They are both REALLY mad at ME :roll: The Vet apt is at 4 so hopefully we will know more. From what I've been able to read over the weekend if it is LP it is pretty common and if surgery is required fairly simple.
All of that is very encouraging!
Ginny - Sorry to hear Ty is not feeling well. I hope that the LP will not require surgery! Hopefully, some pain meds and moderate crate rest will help him heal without the surgery. :?

Keep us posted. :)
We just got home from the vet. The news isn't great but it isn't terrible. Ty does indeed have Luxating Patella, in both knees :cry: the "not terrible" part is that although the Vet says it will need surgery he said it isn't an emergency and we don't have to rush into anything. Next week I'm going to take him in for Xrays under anesthesia so he can get a really good picture of jus how shallow the grooves are. The grooves are what keep the patella in place and with LP the grooves are too shallow and the patella keeps slippipng out of place.

He is going to refer us to Cornell Vet College because he said that although he has done LP surgery he has never done a dog as small as Ty and thinks we should go there.

He also said that there wasn't any reason to keep Tasker and Ty from playing, that if Ty felt like it it wan't going to make it any worse and if it hurt Ty would stop. Which is goo news because keeping the two of them from playing catch me is like trying to stop a freight train!!!!!!!!!!!

At least not having to do it immediately means I'll be able to save some up some $$$, I guess it's a fairly expensive surgery. I asked Doug if he got an emplyee discount (he works for Cornell) but I guess not!!!
I'm sorry you didn't get better news, Ginny. Poor Ty. (((HUGS)))
Poor Ty and you. I'm sorry, Ginny.
Sorry that the news wasn't better, Ginny. But, you're right - at least not having to rush into it will give you time to prepare. And, the fact that he's cleared to play again will be a huge relief to all of you. :)

Don't give up on that employee discount. :wink:
I'm so glad to hear it's not an emergency situation, but sad to hear that he does need surgery. Poor little guy!! But he's still young and I'm sure he'll bounce back just fine. Big HUGS all around!! :lol:
Awww poor little Ty! At least he doesn't seem to be in pain. I guess it is good that you are near a top vet hospital and that the surgery is relatively routine (although expensive). I hope it is not too expensive. How does it work? Do they do one at a time? What is the recovery period like? Is it possible that his case is mild enough that surgery is not needed?

Making medical decisions for others sucks.

So sorry, Ginny! Mom's Tibetan Terrier had surgery on both knees by the time she was 3 years old.
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