Ava in heat...help?!?!?

Ava is in her second heat cycle....and this time she apparently just "wants her mommy" - she will not leave my side

She sits and whines and paces like she wants to go outside, but when we do go outside - nothin. She just seems super restless - she didn't seem like this the last time.....

any suggestions?
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Were you planning to breed her? I know it doesn't do anything to help you now, but spaying her would eliminate all those problems if you didn't plan to show or have puppies.

Sorry I don't have any advice to help her now. :(
Pssst Jill, probably going to show her.

This is why I dislike girl dogs! They can get moody just like human girls and who knows if they'll be cranky and mean or sappy and cuddly. She's probably uncomfortable because of the swelling going on and might be confused about the situation and think it means bathroom time. Then when she goes outside, no happenings.
I've only really dealt with one girl dog in heat but her moods changed as it progressed.
The girl sheepdog people should be able to help more.

The easiest answer is spaying but then no more shows. I vote to just get a boy dog the next time and then you don't have to worry about the heat cycles!!!
Maxmm wrote:
Pssst Jill, probably going to show her.

I said breed or show? Stop calling me a dummy. :pupeyes:

Although I don't disagree-- I pick boys, too. :)
Somebody has to pick the girls...
Ron wrote:
Somebody has to pick the girls...

Lol. Says the guy with a boy. ;)

I've got one girl. My boys are a lot more easygoing, though.
I wasn't calling you dummy. If I was calling you dummy, I'd have said dummy!!!!
ButtersStotch wrote:
Ron wrote:
Somebody has to pick the girls...

Lol. Says the guy with a boy. ;)

I've got one girl. My boys are a lot more easygoing, though.

So, I've posted in the How can you tell if they're playing or fighting' thread about girls vs boys. I have my first female dog, ever and she's so much more intense than the boys (past and present). Is it gender or is it being the only female or is it Sophie as an individual? She's very dominant, something that was not at all apparent when we got her.
Maxmm wrote:
I wasn't calling you dummy. If I was calling you dummy, I'd have said dummy!!!!

tgir wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
Ron wrote:
Somebody has to pick the girls...

Lol. Says the guy with a boy. ;)

I've got one girl. My boys are a lot more easygoing, though.

So, I've posted in the How can you tell if they're playing or fighting' thread about girls vs boys. I have my first female dog, ever and she's so much more intense than the boys (past and present). Is it gender or is it being the only female or is it Sophie as an individual? She's very dominant, something that was not at all apparent when we got her.

I'll answer that in your thread so I don't highjack anymore...
As the momma of a girl dog in her second heat cycle also.....arrrgggg!!!!

First let me tell you that no matter how Ava is behaving...thank your lucky stars that there are no boy dogs around. We have 5 intact boys here. We have an afghan hound that is howling day and night...(actually its quite amusing). And we have two OES boys that are crazy in love too. We have had a conga line started....me...Farouk jumped on me...Brigham liked that idea and jumped on Farouk....never a dull moment.

So on to Ava. mmm....Dawn (my OES girl) is really a momma's girl too. But I haven't had any problems with her being more clingy than normal....thank goodness because most of the time she is in another room with the door closed against antsy lover wanna be's. I agree with PP. the swelling is probably got her thinking she has to do her business. Plus her hormones are wacky...I would imagine she's confused about why that boy dog looks so good all of the sudden..lol.

If she is really anxious you could always get your vet to give you something to calm her down. When I raised chihuahuas I had one female that was this way on cycles that I wasn't breeding her. She always settled down after her meds...lol....still...I'd advise caution for anything other than occasional use.

Best of luck....If I can live through this ....well...mmm...I'm not so sure I'm gonna ...so no guarantees! :lol:

Lots of sympathy!
It's called Hormones from Hell :lol: Brie has one week left she is in too :roll:

She is like ava all sookie and a moms girl, she mopes around the house and is highly strung at the moment.

Try some bach flower essences to ease her a bit. Give her a stuffed toy to snuggle with. :lol: And then hope the 21 days pass real quick :wink: 8)

Here is a link all about the essences, you can have 2 or 3 of the essences mixed up for certain problems. A health food shop does it, if you explain to them how she is feeling they will do a mix that is appropriate for her.

http://www.pets4life.com/index.php?p=re ... articles/6
Thanks for all the advice - actually, I've been giving her baby aspirin and that seems to help a bit......I think my boyfriend is probably more uncomfortable than she is because he has to change her pants when he takes her out for potty......plus she wants to lay on him all the time too
:lol: I HATED the one, yes one time we went through it with our girl dog. Frank is also entact so I got to deal with the constant whimpering & howling & trying to dig up the carpets to get to her.

She was far less moody once we got her spayed but we started giving her Proin for some leaking and now we're back to moodiness again.
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