My Daisy dog!

I am new to the forum, and have read many of the Rainbow Bridge links. My sympathies go to all of us who have lost a sheepdog, they are so special.

I lost my OES, Daisy, July 5, 2006. Her loss has been devastating to me -she was the typical sheepdog, smart, clownish, and OH SO good-natured. Yes, she jumped in puddles 30 minutes after a bath, dug in the yard, ate food off my plate if I left the room, but NEVER had a mean bone in her body. She was my only OES and can't imagine ever having any other breed. She was 11 1/2 yrs old, lived with me in 3 different states. I have looked at Rescue sites, but I really don't want to go thru this again any sooner than I have to. Maybe that's greedy.

This is also my first time without a dog in nearly 23 years which further compounds the grief. I have looked at shelters, Petco, etc. but no sheepdogs. I know no other sheepie can ever replace Daisy and that God will give us the desires of our heart when we pass. It is just a terrible void until that time. Daisy taught me unconditional love and I will forever miss her. :(

Thanks for your time.
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I am so sorry for your loss of Daisy, Michelle. She sounds like she was a special girl - yet a typical sheepie. Time will lessen the pain.

Good luck.
I'm so sorry for your loss. We all say, and know that time "will" lessen the pain, but it sure doesn't seem like it at the time.

Love can be so painful, but yet we still open our hearts to take in God's creatures time and time again. The magical thing about their death is their memories. If we concentrate on those instead of their death, once again they have us laughing through our tears.

Ours hearts go out to you. May you find comfort in God's love.

Pam (mouthypf)
Michelle: I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiul sheepie Daisy. My heart goes out to you.

Helen, Mom to Violet, China and Pearl
My heart goes out to you at your time of grief, it is never easy when we have to say goodbye to our beloved sheepies. Memories are there forever and they flow vivid when the grieving subsides a little..

Daisy will always be with you in your heart and soul forever.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Daisy was so very special and you will know when the right time is to bring another loved one into your home.
I am very sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry about Daisy. Your home must feel very empty. :(
Thanks for all the condolences! I hope to get an OES puppy before too long and I know he/she will never replace my Daisy.
I am so sorry for your loss of your precious Daisy. It is the one of the hardest things to go through, losing a sheepie. But her memories will live in your heart forever and you'll know when the time is right to bring another sheepie into your home. Daisy would not have wanted you to be said. She would want you to open your heart to another dog.

My thoughts are with you in your time of grief.

I'm so sorry about Daisy and many of us on this forum understand the loss you feel at her passing.

The pain is terrible and the grief you feel so understandable as she was part of your life for so many years.

With the passing of each of my beloved furballs I know they were unique and can never be replaced. Yet with the passing of each one I knew that I could eventually open up my home to another deserving one. One that desperately needed a good home where they would be loved and well cared for. That helped me overcome the grief of the one that just passed.

We all handle it in different ways and again they can never be replaced but remembered and honored for the individual they were. Their funny quirks, personality traits and even the way they looked at us..all unique.

When you are ready you will perhaps once again fill your home with another. If I can be honest, sometimes we feel we are never ready as we can't imagine another filling the void the one that passed has left. When Shaggy passed at 15 I knew I would never have another sheepie like her. Then 2 wks later, I found out about a sheepie whom was desperate for a home..not quite ready and not able to refuse him as he was scheduled to be euthenized within the week. I took him. Never regretted it as he now is such a special boy and has been with me 2 1/2 years. I can't imagine my life without him just as I couldn't imagine life without Shaggy. I guess what I'm trying to say is, that we sometimes will feel we wil never be ready to have another . Yet, overtime the new one grows on us and we realize we didn't do it to replace the previous one but to honor them by helping another sheepie.

Hugs to you and condolences for Daisy. May she be playing happily over the rainbow bridge with Shaggy and many other Sheepies.

Marianne and the boys
Michelle -

First of all, welcome to this happy place where sheepies and sheepie lovers abound!

Second, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend Daisy. Anyone who has ever experienced the unconditional love of a sheepie can feel your pain, and that certainly includes yours truely. My deepest sympathies.

You are absolutely right in thinking that you will never "replace" Daisy. Like all of our friends who have passed over the Rainbow Bridge, she was one of a kind. But know that she had such a good life with you, following lovingly with you from state to state and experiencing life with you. Now she is happy and free over the Rainbow Bridge, but keeping a watchful, loving eye out and waiting for you there.

Like most of us here, I have experienced the devistating loss of a sheepie. And there is no formula as to how to deal with that loss. Everyone is different and deals with it in their own way, in their own time. If you listen to your heart, you will know what to do and when to do it.

There are so many sheepies out there through reputable rescue sites that vary in their needs for a furever home. I hope when you make the decision that a home without a sheepie can be a very lonely place that you will seek them out for advice and guidance. I can personally recommend the site, and all the sheepie loving folks there.

I think that Daisy would be very pleased that you have joined us here and shared her memory with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your journey.

My deepest sympathies,
Guinevere's Dad, Kevin Z.
I still shed a tear thinking about any of my dogs, especially the sheepies. Some have been gone almost 30 years, but they still hold a special spot in my heart.

A new dog will never replace the old, the newbie just adds to the joy you experience sharing your life with something so special.

I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard as everyone has said because it has only been eight months since we lost our baby. Although I knew we would be getting another sheepie, like Marianne I did not expect it so soon - just 2 1/2 weeks. But having Harry has helped our whole family fill a void that was left by our special, nutty Mopsy.

Cherish your memories. It will get easier - although I still miss my girl. But you will know when the time is right.

Take care.
:cry: I am so sorry for your loss of Daisy.
Michellle, sorry for the loss of your beloved Daisey, just hold onto the happy memories you have, they never ever go away.

Hope you get another sheepie when the time is right, he/she won't be Daisey, but will have another wonderful, loving personality which all sheepies have.

Let us know how you get on.

Lots of love and best wishes
Michell...I am sorry...I know what a huge emptyness they leave behind. I remember only the good times with Porridge who passed on the 20 June. I said no more but my husband insisted that I had a look on the internet. On the 21st June I found this wonderful site, spoke to a breeder and that night Teddy Edward was born. Nothing could replace our Porridge but young Ted has filled our lives with joy again. I hope you find your next dog soon and continue lifes' big adventure.
I am so sorry for your loss. Nothing you can do will lesson the pain, unfortunately. I am sorry that you have to be without your daisy. In time the happy memories will be more prevalent than the sad ones. Hugs to you!
I just lost my Daisy after 13 years. I couldn't have asked for a better dog and everyone tells me you can't replace the dog you had. You just have to look for one that you can love. I hope you will find a dog that can make you equally as happy. You should try the OES club in your area. I was on the phone the night mine died looking for lineage. The crazy thing is that I found the great grandson and a litter of his was just born. If it's meant to be, you'll find the dog meant for you. I have a hard time wondering what it will be like to go back to puppy hood but I miss not having my loving Daisy so I look forward to my next OES. Many say that once you've had one, you never have anything else. Hang in there and remember you gave her a great life and she made yours better too. You can have it again.,
Sheepdog395 wrote:
I lost my OES, Daisy, July 5, 2006. Her loss has been devastating to me -she was the typical sheepdog, smart, clownish, and OH SO good-natured. Yes, she jumped in puddles 30 minutes after a bath, dug in the yard, ate food off my plate if I left the room, but NEVER had a mean bone in her body. She was my only OES and can't imagine ever having any other breed. She was 11 1/2 yrs old, lived with me in 3 different states. I have looked at Rescue sites, but I really don't want to go thru this again any sooner than I have to. Maybe that's greedy.

This is also my first time without a dog in nearly 23 years which further compounds the grief. I have looked at shelters, Petco, etc. but no sheepdogs. I know no other sheepie can ever replace Daisy and that God will give us the desires of our heart when we pass. It is just a terrible void until that time. Daisy taught me unconditional love and I will forever miss her. :(

Thanks for your time.

When I lost mine in Sept 2002, I knew I'd never find another - but, alas, via the OES rescue, I was presented by this wonderful OES, Patch - she is the the beat of my heart. You will find another - maybe you already have since your original message was from August.
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