SheepieFest! 3 , rescue and silent auction

Hello everyone! First let me say, we wish you all could come to SheepieFest!3, but we know time and distance limits us all. But, we would be delighted if you help participate in this.

Last year we raised money for OES rescue via the sale of the treat tote bags. After the manufacturing costs were met, we were able to donate $150.00. Rescue was very thrilled to have that money. I still have about 10 bags left, if anyone would like to buy one they are $10.00 each. Again, the $$$ will go to rescue.

This year we are going to try something new. It’s a big undertaking, but I think we’re all up to it, with everyone’s help.

At SheepieFest! 3 we are going to have a silent auction! Yep! There are some challenges for us to overcome, but we can do it! SheepieFest! Being held in a forest preserve, we cannot exchange money. So, if you bid on something and win, you will be given an envelope (addressed to moi) for you to send me a check made payable to OES Rescue. We will all be on an honor system. I figure, anyone who loves :hearts: sheepies is going to follow through with a promise to help them.

Now, the first thing we need for a silent auction is “stuff” :yay: to auction! We are looking for new, nice stuff. It doesn’t have to be big, because we can bundle donations. For example, Auntie Paula is making some really lovely note cards. Stacy is making a decorated clipboard. We will put these together with a few other things to have a wonderful bundle of fun stuff! Amanda and Melissa are putting together (I love :kiss: this!) a movie basket. Blockbuster gift card, popcorn and some other stuff. Tony and I aren’t bundling. We are donating a color TV, sorry not a plasma!

All winners will take their prizes home with them…and then, mail the check to me (made out to rescue) :banana: .

So please, think :roll: of things you’d be willing to donate. Again, remember, it doesn’t have to be anything outrageously pricey, because we can put stuff :clappurple: together. So gift certificates are always welcome :cheer: ! So is just about everything else. Please contact me regarding donations.

We will need your commitment by September 30th, so we can figure out how to put stuff together. We CANNOT have anything with alcohol at the forest preserve, so wine baskets are out (rats! so is scotch).

We are counting on you, as is Rescue to make this a success. If you can’t donate, that is perfectly fine! We understand. We still want you to be there to share this wonderful day with us and our lovies!

Remember what Rupert always says “Its’ all about the Sheepies!”

Can’t wait to hear from you.

Yours in sheepie friendship,
Deborah, Pirate and Keira
And of course, Auntie Paula, Amanda, Melissa and our newest organizer, Stacy!
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I will be happy to donate a gift card & buy a treat bag or two.
let me know what you would prefer. sue
Two quick questions about the treat bags. 1 - What do they consist of and 2 - would you be willling to mail them if I paid the shipping costs? I have a feeling this would make a great gift for my parent's Portugese Water Dog, Annie, plus my two OES, Dudley and Oscar. It would be my small way of supporting rescue. Thanks!!
Hi, if you cut and paste this link: ... =309874893

you can see what Rupert our SheepieFest! mascot looks like.

The treat bags are like little tote bags (8x8) and made of canvas. Rupert's picture is on it. The design was donated by incredibly talented sheepie artist, Michelina.

I'd be glad to send bags to you. They are $10.00 each and if you order a few, I suspect a couple dollars is all the shipping would be. You can make the check payable to NEOESR (except the shipping payment).

Email me privately with your information.

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