My mom passed away yesterday

After losing Dad just a little over a month ago, Mom has passed on. Her health has been deteriorating over the last couple years and I think the last few months she had been holding on because of Dad.
She had been holding fluid for several days and refused to take her meds or go to the doctors. Finally on Sunday, I took her to the ER. She had developed pneumonia. She had always said if anything happened to give her a chance but was never to be put on life support. After almost a week of treatment and continued decline we requested them to stop treatment. I know it was what she wanted but it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I know she is at peace and pain free now; it still doesn’t make it any easier.
Like my dad, Mom was also a big influence on my life. She taught me to love nature and all of God’s creatures. Growing up she was very involved with us in Scouting. When our first son (her first grandchild) was born she would drive the 20 miles out here to stay just an hour or so because she hadn’t seen him it two days. They had moved 800 miles away by the time Jonathon came along. But she managed to stay as close as if she was right next-door. Sometimes she would call during a Cub’s game and she and Jono would share the last couple of innings together.
I will miss her dearly.
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I'm so sorry for your loss.

Both my parents passed away within months of each other in 2000. It was the hardest most rewarding year of my life because I was able to take care of both of them during their last months.

May the time come that only the sweetest of memories remain.

gentle hugs,
Angel: I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom and your Dad. I know losing a parent is very difficult and losing them so close together is even more difficult. I had a very similar experience. It is very hard to become an ophan as an adult. My heart and prayers go out to you.

Take care,
Helen, Violet, China and Pearl
I am very sorry to hear of your mothers passing.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Angel -- I am so sorry for your loss. You are so lucky to have enjoyed such a close and loving relationship.

Warmest best wishes,

I'm sorry to hear that you lost your mom, especially so soon after your dad. You probably are right - about her hanging on for your dad. Strength of will can do alot.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Please accept my deepest sympathies. Last year, I lost both my parents within a couple of months of each other, after long and difficult decisions. My sisters and I were put in the position of having to make heart breaking decisions about my mother's care, first, and then, to a lesser extent, my father's. I know how incredibly painful it is to lose even one parent; losing both so close together is really difficult.

A year later, I still miss them deeply, but I no longer feel overwhelmed with grief and pain. I still talk with both my parents, frequently, and feel their presense in my life. It helps a lot, really.

Sending out prayers and thoughts for you and your family in this very difficult time.
I am so sorry for your loss :cry:
I'm really sorry, Angel.
I'm very sorry for your pain.
Sorry for your loss of your mom, so sad when someone so special leaves our lives. Thinking of you at this sad time. :cry:
Angel, my deepest condolences on the loss of your precious mother, especially so shortly after losing your precious father. They have left a wonderful legacy in you and your children and will live in your hearts forever. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve.
I am so sorry to hear the news, Angel.

The same thing happened with my husband's parents. 5 years ago his father left us, and 6 months later his mom.

This is a very difficult time for you, and do believe that we are here for you. Take all the time you need to get through this.

Angel, I am so sorry for your hurt and pain. What a difficult thing to go through so close to losing your Dad. (((HUGS))).
Ginny Tasker & Ty
I'm so sorry :cry:
Angel, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Oh Angel! I'm so sorry for your loss.
Angel, I am so sorry to hear the news about your mother. I admire your strength and courage throughout the illnesses of both your parents. My heart goes out to you and your family. {{{{HUGS}}}}
What a difficult time you must be going through. I am so sorry for
you loss.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mom and dad would be very proud of you for following through with her last request. It is a difficult thing to do.
But, like you said, she's now at peace. May you and your family find comfort in God's embrace.
Our heartfelt sympathy on your Mom's passing.

God Bless You and Your Family.

You are in our prayers.......
I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. It is never easy to lose your mother.

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Dear Angel,

I've very sorry to hear about your mom and the passing of your dad so recently. I'm at a loss of what words I can say that will bring you comfort..just know I'm thinking of you. Sending hugs your way.

Angel, please accept my sympathy; may the Lord grant them eternal rest. They and you and your family are in my prayers.
I'm so very sorry. My thoughts are with you.
Angel So sorry to hear about your mom, Sending you loads of (((((HUGS))))

Kim steve & maiziex
I can't imagine the pain you're going through. I'm truly sorry for your loss. I hope you can find the strength you need to get through this :(
I am soo very sorry to hear of your loss. I know that it was your mother's reward, to be in paradise with your dad, not here without him. I know that doesn't make it any easier for you now though. I lost my parents 45 minutes apart and the only thing that gave me comfort was that I knew one would suffer terribly without the other. I wish that words could make it better for you. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kathy & the gang
I'm so sorry. You were so fortunate to have such wonderful parents that you cared deeply for. Hugs and kisses from us.
I am very sorry for your loss. :(
I'm so sorry.
So Sorry for your loss :cry:
The angels smiled and heaven became a brighter place when your mother rejoined your father. I hope that in time the heartache of your loss fades and are replaced by many happy memories of your mom and dad.
Walter and I send our love, I'm so sorry for your loss :(
Our thoughts and prayers are to you and your family at this difficult time.
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. I can't imagine what you must be going through right now. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Angel - I am so sorry for your loss - Ollie & I send you lots of love and hugs

I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry, Angel. I cannot imagine. :cry:

Warm memories of a long, loving relationship....I hope they will comfort you now.
I am sorry for your loss. We will keep you in our prayers.
Sheepie hugs from Remy, and my condolences to you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of both your parents so close together. (((HUGS)))
I can't imagine how hard that is for you. My condolences to you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss. That's a lot to go through and I'm sure very devastating. May you find comfort in the beautiful times you shared and the great love they taught you.
Thank you all so much for your support. My head is still in a fog. There is so much to do. We haven't even finished settling Dad's things yet.
Mom's burial was last Tuesday and on Wednesday my sister and I were on a plane to Virgina Beach. We desperately needed the escape. I walked the beach for hours and let the tears flow. It was very healing. A dear friend came down from D.C. to meet us. Her mother has been given only a few weeks to live. It was very comforting to share our feelings and know we are not alone in them.
And now for the very best part. Holding my new great-neice!! Kayla is almost 6 months old and will steal your heart. There is nothing like a precious baby to reassure you that life is good.
It started Feb.17 2010 my mom called me to tell me my step dad who never ever went to the doctor 72 years old gave himself his own stiches before was in the er he said his left shoulder was hurting him and wanted to check it out it was cancer at 1st they didnt know if lung or lympnoid few weeks passed he got worse the doctors started him on the treatment for lympnoid wrong one then they got him on the lung cancer treatment got worse and worse then found went to his brain then radiation then hospice was called. 4 months later june 21 2010 he passed. the day after my daughters 3rd b-day day after fathers day. my mother who was 49 had epilepsy since age 6 had at least 5 seizers a month (that was a good month) also had emphizema she was strong for him took good care of him couldnt drive so i was there every week then every other day to take him to the doctor pick up medicine what ever was needed i was in college and worked and a single mom. I would do it all again for him and more if i could. when he passed my ma was heart broken i went everyday to check on her take her where she needed to go shop for her oct 17 2010 called ambulance for her in criticle condition in icu for a week lungs collapsed. i thought i lost her scared me then her doctor visits started... again a monday this time nov. 22 2010 she called to wake me everyday she didnt call i rushed over found her in the same chair i found her husband 5 months earlier. the pain is hard it sucks i planed his funeral and hers had it today now what am i gonna do... i know its for the best they are together but it sucks i am alone with my daughter who i dont want to forget about them but she is so young they loved her so much before they were sick they watched her every day when i was in class then when i wen to work they were the world to me
I am so sorry for your lost, my prayers are with you and your family
I am very sorry. I also lost my parents very close together. It hurt so much the pain was physical. As time went on, the pain eased, although I still miss them both, very much, after 5 years.

What helped us get through the funerals and afterwards was putting together pictures of their lives and sharing memories of them. My kids were older when my parents died so they have many memories of them. But their memories are much fuzzier on their early years, so we still tell stories about doing this or that with Grandma or Grandpa, back when they were little. I also let them know that I can see their grandparents in them. It helps keep my parents alive, a bit and it is really good to share good memories. And I still talk to my parents, still pray for them.

I can promise that time will ease the hurt you are feeling now, although it may seem too overwhelming and impossible now. The love and the good memories will replace the pain.
my mom passed away almost five months ago..I took care of her we done everything together she was my best friend..and now she is gone and i feel like i am going crazy at times i hurt so bad i don't sleep at night..i don't know what to do..all i want to do is cry most the time i wonder will i ever be okay with this cause in my heart i feel as if this pain will never just don't feel real to me that she is never coming back home..I hope this will not last long me being so hurt over this i hoped i would have been doing better by now but i am not really some day's r better then other most most days i cry about her and there is not a second of the day i don't think of her..does it get easier and when??
Heartbroken, there is no timeline on grief. My mom died in January and my stomach still hurts, although not every day. I continued on with my life, but in a very half-hearted and "I didn't care" way. Just recently I feel some enthusiasm for some things coming back. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my mom (and dad, who died in 2003). So yes, things do get better, but in their own time. If it is to the point where you cannot function, you might want to seek grief counseling.
heartbroken wrote:
my mom passed away almost five months ago..I took care of her we done everything together she was my best friend..and now she is gone and i feel like i am going crazy at times i hurt so bad i don't sleep at night..i don't know what to do..all i want to do is cry most the time i wonder will i ever be okay with this cause in my heart i feel as if this pain will never just don't feel real to me that she is never coming back home..I hope this will not last long me being so hurt over this i hoped i would have been doing better by now but i am not really some day's r better then other most most days i cry about her and there is not a second of the day i don't think of her..does it get easier and when??

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. My Mom't 10th anniersary in Heaven is coming up in August. It still hurts. You will learn as time goes by you learn to live your life without your Mom in it. It is hard and it takes time. 5 mts is really not very long at all. Holidays are still hard for me. I lost my Dad as well in 2003. When my newest granddaughter was born this past November, the first thing I thought about was calling my Mom...even after all these years.

I never did have grief counciling, but there are time I wish I had. My husband had also lost his parents around the time my Mom(Aug 18) passed....his Dad's 10 yr Anniversary is today, his Mother's is Dec my hubby and I supported each other because we both knew what the other was going through..My hubby was also very close to my Mom.

:ghug: :ghug: to you and hang in there. Maybe try the grief counciling it may help.
I'm sorry for your loss. Having lost my mother last year, I know the hole is leaves in your heart. You were brave to grant her wish to avoid being hooked up to machines. I'm sure she was proud of you. :ghug:
Thanks everyone your words meant a lot ...Its nice to know that maybe one day I will be able to feel like me again..I have my bad days where I don't want to talk to anyone and i just cry..But I also have days where I am not that bad but I still cry most the time its at night when I have to go to bed knowing I wont see her when I wake up..Thoughts race through my head about her the good times and the the night she passed and I just want to scream and make it stop..Not a day goes by where I don't think about her..I just hope that's soon I can think of her and not cry and feel so empty..I love her and just want her back so bad,and it makes me mad that God took her away from me..I know its selfish of me but I can't help it. My life will never be the same since she is gone it hurts to know I'll never get to have her here with me like it ones was before she died...But I am glad I'm not alone there's others who are hurting just like I am...And have made it through it..I just hope I can be that strong and one day feel okay about her leaving me behind..
I'm deeply sorry over your loss. Know that we support you here ..anytime you feel the need to talk.

Marianne (hugs)
You will always miss her. Some days you just can't wait to share things with her. Instead, just talk to her. Tell her anyway.

She felt she had done her job with you and set you free to continue growing into a lovely person, using all the skills she taught you.

Tears are normal, in fact mine are flowing now too.
So sorry to hear of your loss. She sounds like a lovely lady.
I lost my parents in 2003 and 2004 - not a day goes by that I don't miss them.
So sorry to hear of your loss. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
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