I'm cool, sorry you're not!

Forgive my waxing on about my Snooks, but I have to share a few stories with people that will understand. I was running to teach a class and took Snookie with me. I stopped at the convenience store to get a fountain drink (they're the best!) and of course left the car running with the A/C on so Snooks would be cool. I parked right in front so I could watch her and the car. You guessed it, she stepped on the door lock button and I was stuck out in the Gulf Coast heat while she was cool as a cucumber in the car. She looked at me through the window like, "What? everything is great in here, why are you just standing there?" I had to call my mom to bring me the extra key to the car LOL. I learned my lesson, always carry and extra key in my purse!

Kathy & the gang
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Dogs and buttons in a vehicle can be a fatal combination. My previous dog, Laddie (collie) was riding in the back seat with the window partially down so he could stick his head out in the breeze. I heard a yelp and turned to see he had stepped on the button to raise the window. Luckily as the window closed on him he changed position and stopped its upward motion. That was a close call. After that I resolved never to leave a dog alone in the car again. With the motor running he could have bumped the shift lever and gone joy riding. A friend of mine actually had that happen as the car was parked in a lot next to a main thoroughfare. Miraculously the car backed accross the highway through busy traffic without hitting anyone and backed into a tree on the opposite side of the highway.
Cute story.... I would have been having a heart attack of course, worrying that the dog would throw the car out of park or something... but luckily it turned out alright for you! LOL
My husband's car has a remote start. It stays on for 10 minutes, then automatically shuts down. It also turns off if you touch the pedals or try to shift without first putting the key in the ignition. It can be added on to existing cars as long as they are automatics.
I take all three of the four-foots to vet for the annual appt - at the same time. It is a nice feature to have as I take them out of the vehicle one at a time, have the appt and then bring them back out one at a time. Safer with traffic around.
And the keypad entry is also wonderful.
Wow! - some scary thoughts! I always figured that with a standard car and the parking brake on, the worst that could happen was the car get thrown into gear and cut off. Never thought about the window buttons. My cute story isn't so cute!
Oh my - I'm so glad everything worked out! 8O :D
What is it they say about good intentions :twisted: We've all been there I;m sure :lol:
Yesterday Laika was at daycare and the lady went out to meet a client. While she was out there she heard the lock turn on the door! Laika locked her out!!! Thank goodness the basement door was unlocked!! Silly muppet!
Adorable sheepdogs! We all love them - ever think they're the BEST!
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