Matted Ears

I am a first time owner of a sheepie and I had no idea that their ears could get so matted. I brush him at least every other day and he gets routine baths and trips to the groomer. I noticed the other night while brushing him that the bottoms of his ears were completed matted. I can't ever get a comb through some of it. My groomer said that she may need to shave his ears. I tried to use a baby detangler on it but it didn't help too much. Does anyone have any suggestion? I would hate to have to shave his ears. Help!!!
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You probably do need to shave them and start fresh. The ears need to be combed, or use a pin brush and ensure you are brushing in lines (Layers) right from the skin out. (all over the dog, not just the ears)

Welcome to the forum :)
Welcome!!!! Yes, the ears can get knotted very quickly...if it happens inbetween grooming sessions, I just scissor them out...although I wouldnt do that if youre showing your dog... also watch for knots between the toes...
If I shave his ears how long will it take to grow back? He is about 7 months now and his coat is beautiful. As soon as I figure out how to put a pic on here I will.
their hair usually grows about a 1/2'' a month....
Don't worry, it won't look as bad as you think. We had the same thing happen with Clyde. I didn't even think about that part! If she can shear them from the inside flap to the tip, getting rid of most of the mats, and just thin the outside, it won't look ridiculous, I promise. In fact, in this picture, I know Clyde had had his ears shaved because I worried the same way you did.


You can tell they're thinner but he doesn't have bald ears or anything. ;)
Shave them off and start again, if they are felted. The ears are sensitive and would probably hurt and cause behaviour issues with them down the track by trying to de-matt them.

So then you can start again as they grow, a good comb is essential on the ears, especially the ends of where the skin finishes, it sort of clumps there at the rim of the ear flap and needs to be gently picked apart with a fine tooth comb. Pin brush and fine tooth comb for the ears.

Good luck and it is a learning process every step you take with learning to groom an OES. We have all made mistakes and ended up in a mess, you learn from that too :wink:
I can sympathize too...i had completely overlooked this area for the first few months..thinking the hair was so thin. but alas, it was worse than may other spots! plus, the pin brush doesn't seem to do much, and I can't get the de-matting rake that close to the skin.

I have found that the fine comb works wonders. i've actually started using just the last 1 or 2 tines on the comb get in there really good and split the matts, especially cluse to the skin.
Thank you guys so much for the responses to my post. It is nice to know that I am not the only one who's done this!! After another weekend of getting no where with these knots I have decided to have it shaved. I think I will take him in this week. I will definatly make sure to stay on top of it this time! Thanks again.

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