Ever paid $1,068 to exercise for 15 weeks!!!!

Well i have 8O
This semester at HSU i could only take all of my PE credits b/c of scheduleing issues.
So i get to take, Physical Assesment and conditioning- where basically you go to the fitness room and work out for 1.5 hours. Then i go to Physcal activities for children, where i learn howto teach PE and will evetually teach a group of homeschoolers and then i go to Aquasize for an hour, which is water acreobics. That is all on MWF, on TTH i go jogging for 1.5 hours in the heat.
I was asking myself what the hell i had been thinking when i was trying to put on my swim suit and i could hardly move. :evil:

But the good news, i now have ample time to work out to fit into my wedding dress :hearts: Which i bought two sizes smaller b/c it was being discontinued and two sizes smaller would put me in a very healthy wieght range!!

But even better than that, i have been doing this for 1 week and i have lost 4 lbs :yay: I have also been cutting back on sweets and junk, before this so that has helped too.

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You are too funny!
Wow! Good for you :)
:cheer: you go girl :cheer:
Did they mention that this semester has to be repeated for a lifetime?
What perfect timing to get ready for a wedding!!! Your semester sounds like a breeze ........despite all the working out!!!!!!!!!!! It also sounds like the perfect classes to skip. :twisted:
wow--your school has PE requirements? That's amazing 8) I wish my college did...

Have fun--sounds like it'll be a great semester
That's great! You have the perfect motivation to work out every day - and get credits too!
Ok we need a smiley that shows a green head passing out :twisted:

I ran 2 miles today and yesterday or should i say jogged/walked 2 miles. I have worked my upper body, mainly my arms and done 120 crunches focusing on my excessive love handles and now i have 4 papers to write all due on Labor day. My school is a private christain campus so we don't get all the "frivolus" holidays such as labor day. :?

Well i have to hobble off to class, aquzcise that is :P

Papers on how much you are aching?

Hey! A new word!

Aquizsize -- describes taking a PE test under water?

Well, it's almost cute. :roll:
That's a hefty sum just to work out :wink:
Congrats on the weight loss!
:x So i survived one week and almost another one. I HATE jogging, Aquacise is sooo fun, and Physical Assesment is a pain, literally. But i kinda like being active, shhh though, don't tell Chris he might want to go on a run or something. :plead:
I havta say though, i am liken the results. The guy told me i will probably lose weight very quickly then it'll taper off, which i expected. I am beinning to see some defintion in my arms and abs now.
Did i mention i really hate jogging :evil: I got shin splints yesterday in to my second mile and he made me finish it, i thought of about 7 differnt ways to kill him slowly as i made my way around in exscrucuating pain. :o
At noon i have to go jog three miles, anybody feellike joining me :?:

Ummm no thanks.

But I'm glad it's working for you!
srw808 wrote:
: i thought of about 7 differnt ways to kill him slowly as i made my way around in exscrucuating pain. :o


You can do it Shannon!! :cheer:
Good timing for your semester of fitness!! :D

I'm impressed!! You're doing great! :clappurple:
Hmmm, you could have done all this and gotten paid too........it goes by many names, Boot Camp, Ranger School, SEAL training.
:D Thinking about it now, i really should have joined the SEALS 8O

When on the 1st day of class, you have to run a mile, when you haven't exercised in like 5 years. S you run it, well walk it mostly, pretty much i only jogged one straight around the lap.
Then two weeks later, when you have been jogging about 4 miles a week. He times you again. And you actually run most of it.

But your time is almost a minute slower 8O 8O 8O How in the world is that even possible. And i know he wasn;t lying, b/c i was using my watch too :evil:

i'm thourly(sp?) depressed now :cry: One day i might get over this, but i'm thinking not any time soon. So now at noon i get to go to aquacise and have my legs fall off :)

No need to get depressed! Exercise should be about you and how it makes you feel and look and how it makes your body stronger. Unless you're in the Olympics, times don't matter. If you are feeling better, and obviously you are getting in better shape if you ran most of the way, then I wouldn't worry about it.
Plus, it takes time to get in shape, so you can't expect miracles in 2 weeks!
Keep the faith! :D
Man, I'd be real bummed too! Maybe walk 20 paces, jog 20 would help with the time, then gradually increase the jogs to walks. Are you doing intervals? Is your technique good? Position while running may be a bit stooped over, straighten up, butt in.

That's enough exercise for me, I'm taking a nap.

Wow! Sounds like fun... and a lot of hard work. I tried running for a little while and got shin splints too. A good tip: ice your shins for 10 minutes at a time in the evening. It really helps them feel better the next day.

Good luck getting into your wedding dress! I ordered mine then spent the last 9 months trying to stay EXACTLY the same size because it fit perfectly... so everytime I exercized I would eat a little extra to balance it out. Trying to maintain a weight is more fun, I think.

Good luck and keep at it! :cheer:
Reading this thread is giving me shin splints.

Not that I'm out of shape. A musical top is a shape, isn't it?
:x :x :x I HATE THIS :x :x :x

So our teacher decides to give us a leg workout today. I think YEAAA anything but runnning.
So we start and by the time we finish, my legs buckled and i fell down a flight of bleachers. :evil:
I can hardly walk, when i thought it was bad before, pish, that was nothing compared to this excrutianing pain :!: He checked me out to make sure i didn't tear anything, which i didn't but it certainly feels like it. :(

R U in better shape than when you started?
Shannon - are you alive this week?
I hadn't read this thread in awhile and just got caught up. Have you lost weight or at least losing inches? I hope you have recovered from the bleachers - that sounds really bad :( .
So I thought I would update this. I haven't lost very much weight, it fluctuates a lot. I also haven't even started anything about regulating my food intake, which is the problem. My logic is something along the lines of "well I can't feel my legs, so I should eat another cookie" :cow: So that is something I have to work on. It's helping to realize that the wedding is only about 6 months away 8O gulp and double gulp!!!

I haven't measured again since the beginning but I have for sure lost inches, especially in my thighs and waist. My clothes fit tons better Plus the activity is helping to stave off heart disease and making my lung capacity bigger, which may come in handy one day. :banana: I have a super hard time imagining myself being able to exercise when it is not specifically required :twisted: I know that is horrible, but is seems like the only time I fit it in, is b/c it is for class.
:yay: I can now run 1.5 miles w/ out stopping in under 9 minutes, which is considered slow but at the start i couldn't even run a mile all the way trhough in under 13 minutes. :excited:

We just did that leg workout that I talked about before, and my legs are only moderately sore, my butt actually took the brunt of the lunges and bleachers, and a better butt is always a good thing :P

Good for you!!!!! All I can say is keep it up, trust me! Im now down to working out only one day a week and that hurts more than anything!!

My trainer had me do some wicked stuff last friday and I wasnt able to walk, sit or stand without looking totally stupid...and yet, here it is Thursday and I have to be tortured again tomorrow...and did I work out in between....nooooooo...so Im back in for the same pain again this week!!
Ya so i tried on my wedding dress, b/c we moved the wedding up three months :twitch: And it still fits the SAME :evil: Sure what good is muscle tone, when you can't zip your $600 wedding dress up :oops: So know i have to slim down in a hurry. Any tips on snack foods, b/c i don't eat meals, i snack :roll: I'm really worried that i won't be able to fit, the dress is so gorgeous, i NEED to fit. Just thought i'd vent :?

Maybe try to snack less, or drink a glass of water before you snack. I did the water thing - it either made me more full so I ate less snacks, or I was too turned off by the thought of more water and I decided to skip the snack! :lol:

Also - do more walking. Use the stairs, park on the far part of parking lots and such. Find some like minded friends and join an exercise group, or just make your own.
Portion control!! Seriously, people eat WAY more than they think they do, and even if all you eat is salad, you can gain weight eating too much salad.

What kinds of snacks do you typically eat?

Snacking is okay if it is the right food and the right amount. Things like an apple with peanut butter or carrots and hummus are good and they fill you up.

Popcorn is also good.

Baked chips and salsa, or salsa and veggies.

lowfat or fat free yogurt

fat free cottage cheese with a piece of fruit

They say to incorporate protein and carbs in the right amount b/c you digest it better and it also keeps you feeling full longer
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