Broke two toes today!

I was trying to get my stuff together to leave for the hospital to see Grandma this morning. I walked into the room and had to veer off because one of the Sheepies was in my way. I believe Pepsi but I'm not 100% sure. I basically went blind after the next step. I had smashed my pinky toes and the one next to it on the side of the bed frame :pupeyes:
The pain was so intense that I couldn't even scream. I hobble back into the other room and showed Billy. There was blood everywhere. His response... Good job you did there! :evil:
Ok, so I am known for my clumsiness, but this was not my fault. I swore I had enough clearance and it was dark in there.
I gashed open the top of my pinky toe across the knuckle.
I bled through the first bandaid in about 10 minutes.
By this time I was on the road to Orange County. My foot is throbbing and I swore if I took my foot out of my flip flop I would see blood. Just my imagination. :oops: I swear I was getting light headed, which is possible because I am anemic and it was a lot of blood.
When I got to my sisters and got out of the car it started bleeding again.
Then after we drove to the hospital and I had to walk in it started bleeding again. Since then everytime I walk it opens up..... OUCH!!
Any advice for me on how to walk without opening it up??? PLEASE!!!
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You need to bandage it...not with a bandaide but with guaze and some of that stretchy tape that holds to itself. I feel for you, I broke my second to baby toe last fall....and wow did it hurt....hint of advice...

1. dont wear shoes that are too tight
2. tape your broken toes to a good toe...will help keep them toe now has a weird space...
3. the doctor really cant do anything besides stitches if it is a deep cut..he will tape them together too.
4. stay off of it as much as possible....oh thats right, you have two kids..never mind..
5. and careful of those stupid stupid bed frames....they hurt like the dickens!!
Sorry to hear about your mishap. Hope those toes don't hurt too much longer.
Ouch sounds awful 8O
Thanks for the advice Darcy!
Thanks for the sympathy guys :)
I forgot to mention that this is my right foot and it made driving 220 miles not very fun at all. :(
My Grandmother wanted to know what was wrong when her caregiver was rewrapping the gash for me. She winched in pain about hearing what happened. lol Mom told Grandma that I take after her. My Grandma is one of the clumsiest people I know. She has broken many many bones over and over the years. She once tripped on a battery that was on a sidewalk and broke her hip. Ouch!
I have a tendency to fall a lot. :roll: Down the stairs once while vaccuming, passed out once at the top of a ski slope and came to halfway down the slope. I could not stop myself and my ski's never released which really screwed up my knees. So many other things..... Maybe I do take after Grandma? Scary!! But she has made it to 93 despite all of her mishaps. :D
OMG, that is horrible about your grandma and the battery!
I hope your toes are feeling better. For such small body parts, they sure do hurt.
I was shampooing my carpets several years ago. I was pulling my dining room table over and caught the leg under my big toenail and peeled it off! 8O talk about blinding pain! - I know what you mean! NEVER shampoo carpets in flip flops :evil: .............
Ouch! Jake broke three of his bones in his foot when he was about 2 (he jumped off my parents' couch before I could get to him and hit their hardwood floors the wrong way). I took him to the ER after he cried for two straight hours (I didn't know he was hurt). They took an X-ray, said...yes, it's broke...and sent us home.

So...based on that, there's not much you can do but ice it and hope it starts feeling better soon. He was walking on it again by the next day.. I still can't believe the ER didn't give him anything for pain though. Our pedi was over a hour away, and since I have his home number, I had to call him at home and have him call Jake a prescription in for tylenol w/codene because he had been crying in pain for hours.

I hope it heals quickly. :(
I am so sorry to hear about your toe, ouch. Hopefully it will feel better soon. I have to tell you my hurt toe story. A couple of weeks ago, I had to fly to Michigan to visit my grandchildren. My traveling companians where my husband and my daughter that needs to use a wheelchair in the airport. So there we where in Detroit Metro Airport pushing the wheelchair, and dealing with our "pull behind" luggage and "carry" luggage. Of course we had to deal with the elevators/doors. All three of us where trying to get into the elevator with all of our stuff and my pull behind collided with the wheelchair, which then shoved my pull behind over my toes. Oh my gosh did that hurt!!!!!!!!! Mind you I was in sandals. My toes hurt so bad I was fighting tears. So we finally get out of the elevator and head to our gate, which is a long way away. We get down to our gate and we had some time to kill, so my daughter decided she needed a cigarette. Now mind you, we are at gate 66. The only place you can smoke at Detroit Metro is in a restraunt at gate 40. So back we go to gate 40/restraunt area. My toe was killing me the whole time. So we go in sit down have a drink and she smokes. We then head back down to gate 66. I limped my whole trip. My toe was so swollen and it really hurt. So we where there a couple of days headed home dealt with the wheelchair/luggage twice again at the two airports. The day ofter I got home, China my Aussie Shepherd stepped on my toe and would not get off of it.(I bet you where wondering when I was going to bring the dogs into the story). It hurt SO bad. When I finally got her off my toe, my toe stopped hurting and has not hurt ever since. When she stood on it she must have jarred it back into place. My toe is till black and blue bruised, but does not hurt.

So that is my toe story. Wish me luck, I am dealing with the airports/wheelchair again today. lol
Helen, lucky Mom of Violet, China and Pearl
Ohhhh you have my sympathy. I broke my little toe years ago and know how painful it is. Just like you said, it hurts so bad you can't even scream. And then having to drive that far with it. :( :(
It would probably be a good idea to get it checked out. If it is truely broken they don't do a whole lot (tape it up). But if it is dislocated like Violet's, putting it back in place will make a huge difference.
Bigs hugs to you. Hope it feels better soon. :hearts:

Violet, so nice that China fixed your toe. When Mojo stepped on Ronnie's he broke it!!
You have my utmost sympathy, Elissa!!

I've broken both of my little toes so many times over the past 20+ years I can no longer keep count. I guess "broken" isn't really correct, though, what happens is it pops out of of joint. Awful, excruciating pain!!

The taping it to another toe helps, but the best remedy is to keep it elevated and rest. Good luck with that!! :wink:
Owwwwwwwwww, Elissa! You poor thing! I hope it's feeling better today. :oops:
Oww! Poor Elissa! I hope you feel better soon.

Hope your toes feel better soon.
Thanks for the sympathy all.
It is still very very painful today. I hope the pain eases soon.

Dawn your story made me cringe. Ouch!!
Gail, I cannot believe they didn't give your son pain meds in the ER.
Glad he got them from his Dr.
Helen be careful today!
Tammy & Angel I just always break my toes, no dislocating.
I wish that was the case.

Can you guess who has stepped on my foot so far?
Pepsi, Rags, Hayley and big foot Ryan hit it. :cry:
This morning when the alarm went off I got out of bed not even thinking about my toes and wouldn't you know it. The gash opened up again. 8O
Oh Gosh, Elissa. I'm so sorry :( As I've said before, when it rains, it pours. Here's to healing quickly! I've never broken a toe but I'm sure it will happen in the future and I'll know who to call :D
IIRC, you don't have insurance, so a trip to the ER would be pretty expensive :( , but if you're still bleeding after a day, I'd start to be concerned about infection. Keep that neosporin or triple antibiotic on it and if it still opens, get yourself to a doctor. Perhaps there's a walkin clinic that would be less than an ER trip?
8O Ok so i know this is horrible and i am completey comsierating with you on the whole toe thing, BUT :wink:

When you were telling about passing out on the ski slope i busted out laughing,of course not at the pain you suffered but just the mental picture it presented. :roll:

I am crouched behind my desk trying to type b/c of my little laugh outburst :twisted:

Yup you can call me when it happens! :lol:

Ron, You are right, no insurance. I just went to the store and bought a liquid bandage stuff called New Skin. Hopefully that will work to seal up the gash.
I also bought gauze and tape. Hopefully no more bleeding
I also ended bringing home a stray puppy. That is another topic.

Shannon, It must have been a sight to see. The guy I was skiing with said he was really worried about me. He said my eyes got really big then down I went, then I guess I ran into him and took him down. Oops.
Also this slope was right along the where the ski lift was. :roll:
Man that really stinks!

Gotta tell you though, when I first spotted this thread I thought it said
I Broke two OES today! How's that for poor reading skills!

That liquid bandage is the BEST! I love it. You may have to use it often
though till you begin to heal a bit and it isn't so raw.

Shellie you are so right, this stuff is awesome.
It hasn't opened up since I first used it. :)
YAY for liquid bandages!!
It really is great stuff. Good for you that you haven't had to use it
a bunch of times! You must be much more careful than me!

Hope you heal up fast. I've broken toes so many times I can't even
count, but only once where I broke the skin. That makes it so
much worse.

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