New puppy questions!

Just got our new puppy (she is 10 weeks), and have a few questions. When is the first time she will need a hair cut? Is there anything in particular I should know as far as grooming her at this age? I read something about being carefull about the types of chew bones she eats----what type should not be given? What are the best clippers, shampoo ( I bought a puppy tearless shampoo from petco) and grooming table(I'd like it to be portable and fold out of the way.).

She is soooo cute, and seems well on her way to being potty trained.
Thanks in advance for any info!!
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Welcome Stacey!
Puppy's won't need the hair cut for a long time, and then it is personal preference. But you still need to brush and trim nails frequently...once that adult coat comes in you want her to be calm about grooming.

Rawhide and greenies are the ones to stay away from.

I use the floor for grooming, and have her lay down or stand depending what area I am grooming. A table would be nice.

I don't use clippers, but I am sure others can help there. I do use doggie shampoo tho, and dilute it quite abit so rinsing is easier.

Congrat's on the new puppy, we look forward to getting to know you too.
Congratulations! I agree with what has already been said.

We made our own grooming table out of plywood and some table legs we had lying around! :D However really any table will work as long as it is big enough for your full-grown dog! Some people lay a blanket over the table to make grooming a bit softer - I have a non-slick surface on mine. I would get her used to being brushed daily - as a fun experience. :D

An oatmeal shampoo is nice and gentle.

Hi Stacey,
One more bit of advice, don't bath her too often, not more than once every other week, or her coat will be stripped of the necessary oils. I am sooooo jealous, nothing cuter than a sheepie puppy!
Welcome to the forum! :)
Cutting the hair is a preference for the owner. However, you will need to keep the hair in between the bottoms of the puppy's pads cut down. We use scissors that have a blunt edge to them - purchased at a pet supply store. You will need to read up on the post about cleaning the ears out as well. You will also need a whitening shampoo for the white parts. I have a 4 1/2 mth old sheepie and she gets into dirt and with all the rain here lately a lot of mud. I use the whitening shampoo on any areas that are white. I started her out by putting her up on the grooming table for a few minutes each day and maybe just a few strokes with the brush. Now she tolerates the grooming.

Good luck with your puppy - look forward to hearing more about both of you.
I got a great deal on a grooming table at
They seem to have the lowest prices around.
Welcome! We just took Foz to the groomer this week for his first full haircut. He's 6 1/2 months old. That being said, along the way I've trimmed his butt, feet and chin fur periodically when it's in the way.
Don't worry too much about learning everything right away, either. As questions come up, we're all here to help and you can always do searches to find threads that may have already been covered.

Congrats on your new puppy. ;)
Welcome! So much work but so much fun :lol:

We took Noodle to PetSmart for their Puppy-Cut which was only $14 until he turned 6 months. I was able to see what they did to trim around his eyes and paws. We brush him daily to prevent mats but I think it gets to be more of a problem when he gets his gray fur in.

Good luck, we look forward to hearing more stories!

Lark, Noodle and the Boys
Just want to say WELCOME and congratulations on your new sheepie baby :wink: :D
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on a sheepie owning you! ENJOY!!
Welcome to the forum.
We just got a new puppy too.
Start out brushing and handling her all over, so she gets used to it. A grooming table really helps, but any table or raised surface works. (we used the washer/dryer when our Ollie was little, until we got a grooming table).
Luckily, our pup's breeder has already started him on the grooming table, so he knows what it is. (he's 17 weeks) She recommends a slicker brush when they are little, then going to a pin brush. Look for one that has rounded ends on the brush, so they aren't hurting your pup when brushing. Test it out on yourself - if it scrapes you, don't buy it!
Have fun!
Thanks for the warm welcome and great answers. We are having a lot of fun with her....soooo cute and fuzzy.

Stacey :D
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