Monday's the Big Day

Foz will be getting neutered on Monday. I'll bring him in right before work and can pick him up afterwards. I hope there will be someone who could lift him into the car for me. Steve will come home earlier so that he can help us out. Wish us luck!
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Good luck!
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Good luck!

Ditto! We'll be thinking of you!
Best wishes stacy, foz will be fine, special hugs for fozzie.
Good Luuck Foz and Stacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing Foz a quick recovery! :)
if Foz is like any of my boys, getting out of the car will be a matter of keeping them from leaping. If you have a high rear end SUV, take the dog through the side door making sure they use the threshold.

You can always take a beach towel and place it around their middle (ahead of the whizzer) and help them down by supporting their middle.

He'll probably be a little "tipsy" from the drugs. NO food tonight and limited water. If he does ice cubes, that's better. Let the guy sleep it off. I remember Clancy walked sideways for many hours later.
Good Luck Fozzie Man!!!!

Good luck, buddy. It will be ok, promise!

Pirate and Keira
When Carl hadhis surgery, you never would be able to guess that anything had happened if he didn't have stitches! I asked if they even gave him any anesthesia. 8O

Definitely no food and limited water, the anesthesia can really do a number on their stomachs even if they are acting fine. If they are woozy, they have the potential to aspirate if they throw up.

Good luck Foz!!!
Good luck, little Fozzie boy!! And be a good boy for Mommy and Daddy tonight!!
Good luck Foz!
Hope all went well with Fozzie today and that he has a speedy recovery. Keep us posted.
My boy is home! My vet and several of the technicians couldn't stop complimenting how wonderful Fozzie was during and after surgery. They said he won the Most Handsome Boy award yesterday :D The vet also said that he would need to be reminded that he had surgery and he weighed in at just under 50 pounds.

He still has ear infections that the Otomax didn't cure :( We were sent home with ear drops, Cephalexin and a liquid anti-inflammatory that we squirt into his food and a collar. He was moaning every time he laid down in a different spot, but didn't seem to be in too much pain. Kind of out of it.

I've never had a dog who needed a collar before so we were kind of flying blind! We were trying to put it over his head at 9:30 last night and the opening was a little too tight. Steve and I were crying we were laughing so hard as Foz's face looked so funny trying to squoosh into the cone. Steve made it larger so it now fits. Annie looked upon us very quizically especially when Foz was out for potty and kept hitting the cone on the glass door to come in. Foz slept in his crate like a good boy and we gated Annie in the lower level as well to keep him company. We didn't hear a peep until we woke up. :D
Kisses to Foz!! Glad he is home safe and sound.....
Yea!!! Glad it went so well!!! :high5:

Too bad about the ear infections :(

I am sure Annie is looking at him in his cone and thinking to herself...ha ha...I don't have to wear one :twisted:
I am glad he is home safe and sound. Hopefully his ears will be better soon.
So glad to hear everything went ok.
Is there a reason your using the cone?
My male dogs never even bothered the area to lick like maniacs. A like here and there is ok though.
I hope his ears clear up soon. Which reminds me that I have clean Rags & Pepsi's ears today.
They told me that Foz started licking almost immediately so we'd be best with the cone for a few days at least while we aren't home. It was so sad to see him at lunch today trying to chew on some toys. He had them in his mouth and then he'd try to put it between his feet. They were ending up underneath his cone. He gave up in a huff. Poor little man :(
I think we are going to need some pictures of the cone action. :) Tell Foz I hope he feels better soon.
Glad all went well, give foz a gentle cuddle from us :wink:

If the cone is driving him nuts, try some boxer shorts on him while you are not there to stop him licking that area, just a thought there. :D
Good boy Foz!

Barney says he feels his pain with the cone. He says his mom and dad made him wear it for several days and he even had to eat and drink with it on. He says that the best revenge is to ram mom and dad with it. OVer and over. :twisted:

Barney's mom apologizes and promises to not let Barney on the computer for a while, at least until he promises to behave and not get other puppies in trouble.
They really hate those cones .... LOL... I would try the boxer shorts idea :)

Too bad about the ear infections, I hope what they've given him now will clear it up :)
So glad Fozzie is doing well after his Neuter. Pip send him his utmost sympathy, and says that if he can get through the indignity of being "shortsed" Foz can surely survive the cone! Don't forget to take a cone head picture!!!
I know they hate the cones, but if Foz is licking at the site, it's unfortunately a necessity. When we had our first dog neuteured, he was lying on our back porch very peacefully (or so it seemed), but when we went to bring him in we found him sitting in a pool of blood. Yuck! Ended up getting all the oldest towels we could find and making him diapers. Ah, what a fun time THAT was!! :roll:

He'll be back to his old self in no time. I hope his ears clear up soon, too!
Glad to hear all went well! Yeah for Foz!
Hi to everyone. I'm new to this forum although I have to admit that I've been lurking in the shadows keeping my eye on everything.
I am also new to sheepies as most of my dog have been all been mixed breeds. My current dogs are Dudley (oes) and Max (1/2 black lab and 1/2 beagle 3 yrs.).
Now here is my question:
At what age did everyone get there dog neutered? Dudley is 6 1/2 mo. and weights about 55 lbs and I'm torn between now and waiting until he's 1 yr.
Please help me by giving me your advice.
Thanks for the help in advance,being new with a sheepie I'll proble have more questions as time goes on and Dudley grows.
I;ll post some pictuers later.
Pip was neutered by 7 months. At that point, I really didn't want to wait any more, as bad habits linked to the increase of testosterone in unneutered males can develop by 1 year. Ultimately it is your choice, but it isn't terribly expensive, and generally they just sail through the surgery and recovery at that age! Pippin had his done a few weeks ago, and you'd never know it now. He's just as sweet and goofy as ever, I just don't have to worry about mini Pips running around now!
Both my boys were neutered late.. Dudley was 16 months (ex didn't believe in neutering males) and Murphy was 13 months (he was un-neutered when he was rescued) and if I remember correctly it was a HECK of alot more expensive becuase they were older and heavier.
Foz is about 6 1/2 months. I do think the pups bounce back much more quickly (like the same day).

I remember my Mom's tibetan was spayed as a pup and she was jumping on couches the next day. Annie was spayed at 6 years of age and it really was quite traumatic for all of us.
Poor FOZ :( Hope he is 100% SOON!!!!!!!!!
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