I'm a Mom of 14 furballs!

14! Yup makes life exciting..and would be mom of 44 if you include the 27 goldfish in the pond and my two upright boys. :excited:

I picked up my foster Mom Cat (Minnie and her kittens from the Humane Society 2 days ago) and what a lot of smiles they've given me. The mom is very friendly and affectionate as are the kittens, whom are six weeks old. If you want a dose of "cuteness" just click on my photo icon and view their pics. Yeah I finished the "cat room!!!!" so she and her kittens can have privacy away from the rest of the furballs.

The little black one is doing a fine impersonation of a pirate but trust me he's very loving and loves to lick my hands. I hope his personality will shine through when people come to view him as black cats and dogs are the last to be adopted at shelters.

The Tortie mom had four kittens and each one is different! They are orange, black, tortie and a tabby.

Marianne and the furballs
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Awww arent they adorable, wishing you luck in placing the kittys too.

Such a wonderful thing, mama looks like a sweetie, are you going to keep her?

Geez I must be abnormal all the cats I have had have been black 8O
A manx cat called stubby and another black cat called sheena. I love black cats :wink: So here is hoping your little black pirate kitty finds a wonderful furever home too. :hearts:
Awwww... they are so cute! :)

I'm trying to be very strong..and brave and not get too attached. In the past I've been a complete failure as a foster mom, adopting all those that entered my doors.

But...something happened the day I went to the shelter to pick up the kittens and mom in the holding area. The place was jammed with numerous moms, kittens and not enough foster homes.

One tiny little little black kitten was in a cage by himself and I asked as to why that was. The staff person didn't know why and I wanted to take him/her too as he was a little one of aprox 8 wks. Thinking perhaps he was ill and needed special attention I left the shelter and called the co-ordinator that evening to ask about him.

Told he'd been euthenized that afternoon as he was semi-feral and the foster parent brought him back after he bit him. We're talking about a 8 wk old kitten! That tore me up and I swore I would not get attached to these little ones whom have a good chance at adoption, so I can free up my home to take the semi-feral ones that others may not want to foster.

If I think about attachment I'm going to remember that little face and why I should continue to foster.

Marianne and the furballs



need I say more?
Marianne -- you have a huge heart. I am in awe.
OMG.. they are so cute.. I love orange kitties.

Bless you for doing this. :lol:
They are SO precious!! Bless you, Marianne, for opening your heart and your home to foster this family!
ahh, too adorable! The one in the 3rd pic (the mama?) looks so much like Mara!
They are all so cute. It would be so hard not to get attached.
The little tortie looks just like my Punkin.
You are such a sweetheart for all your rescue work.
Marianne wrote:

I'm trying to be very strong..and brave and not get too attached. In the past I've been a complete failure as a foster mom, adopting all those that entered my doors.

But...something happened the day I went to the shelter to pick up the kittens and mom in the holding area. The place was jammed with numerous moms, kittens and not enough foster homes.

One tiny little little black kitten was in a cage by himself and I asked as to why that was. The staff person didn't know why and I wanted to take him/her too as he was a little one of aprox 8 wks. Thinking perhaps he was ill and needed special attention I left the shelter and called the co-ordinator that evening to ask about him.

Told he'd been euthenized that afternoon as he was semi-feral and the foster parent brought him back after he bit him. We're talking about a 8 wk old kitten! That tore me up and I swore I would not get attached to these little ones whom have a good chance at adoption, so I can free up my home to take the semi-feral ones that others may not want to foster.

If I think about attachment I'm going to remember that little face and why I should continue to foster.

Marianne and the furballs

Isn't that what kittens do? Even the ones I've had raised in a home with a lot of attention have seemed a little wild at the start - biting, scratching, etc.. They're just playing like with their siblings, but it hurts - lol After a few weeks, they seem to calm down though and everything is fine. The only kitten I've raised that hasn't been that way is Socks, and that's because he seems to think he's at least part human. lol
They are sooooooooooooo cute. I love kittens, but I think they are a HUGE handful. They can climb everything unlike puppies. I don't know how you can handle some many cuddly kittens in your home!
Aww they're so beautiful Marianne! I'll take 15 kittens over 1 puppy ANY DAY! Puppies are way more work!!!! Poor baby... how could they do that??? :cry: :cry:

Well, at leats we know you're new 5 will end up with great homes!!!!

and it is a good thing you are far away, or I'd be tempted to "liberate" the black fuzzy pirate boy!
They are sooo cute!
Very sad about the other kitten. When my cat Tiger was a baby he would pounce on me and bite, scratch...etc.
He was a little psycho kitty, but turned into the most amazing laid back, sweet cat.
Good for you. I'm soooooo glad people are out there and willing to foster. It makes the experience a bit less traumatic for the animal involved. BUT it is soooo difficult not to get too attached!!! :? :wink:
I'd take them all too, I'd love to add another 2 cats to the family...I have a thing for pairs.

Hubby would have a fit...LOL.
Thanks everyone for the comments.

>>talks to self...nope not going to get attached ...nope. Already have four cats ...need room to continue to foster...be strong. Nope doesn't matter that all four kittens and Momma race up to me when I enter the room and lick my hands and purr. Sigh.. 6 wks old and already using the litter box and not one has had an accident. Nope..don't even think about getting another one. They grow up you know!! Oh but they are so cute as little kittens with big bellies and hilarious antics...nope..be strong.

There I have finished talking to self..and am still staying strong. They have to be returned next weekend for adoption viewings.

Stay strong Masrianne! Just think that you're making room for all the other kittens that will need you :)
Keep up the pep talk, Marianne! I give myself that talk all the time, believe me!!

I've come the closer to giving in & keeping the little girl I'm fostering right now than I ever have. It's tough to let them go!!

You'll know if I gave in if I add "Treasure" to my signature line. :oops:
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