More tolerance for your own

So as a favor, I'm watching this chick's dog. I say chick instead of "friend" because I feel our "friendship" is forced upon due to our husbands being in the military and our monthly coffee (spouses of army husbands). Well, she's alright and I'm happy to do anyone a favor..... I'm just irritated right now, so I'm saying things I may not mean.

I thought she was just dropping her dog off. She asks if she can stay for a few minutes to make sure her dog gets along with ours, and so Shep (her dog) doesn't feel like he's being abandoned (he's a rescue). I say Sure... because that's probably the best thing for him! :)

Her two rugrats (I'm guessing 3 and 5) begin to go to towwwwwwwwwnnnnnnn on lil J's toys. Trying to tear apart the things that are meant to be glued on permanently and get in/on/or over things only meant for a kid under 20lbs. Jumping in his playpen, jumping in his exersaucer, pulling all the airvents in the house out of the floor so their dog and my little one FALL INTO the vents ...hurting their legs (both dogs).

I tell them nicely that the gun on the toy isn't meant to be pulled off.
I tell them that these are baby toys, not toys meant for big boys to jump on.

When is this mother going to jump in!!!!!!
She kept threatening them by doing the whole "1.........2..... don't let me get to 3........."

The kids were mocking her and would count for her. She would pull them into a corner (every other time... if that) ...and they would just walk away.

Two hours later, she's still at my house ........with her hellraisers... and my husband comes home from work.

He says to me, "We are NOT going to have children like that. What we say is what we mean... none of this 1, 2, don't do crap on 3"

I guess we were both raised that 3 meant we were GOING TO GET PUNISHED. We will NEVER be caught doing that again, and we sure as hell aren't going to be acting like a fool in public.

UGhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... thank goodness she didn't ask me to watch her boys while she was out of town! The girl who is has 4 kids of her own and is 9 months pregnant with her 5th one. This girl is the SWEETEST person in the world though, so I know she couldn't say no.

Anyway, her dog is probably a really good dog (compared to Yuki)... but I find it funny that we tolerate our own much more than we do others. Her half german shep/fox terrier just sits in front of our bedroom shaking like a psychotic killer because he's dying to eat our cats. lol Even though I know he's doing what's natural to him, it's driving me nuts. Then he spends the rest of the day under our couch (the smallest hole) hiding so he can pop out and bite our toes. Oh my gosh........ I can't wait for him to go home. I love dogs. I love dogs.. I must keep telling myself this. :lol:

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hugs Jo! sometimes you just have one of those days... I'm having one of those right now. People just amaze me with their total lack of parenting skills... empty threats turn your kids into that! Poorly behaved nightmares that need some sort of real reprimand... Uggh! What brats!!!!

There but for the grace of God (and a willingness to discipline our kids) go we!
Wow. I would NEVER let my kids disrepect someone else's house/possessions like that. That is beyond rude. If she couldn't control the situation, she should have taken them out of it at the very least.

I hope the dog goes home soon!
Other people's kids can be frustrating.... and I used to say I'd never have kids who do this or that... but usually, one of your kids will someday do something that will make somoene else have similar thoughts. LOL
It's a cute dog.... hopefully the guest pup's visit is brief and uneventful :)
I hate other people's kids too, or i should say parents that don;t care what their kids do in another place. We don't do playdates for this reason, I can't stand it.

Plus my kids get worse in their usually good behaviour whenanother kid is around, arghhh. So they don;t go out for playdates either.
Other peoples kids (0r dogs) can be very VERY frustrating!!!!!!! You get the medal of valor for the day!~!!! Cute pic though!!!!!
Ditto Ginny so true, hugs J, next time you are asked you are not available :wink:
Wow! When the kids come back (groan) be like Cesar, when the kids start their terror, walk over, tell them those are not their toys and then escort them back to their mother and make them sit there. Perhaps she needs instruction just as the people Cesar consults. Make those little *&^%!s sit there. Two things, they will be miserable and the mother will be embarassed and leave.......both positive items.

As for the dog, take charge! It's your house. Don't let the toe nipper get away with it. Be a pack leader, the dog will love you for it. Right now the dog is this my new pack???? Or else the dog is really trying to thank you for getting him out of that house!!!!!
Very good idea Sheepie Boss! I'm always the first to volunteer to babysit someone's dog, but Mr. J said this is the first time he's seen me so stressed. This dog and I just don't click. I like fluffy dogs or big dogs! ;)

Anyway, the dog is going home soon, so hopefully he doesn't magically jump off the balcony until then. JUST KIDDING. Mr. J would do it before I would. :?
On second thought, put the kids and the dog in crates.........

sheepieboss susan
Anonymous wrote:
On second thought, put the kids and the dog in crates.........

sheepieboss susan

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Anonymous wrote:
On second thought, put the kids and the dog in crates.........

sheepieboss susan

My SIL puts her Grandson in the X-pens when they are at dog shows 8O
Not with the dogs though, he has his own!

I had a lot of younger cousins when I was a teenager. By the time I had Ryan at 24 they were ages 6, 7, 8, and 9 years old .

My cousin Peter who was around 9 at the time came up to me and said "Elissa, I know why you don't play with our cousins." I said "Really, you do?" He said "Yes, they are very obnoxious." Ha ha! He was right.
I played with them when they were all babies, but when I started seeing most of them getting annoying I let my sister take over as the older Cousin that played with them. They were all just way too obnoxious to even play with.
Luckily most of them have grown out of that since most of they are 15 and older now. A few are only a few years older than Ryan and I tend to avoid them. lol

I just can't handle obnoxious kids. But Ryan has taught me patience over the past 8 yrs. Ryan went through quite a few really bad stages, due to his developmental problems. Last Christmas was one of those times. We were in the store and he refused to leave unless I bought him the Rapper Santa Clause. He was standing there staring at it stimming for over 1/2 hr. I left him there while I did my shopping and when I was ready to leave he refused. Throwing himself on the floor, creating a BIG SCENE.
I called Billy in tears saying I was ready to leave him at the store. I finally ended up dragging him by the shirt collar down half the aisle. He finally said Let me go, I'll walk by myself. I let go and he immediately started booking back towards the end of the aisle.
I grabbed him and picked him up like a log and was holding him under my arm and pushing the shopping cart with Hayley in it with the other arm. When I went to put him in his booster seat he started hitting me.
I got his seatbelt on, got Hayley in the car and as soon as I started backing the car up his seatbelt was off and he was standing up.
He started throwing things at me. I immediately stopped the car and when I did he fell into the back of my seat which scared him. I told him to SIT DOWN AND DO NOT FIGHT WITH ME! I got the seatbelt on him and drove home.
By the time I got home I was ready to ship him off to his Dad's house.
Billy thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown.

Luckily there have not been anymore episodes like that since. (Knock on wood)

When he has acted up when we were out I would always leave where I was at. Just so others didn't have to deal with it.

I know it's a different story with "normal" kids and when they just run wild and their parents let them. Like when the parents ignore the behavior while it's driving everyone else MAD! That is just plain rude.

Jo, Maybe you should offer to bring the dog back to her house when they get home. That way you can get out of there quickly. lol
I think all children have at least one naughty store episode E... don't feel bad. Generally speaking by most accounts I was a very well behaved child, but there was one time...

Mom had taken me shopping when I was maybe 3 or 4 years old. i wa sin the cart and she was weeling past the toy area, I saw a My little Pony that I really wanted. I asked her if I could have it, she said no. So I begged, pleaded, whined, and generally carried on for the toy. My mom was insistent- there was no way I was going to get that toy, especially if I was being naughty. No was No. Well... I finally got frustrated and screamed "YOU'RE A MEAN MOMMY!" at her.

She stopped what she was doing, grabbed me and her purse out of the cart, left it where is stood left the store and drove me straight home with tears streming down her face. I was spanked by her when we got home, and my dad when he got home (I deserved it!) but what hurt more was seeing that I'd made her cry. I still remember it to this day. Poor mommy!!!!

So even when your kids are being REALLY naughty, the lessons you teach them do stick! Dont' call your mommy mean, it isn't nice!
Heeeeeeeee's Baack.

My friend just called and said she planned on taking the dog with her to the lower 48. Well, she found out that they aren't flying dogs over the holidays. Her dog is like my little one and goes bonkers in a shelter, so I'm a sucker and said yes again. He comes over tomorrow. Looks like we'll have to make an extra stocking for shep since he is still until Jan 5th or so...

I'm going to do my best to like her dog.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You are a SAINT!!! At lease she'll be taking the KIDS with her, RIGHT???? 8O 8O 8O
ok, I love my sister, she has four boys, and there was one time I thanked God daily that she did not live in the same state as I do. She married into a extremely well to do family and her hubby is a surgeon. When the boys were little and they came to visit they were monsters. She would allow then to do anything including swear using the "F" word.

I remember becoming so upset once when they came for a week I grabbed the second one by the ear walked him to a chair got my face in front of his and told him his words and actions were unacceptable in my home and told him not to leave the chair. He was so shocked the boys were wonderful after that.

It's your home so your rules apply
I dogsat my brother's dog for "two weeks" (turned out by "two weeks" he meant 19 days). Never again.
At lease she'll be taking the KIDS with her, RIGHT????

I would lose my mind watching her kids that long. During Thanksgiving, instead of saying "NO" to climbing on furniture (we were at someone ELSES home), she ignored it. ....or "NO" to her littlest one tearing off sections of a staircase, she would just laugh and say, "I bet you can't put that back together, son."

I think she's too easy-going. That's a nice way of putting it, right?

I dogsat my brother's dog for "two weeks" (turned out by "two weeks" he meant 19 days). Never again.

this is my fear. after a week, I was DYING to give this dog back. :lol: maybe with a little christmas spirit, the dog will look sweet this time.
Some people are just clueless parents, go through it with blinders on.

Some parents are so terrified to discipline, because a)the child might not like them or b) other adults might think they are bad or c)they can't control their discipline and just go overboard or d)they don't know how to discipline.

As for babysitting dogs, we use to look after my cousin's boxer...this dog was way over hyper. So long walks, and a baby gate. She would chase and terrorise my cats. But loved the kids. I was glad when the visit ended, my poor cat was in quite a state after awhile. And this dog would squat/walk when she peed, she could not just sit and go. So instead of having a burn spot, I had burn lines.
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