anybody watching Project Runway?


normally I DETEST reality shows... but I caught myself watching this one last week, and am totally hooked! I can't beleive myself, but I'm really interested in the people on it, and I find myself cheering for certain people and disliking others... i think I'm falling into the realuity TV trap!

My favorite part of the show however, is seeing all the wonderful and horrible fashions these designers come up with! Some of the stuff is absolutely amazing, especially considering the time limits they are given!

Help me... I'm hooked!!! :oops:
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Look down about 11 posts and you'll see the other Project Runway discussion. Glad you've come to see how WONDERFUL this show is :D :D
I cant wait for tonight...and btw ..on Sundays they replay ALL of them in order all day could catch up!
Yep...I'm there! I like it better this year than last. I really didn't care about any of the people last year with the exception of Chloe.

Darcy...welcome to wonderful world of reality tv!

As Tim Gunn would say, "Make it happen" 8O !
Last week's episode pissed me off so much that I shut off the TV swearing never to watch it again. But of course, I will. Why is Vincent still around? Just because he's annoying? Alison was a consistently good designer and they ditched her because she obviously wasn't flamboyant enough. Her outfit wasn't great but half of them were a mess this time. This is when it starts to bug me, when it becomes less about the talent and more about the drama. :evil:
I think Vincent has some serious mental impairment. Allison was adorable and has been consistently good with her designs. I agree that hers was not flattering but I didn't find it any less flattering than Vincent's-- his model couldn't even move and he had to add a tank top to it. I hope he goes away soon.

I'm liking Michael more and more every week, although I though Jeffrey's dress last week was pretty sweet. I would've picked his to win.
I definitely think they're keeping Vincent around to add to the drama of the show. It'll be interesting to see if he can come up with anything this week... So far I haven't liked anything he's designed. Michael is my favorite i love his designs and hope he wins. He's very down to earth too!
Vincent is a FREAK! He drives me CRAZY!! My personal favorite is Laura!
I really liked Laura at the beginning. Now she's starting to get on my nerves with her prissy ways.

I like Jeffrey, but can't look at him because of his tatooed neck. Makes my skin crawl!
at least his neck says ''detroit'' cant be all that bad..
Ah must not have been to Detroit lately :twisted: !
****GASP****** Deb, I am a born and bred Detriot Never lose your soul!!!
OMG!!!! I didn't know!!!! :oops: SOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(hanging head in shame)...Deborah
:twisted: hahaha....i still love you though :hearts:
A lot of us are Detroit natives or live in the suburbs-- watch it! It's no Chicago but Detroit has a lot of cool stuff to do and the downtown is really building up. It's the poor surrounding areas outside the heart of the city that give it a bad name. :(
<bowing humbly> I'm very sorry if I offended anyone. I KNOW there are parts of Detroits that are magnificent. I worked for Hanley Dawson (Cadillac) many years ago. Hanley was a wonderfully, charming man from the burbs of Detroit. Gross Pointe, perhaps?

But the bottom line is, if Jeffrey had "KEY WEST" (which y'all know I love) tatooed on his neck...I'd be grossed out.

I hope my humble apology is accepted, cuz I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok... who watched last night? I'm glad they got rid of boring boy, but I was REALLY hoping they'd get rid of Jeffrey. what a TOTAL JERK! How could he treat (was it margaret's) mom that way??? She was such a sweet gal, and only trying to be helpful. Instead he was a total butt, and the dress he made for her was HIDEOUS!

I liked Michael dress, but I'm a bit surprised that Vincent won. his dress was ok, but I think it made her look wider then she was. At least it wasn't a total nightmare like some of his other creations! I really thought Uli would win, I loved her print chiffon poncho thingy! It was fabulous!
Well, I love tattoos and I've been trying to get a good view of his but can't find good pictures.

Found Jeffery on myspace ( and as it turns out, the tattoo across his neck says "Harrison Detriot" which is the name of his 18 month old son, who "is the love of my life so underneath it says "l'amor de la mia vita"". I think that's pretty awesome. Maybe it won't be so hard to look at now. :wink:
Ok...I missed it last night. Vincent won?????? Crazy Vincent?! I've said it before, I'm strangly attracted and yet, repulsed to and by him :excited: . Go figure.

I love Uli's stuff.

Can't wait to see the rerun!
Nope, the tattoo still repulses me, no matter what it says!

I do NOT think Vincent should have won. His dress was a VAST improvement over what he has done in the past, but I think Uli's was much better. Vincent's didn't seem to fit very well.

Laura's kookiness is beginning to grow on me. When she said having 6 kids is really no different than having 4 or 5, she'll just throw it on the pile with the rest of them...hilarious!

And I loved the embarassing kid pics the moms brought :D
Other than last night, I really like Jeffrey's designs a lot. Angela's mom wasn't exactly being very easy to work with either and Angela is a nut, too. I'm tired of all of her stupid rosettes on everything and stop with the puffy skirts already!

The funniest part, I thought was that Laura made yet another high waisted skirt, which as you guys remember from last week, Jeffrey was appalled by. To add insult to injury this week, he put the high waisted skirt on his mom!
I don't know Jill, I'm still sticking by Angela's mom. Sure she may have been more flexible on the colors, but he shouldn't have spoken to her like that. I don't like rude people. I just about started throwing things at the TV when I heard him... Mike had to come upstairs to see what I was yelling about.

For the record, I think she was right about the jacket, it probably would have been much more flattering to her figure. Course, I didn't have to design and sew it either...

My only beef about Laura is that she seems a bit constrained in her design ideas... The things she does, she does well, but they end up all having the same feel. Not everyone can do the low V neckline with the high waist.
Ok...Ok...I saw "it".

First let me say, I miss my mom and sister, terribly bad :cry: to get to the point:

I think Jeffrey should have gone. His outfit was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!! INSULTINGLY HORRIBLE!!!! Robert's was boring, but not HORRIBLE!

Vincent was ok..I'm surprised he won...not surprised that he was safe.

Uli was FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kane was bad...sorry.

And...Laura should visit Planned Parenthood. Enough is enough.
Angela is annoying the stuffings out of me!!! If she wins, I'm boycotting everything German and never buying Michael Kors again!! P.S. the last Michael Kors top that I bought sucks! I have to wear my hair up and out of the way or the decoration catches it and RIPS it out! I never want to hear him say anything about functionality and designing for the real woman again! P.S.S. I am still looking for a pair of boots he designed from last season, if anybody has any leads, let me know! :roll:

You know what really sucks? I had Robert picked to win! After his first outfit, I thought he was so great and then downhill from there. D'oh!!!

I can understand Robert and Jeffrey's dilema in designing for a fuller figured woman when you normally design for Barbie and rock stars. Whenever I go shopping with my mom I'm amazed at how different the construction and sillhouttes are between her clothes and mine. It would be like painting your whole life and then being given a lump of clay. You have the eye and talent to make something beautiful but it's going to take a while to figure out how to do it.
I think Robert fit his 'model' better than Jeffrey and she was happy but the outfit was totally blech.
I have a Michael Kors purse. I feel in love with it in a picture. My husband bought it for our anniversary. NOT CHEAP! Got it home. It is huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I hardly ever use it cuz its so frickin' big!!!!!!!

But I would never tell Tony. He's so proud of the purchase
Was anyone else as creeped out as me that Michael Kors' mom looked like his older female twin?
HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes I agree Butterscotch, Michael Kors and his mother did look like twins, right down to matching sunglasses. Very Creepy!!!!
Super creepy!!!
Yikes, yikes, yikes!!
ButtersStotch wrote:
Was anyone else as creeped out as me that Michael Kors' mom looked like his older female twin?

Haha we laughed about that the whole episode, she even has a matching receeding hairline!

I really like Jeffrey but that dress was the ugliest thing I've ever seen. And he was a jerk to someone's mom, and that is just wrong.

I love Uli, and I am sad that Allison got kicked off- she was so cute!
I'm appalled that they gave the win to Vincent. It was a plain black dress with an 80s oversized collar. He had the best looking model of the bunch and she looked frumpy and outdated. Vincent must be related to someone on the production staff because there is no other reason for him to still be around. Tim Gunn agrees - read his blog on the Project Runway site - Tim thinks that Allison should have stayed and that Vincent should have been gone ages ago.

Jeffrey was an ass, but I think Angela's mom was really whiney. The cool thing was that she did look like she was having fun walking down the runway, at least she tried to show off the dress. I didn't like when Angela bashed Jeffrey on the runway - that was a no-class move.

I know how hard it is to find flattering clothing when you're on the larger side, and it must be tough if you've never designed for anyone but stick thin models. But please - anyone can design a tent dress. Show a little creativity. Maybe they should all watch a few episodes of What Not To Wear to learn the rules of fashion for normal sized women.
Bailey's Mom wrote:
Jeffrey was an ass, but I think Angela's mom was really whiney. The cool thing was that she did look like she was having fun walking down the runway, at least she tried to show off the dress. I didn't like when Angela bashed Jeffrey on the runway - that was a no-class move.

Exactly! He was pretty stressed out and whining sure didn't help. It wasn't nice, but it was understandable. Angela not only bashed it on the runway, which was pretty low, but even when her mom was trying it on, she almost sounded like she was coaching her to say something negative. I know she just said to tell the truth, which was fine, but it was with a tone that was like "Make sure they know you hate the dress and Jeffrey!"

A lot of them were smart to do separates. The tent dresses don't look good on anyone-- thin or heavy.
Ok...I was off work today, and got to watch it again. I think Vincent won because he and model were sympatico. A nice relationship. I didn't like his dress, but she seemed to love it.

The judges were giving such mixed messages. They told Vincent it was great that he listened to his client. Then the scolded Robert for listening to his! She loved her outfit. No..I didn't like it. But she did. It reminded her of a dress she had as a kid. Do any of you remember "units" clothing from the 80's? They were all knit separate pieces that went together in various combinations. They were all very loose, and you buy these "bands" / "sashes" that you'd put around your waist, midriff, hips, neck anywear to add shape. That is what Robert's outfit reminded me of.

Does anyone know what Laura's husband does that she is so arrogant and knocked up all the time?

Anyhoo....I still think Uli's was the best.
Ugh...Units were terrible!
debcram wrote:
I think Vincent won because he and model were sympatico. A nice relationship. I didn't like his dress, but she seemed to love it.

Deb - I'm usually totally sympatico with you, but I've got to disagree with you here. Uli's mom barely spoke any English! The only reason she didn't disagree with Vincent is that she couldn't understand a word he said :lol:

But I do agree with you that Uli should have been the winner.
I'm pretty sure that Laura's husband is a partner in a major law firm, so I'm sure they do quite well.

That's the thing that made me mad about the judges. They always make such a big deal about following the 'rules' of the challenge, and in this case it was to create an outfit for their listening to the client would be a big part of it. So the fact that Robert listened to his client and made a not cute outfit, but one that she liked and the judges didn't get that...that made me mad. Jeffrey's was horrible-looking AND he didn't work with his client well, and the judges didn't seem to care.
Isn't Laura an architect and successful in her own career? Who cares what her husband does?

Re: Angela's mom and Jeffrey. Yes, the mom was a bit whiney but Jeffrey was immediately hostile because he a) had to design for someone who wasn't young, 6 ft tall and 100 lbs and b) it was Angela's Mom. He went on the attack immediately and it was horrid. I don't care if he was a suicidal drug addict who has come a long way. It's no excuse for treating people so badly and he's played that card too often. And his MOM plays it for him, too. Even more so, there's no excuse for that 'outfit' he designed. It was ghastly--more like a very bad home ec project than anything that was purposefully designed. And he claims to be a designer.

Should Angela have 'coached' her mom that way? Probably not, but I understood why she felt so protective of her mom. ON the other hand, her mother's never seen the show and didn't know what an a_ _ Jeffrey is?

Overall, I thought that Michaels' dress was the most innovative; Uli's outfit was the most wearable for her model. I didn't care for Vincent's outfit, but I 'got' it.
So tonight's the night! Who do we want to leave this time??? I vote Jeffrey!
Yeah! I'm so excited! It makes there be something to look forward to in the middle of the week!

Hmmm, I think that Kayne will be auf'd but I wish that Vincent or Jeffrey would be!
I'd like to see Vincent "out". He's annoying and I think his clothes look very outdated.
Really? Even though he had that super stinky dress 2 shows ago, I don't think they'll be quick to get rid of Kayne. He's pretty talented! Did you see that Marilyn Monroe dress he designed? That thing was AMAZING! I'm excited to see what the challenge is tonight, and what everyone comes up with! I love seeing human talent and creativity at work :)
Do you really think Kayne will be out? I thought he did some pretty good stuff in the past?

I'm personally sick of Jeffrey!
I'm just speculating!

I like Kayne's stuff too, and I love his addiction to rhinestones. But, like Jeffrey, he has faltered a bit in the last couple of challenges (that junkyard dress was not so good and last week's was just eh)

I would LOVE to see Vincent go because his stuff is neither very innovative, nor good, but he is a weirdo, which makes for good tv, so that's why I think he might be around a little bit longer, although they didn't give immunity this time for winning the challenge, so who knows!

I would also love to see Jeffrey go, but he does have some talent, PLUS drama, so that means he'll be in for sure for a while!
All right everyone, time to chime in! What did we think of last night's episode? I'm a little annoyed that Jeffrey won, as I think he's a total jerk. His clothes were pretty solid, so I have to give him that, but I'd much rather have seen the win given to Michael or Laura, whose dress I loved, even though I thought she should have gone with a more interesting color.

Angela's outfit was truly terrible, I'm not sure what she was thinking, but as it was even worse then Kayne's butterfly elvis number, I have to say I'm not surprised they got rid of her!
Iriskmj wrote:
Angela's outfit was truly terrible, I'm not sure what she was thinking, but as it was even worse then Kayne's butterfly elvis number, I have to say I'm not surprised they got rid of her!

Laura's gone??????????? Woo hoo!!!
Nope, Angela's gone...

Her outfit was BAD. Those florets that she loves "signature Angela" ugh. She was just way out of her league here. I guess if you live on a farm and just have no idea what a jetsetter might be like.

I was mad how they didn't like Uli's dress because she could only wear it in miami or hawaii or LA or somewhere tropical, but then they loved Jeffrey's outfit because they could see it in London or Paris or Tokyo. They basically gave the same reasons for liking/hating the outfits.

And did anyone else think that the judges were mean this time? When Catherine Malandrino told Kayne that his outfit was awful and a fake pop star...I thought that he would cry! I think it was more personal to them because they were actually wearing the outfits instead of the models. Boo judges!
Yes, I did think that they were a bit harsher this time. I've got to imagine it would be more personal if you were wearing the clothes yourself. It is hard to take any kind of criticism, let alone the kind that doesn't have anything constructive to it. If someone criticized me like that, I'd be in tears! I give all of them a lot of credit for the stuff they put up with, both from each other and the judges!

I thought Uli's dress was charming. I think they just wanted a more "sophisticated" look, rather then something tropical. I think they're hoping to see some different things from the designers as we approach the final challenges, and Uli's dress was very typical Uli. They were a bit harsh on her though.
Ok...I finally got to see it! Yep, it was Angela's time to go. Jeffrey's outfit was pretty creative. I sorta feel sorry for Kayne, he's stuck in the 70's with the Elvis stuff, and the beauty queen stuff. Oh, heck! He's from Norman, OK which explains it! (I went to college there!).

Laura's outfit was very nice, I just don't like her. I thought Michael's was pretty good. Vincent's was very realistic...I could see just about every man I know wearing something like that. But, it was boring. Uli was just ok to me, which surprised me, cuz I ususally love her stuff.

I thought the woman designer in Paris was a real b*tch! So much Paris attitude!

Can't wait to see next week!
I finally got to watch it last night. I'm sooo happy Angela's gone! I loved Laura'a comment "And, of course, Angela was sticking a rosette anywhere that there was any open space." Nice putting them on the butt to really accentuate width, too. Linen, in general, only looks good for about 15 minutes-- what the heck was she thinking?

I thought everyone did a pretty good job. Kayne did look like Liberace/Elvis but that's him. Laura'a dress looked better for a cocktail party than on the plane. There's no way I'm wearing 4 inch heels for traveling! I coulod see what they meant about an outfit working in different places, like Uli's wouldn't work as well in less tropical places. Jeffrey's rock star look was trendy and classic at the same time, and the rock look can work almost anywhere. I loved the jacket and shirt but, man, I wouldn't want pants that tight. He must love his butt!
I agree, Angela's outfit was a nightmare. Between the "signature rosettes" and the "signature bag" she always carries she was trying harder to market her post-Runway line of clothing than she was to win the competition. If she has picked a better fabric she might have survived just because Vincent's outfit was such a cop-out. I loved Laura's dress, I would buy something like that! And neither Michael nor Jeffrey's outfits were my "style" but they both looked great.

I did feel bad for Angela that they popped her right back on a plane - she's never been to Paris and all she got to see was the cab ride to Parsons and back. That stinks. I'm hoping that they really didn't do that and at least let her spend the night. My other favorite scene was all of them on the plane where they made it look like they were the only ones in the first class cabin. I'm sure they filmed all of that pre-boarding.
I also just got to see it last night. Jeffrey's outfit did translate to more areas but I'm glad he already has kids because I don't think he's going to be able to after wearing those pants. 8O
Michael did a great outfit but I think it would have popped more with some silver bling. (WooHoo, I'm ghetto!)
Uli's outfit was nice but how many of those dresses does she already have? Didn't she wear 3 dresses just like that already? I think she's a little stuck in that area. Her other outfits have been pretty dynamic but it seems like when she designs for herself it's just the same dress in different fabrics.
I actually think Vincent did a smart thing since he's never designed menswear. He kept the design simple and understated but he could have used some color in the shirt instead of all black or at least made it a slimmer cut.
Poor Kayne!! He found a great fabric and let it suck him in! I still want to see him win now that Robert is gone! (That statement was made by the tiny pageant girl that still lives somewhere inside of me. :oops: )
OH! and I'm SO glad that Angela is finally gone! She needs to get out more and experience the world and see what people outside the farm actually wear. Maybe we should all pitch in and get her a subscription to Vogue. Anyone that over enunciates Yves St. Laurent like she does obviously has never actually seen one let alone worn it.
As for the rosettes. Just because it's the first thing you learned to do in Home Ec doesn't mean you need to keep doing it everywhere!
She probably had a big bow on the ass of her wedding dress too.

Why am I so into this stupid show?

What did everyone think of last night's show??? Are we glad that Vincent got booted off? I know I am! I still wish they'd get rid of Jeffrey... the dude is a self absorbed jerk!
I loved Jeffrey's dress and he really deserved to win. It was really innovative and a good example of couture. I was glad to see Vincent go but I would've enjoyed seeing Laura go almost as much. I'm done with her deep v necklines and high waists. poor Michael getting his dress pelted with eggs. :( His dress was a disappointment but it even was to him. I like that he was honest about it.

I think the top 3 will be Uli, Jeffrey and Michael.
I was happy that Vincent was outed, but at the same time I kind of felt like I'd miss him...You have to read his exit interview on He is so crazy!

I liked Uli's dress the best. There was something about Jeffrey's dress that I didn't like. It wasn't the weird color choice or even the cut...just something didn't sit right.

Did anyone notice that Laura went from looking 6 months pregnant to not at all throughout the course of the show last night?
:cry: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Vincent my crazy love (hate) is gone? Whoa is me!

Can't wait to see the show. Yea, I saw the first part with Laura's belly hangin' out, and I thought, geez! she looks ready to deliver!!! :roll:
Her stomach was huge for 3 months, which is what she said she was on the show. I know everyone hated it but I really liked Kayne's dress. I thought it was cool. I'm so happy Vincent is gone, he lived in a whole different world inside of his head. Jeffery's dress bothered be becuase it was cotton. What kind of event would you wear a coture dress to that was plaid cotton. I really think Uli should have won, though it wasn't much of a stretch from what she always does, it was still a pretty dress.
Ugh! I HATED Jeffrey's dress! Hated the color, hated the cut... hated the weird puff thingies on the front yuck yuck yuck. But I can see why the judges liked it, it looked like something from the couture world. It was definitely the most couture feeling of all of them.

I thought Uli's dress was the best, and the one I would be most likely to want to buy. Loved the color and all the beautiful detailing. I think if Michael had had about a week to work on his dress it wouldv'e been beautiful, the fabric was certainly to die for, but he just took an too ambitious a design for the time he had. I'm really not sure WHAT Laura was thinking, usually I like her stuff, but this one was lost one me. I got a kick out of the poochie belly! I'm not too surprised she's that far out, I've heard from reputable sources that big bellies happen sooner the more kids you have. I feel for her though, all that stress on top of being pregnant must SUCK big time!

What did everyone think of Kayne's gown? I LOVED the skirt, and I really like the corseted top from what I saw, esp. on his red headed model, I just think it was too much glitz for the judges. they were being pretty harsh with him...
Oh no! Monday totally messed me up this week, I forgot to watch! I'll have to catch the re-run...

:D Auf weidersen, Vincent!
See, the problem that I am having with the show is that I can't tell what the judges are looking for. They talk about being innovative, but then say no one would wear something like that. But whenever you look at the couture runway shows, no one would ever wear any of that! So I can't tell if they are looking for a good designer to design nice fun hip regular-people clothes, or if they are looking for a 'designer'--one that does the crazy stuff.
What did everyone think of Kayne's gown? I LOVED the skirt, and I really like the corseted top from what I saw, esp. on his red headed model, I just think it was too much glitz for the judges. they were being pretty harsh with him...

I thought he did a beautiful job on the skirt. The fabric moved beautifully but the corset ruined it. The top and bottom worked against each other because the bottom was sweeping and elegant but the top was southern pageant gaudy. I liked the curved tie of the corset in the back but overall, there was just too much going on. He really just doesn't know when to stop.

I think it's really hard to judge this kind of show because styles are so radically different. How can you pit someone like Marc Jacobs up against Jean Paul Gaultier or Heatherette? They attract completely different audiences. I think, in a way, the contestants are really being judged as individuals-- how their clothes reflect who they are, which translates who they are as a designer, in addition to the asthetic and worksmanship of the clothes.
barney1 wrote:
See, the problem that I am having with the show is that I can't tell what the judges are looking for.

RATINGS!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Honestly - you cn't walk into a department store anymore without seeing a huge Michael Kors section. The man has made a fortune on this show. I'll bet readership is way up at Nina Garcia's ELLE magazine too. Project Runway has brought haute couture to the masses.

Although I have to say I think they've moved way down market this season - Macy's accessory wall? An internship at INC? This year's winner is totally slumming compared to the first two seasons.
Well, Banana Republic isn't exactly high fashion, either.

I would think that if you were a serious designer you wouldn't want to have an internship at either place! Both very mainstream...
barney1 wrote:
Well, Banana Republic isn't exactly high fashion, either.

I would think that if you were a serious designer you wouldn't want to have an internship at either place! Both very mainstream...

Which is why Jay blew off the internship and the $100,000. He just wanted to win for the publicity. Can you see Jay designing for Banana Republic? At the same time, you have to start somewhere. A lot of big name designers began working under a bigger designer and then branched off into their own name. Galliano began for Givenchy, then moved to Dior. Donna Karan started with Liz Claiborne and then for Anne Klein.

If the contestants were that good, they wouldn't need the show so I would think any opportunity would be a good one. A foot in the door opens you up for networking and meeting people to move up.
Ok...just saw it! (EEEEEEEEEEEKKKK! :excited: I'M GOING TO BE SO UNPOPULAR!!!!!!!!!!! :excited: )

I really love Kayne's dress :cheer: ! Old time Glam! I hated Jeffrey's! Hated it! Hated Vincent's (sorry Vincent), hated Laura's. Michael's was ok after he folded down the bunny ears. Uli's was sorta a disappointment, but I didnt' hate it.

Yellow cotton plaid...yellow, cotton mixed plaids :pupeyes: ??? No, lordy, no!!!!

I think those judges are crazy. :twitch:
Jeffrey has children? OMG. Poor things.

Jeffrey has some good design talent although I thought his couture gown was hideous. The model sold it, imo. But what I dislike about him so much is that he is so nasty, he deliberately made the dress for Allison's mother hideous. For that alone, he deserves to be booted out. In fact, I'd love it if at the end, they told him he would have won if he weren't such a nasty jerk.

Michael was out of his element--never did handwork before. Beautiful color, though, and the dress had nice lines, once they fixed those flap things on the bodice.

What was Laura thinking? Wool for an evening gown? I felt bad for her that the ruffles were flat in NY--they showed to advantage in Paris. But yes, it was Yves St. Laurent.

I thought that Kane's skirt was beautiful; the bodice hideous. If he would learn some restraint, he'd do much better. But the color and fabric were beautiful.

Vincent sealed his fate when he glued instead of hand sewed. Actually, I like him, even if he is a bit mad. He's not mean, and Jeffrey simply is mean.

I liked Uli's dress the best, although, imo, none of them were really couture.

I was actually surprised that last season (I only just started watching and saw that season's marathon) win went to Chloe, who is a good designer, yes, but mainstream. Actually, I like that, and saw the sense in it because she actually had a decent shot at making her line a successful business, both from a design standpoint and from a business standpoint.
I'm so sad that Kayne left. He was so entertaining. And his dress was better than Jeffrey's!
I can't wait for the next show...
What happened last night??? i was super tired, and couldn't manage to stay up to watch! I saw on bravos website that Kane got eliminated :cry: What'd he do?
Yeah, Kayne's gone. His dress wasn't bad, though.
Basically, they had the 5 designers left and then (the twist!) they brought back Angela and Vincent to try one more time (they had both one a challenge in the past and were kicked off, so that was the premise for them bringing those 2 in particular back). And there would be 3 designers kicked off this time.
The challenge was the design a black and white cocktail dress AND you had to utlize every scrap of fabric you bought.
Kayne really held back and his main problem was that he really didn't use much white...just threw on a little on the back.
So, Angela and Vincent designed ugly dresses, confirming they were right to have been kicked off.
Laura won with a pretty lacey dress, but she was hormonal and a mess during the episode.
I hope its on again tonight, I missed the ending while we were in Cali....
I hope to see it soon, but it breaks my heart that Laura won. I'm really tired of her.
Hush Deb.... I LOVE Laura :D
DARCY!!!! SAY IT ISN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:excited: :excited: :excited: :excited:
Laura did a really nice job on her dress. It looked very expensive for what she had to work with. I'm not usually a fan of Laura but the dress was very cool and not the normal deep v, high waist crap.

Michael's was really cute though I'm not normally a fan of white. For the most part, Jeffrey is usually my favorite but I didn't care for last night's design. The leggings did cheapen it and it was inappropriate for most places outside of LA. He's very creative though so I can respect that. Uli's was cute but I really am getting bored. At least this one wasn't another halter.

I love how Michael had to tell Kayne his dress looked like something a hooker would wear. The judges hit the nail on the head when they called his taste level into question throughout the show. Even when he held back, he still had a hard time not making something appropriate for a "lady of the night," as Michael called it! I think they made the right choice in getting rid of him. He was entertaining though.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Id wear ANYTHING of hers, any time!!!!! Even that crazy wool dress with the ruffles.....Just soooo classic!!
Oh Darcy.....

But I still :hearts: you best! :kiss:
Well... i got to watch it last night. I'm still sad Kane got booted off. I certainly liked his outfit much more then Jeffrey's street walker thing. She looked like a total floozy! And an ill floozy at that. Did anyone else think Jeff's model looked like she wasn't feeling well?

I LOVED Michaels dress, again. Man, that guy could design for me any day! But Laura's was definitely something I would buy this time, I love lace, and though her dress looked like something hot off the rack of my favorite upscale deaprtment stopre. Not something you could say about... Say Angela's Elvira Queen of the Night number. Both her and Vincent should have stayed GONE! At least we won't be seeing any more of them!

So who do you gs want to see WIN?

I'm sticking with Michael. I think he regularly produces the most attractive, marketable, tasteful designs. Plus what a NICE guy! Always polite, never says nasty things to anyone, always helpful. I wish there were more people like him in the world!
Yea...I got to watch it too. I was delightfully surprised by Laura's dress. It was adorable. (Didja see that, Darcy?)

HATED, HATED, HATED Jeffrey's dress. I told my daughter the model looked like a high school girl trying to look hot, and failing.

Angela's outfit just sucked. Look how she dresses. How can you expect anything else from her?

I liked Michael's a lot.

Uli's was ok. Although it looked really comfortable. I don't think cocktail dresses should look comfortable.

Poor Vincent. I still have a soft spot in my heart for him. His model was not the model he made the dress for. He's like a sad sack. :cry: You know as a kid whenever they drew straws, he got the short one.

Nina was quite bitchy. More so than usual. Anyone agree?

Winner? Gotta be Michael. He's the most consistant, and all of his clothes are so well made and thought out.

Let's cross our fingers, Jeffrey is out next. The judges seem to be tiring of him.
Well, who watched it? I really didn't like any of the dresses but I liked that they recognized how different they all were so they just sent them all to fashion week. Now we have to wait all the way until October 18 to find out who wins. But, I am looking forward to seeing the catfights that are going to take place on next week's episode!
Oooh, big catfights next week!!! I only fell asleep halfway through last night's episode but I knew they were all going to fashion week so it seemed like an anticlimax. (They splashed it all over the fashion week coverage on other channels.)
P.S. When I woke up this morning, the very ending of the episode was on but I only caught Tim saying, let's get out of here or whatever it was. :lol: Now I need to see the middle! :roll:
Jeffrey irrated the heck out of me when he said that all of Laura's dresses have the same look...okay so they do, they are CLASSIC! However, so do his.....Lets call a spade a spade, Jeffrey!

Next week is going to be a showdown of all the people that were originally on the program....

btw...what time is the show on for you east coasters? Its on here at 10 pm...
10 PM here too. Which is good because it rounds out America's Next Top Model.
darn, i can never remember when that is many did they cut from last week....???
9 pm here in Chicago, but I'm already in bed then, so I always have to catch the reruns....which are on ALL the time!
Maxmm wrote:
10 PM here too. Which is good because it rounds out America's Next Top Model.

I know. My Wednesday lineup will be complete once Lost starts!

Mandy, are you and I the only ones that watch ANTM?
No Jill, I watch it too...I just forget what time/day its I miss it a lot, but catch it during the re-runs!
Finally saw it last night. :excited: How horrible was Jeffrey's dress????? Why is he still there?

I didn't think any of the dresses were special. Oh....what do I know?
This has been a weird season. First, the whole Vincent thing - he stayed way longer than he should have, won a challenge he didn't deserve, then got brought back for a second chance under some strange new rule. Now Jeffrey - that last dress was a disaster and the only way to keep him was to not eliminate anyone. I guess they feel that Michael and Uli don't cause enough fuss to be good TV, so they have to keep Jeffrey around.
Despite my love of Michael's design, the burgundy dress was too open in the front for me to like it. I liked Uli's dress once she'd done the revisions, but didn't think she should have won the challenge. LOVED Laura's dress, even if it was very classic Laura, it was so pretty, and I LOVED the hand beading! Jeff's dress as usual was UCK with a capitol U.

Still, I'm glad that all 4 designers went to fashion week. I can't wait to see all their hard work pay of in their line demonstrations!
I think maybe the judges are having a hard time deciding if they want a new designer (meaning more haute couture designer) or if they want a good, reliable, marketable everyman designer.
did anyone watch the reunion show last night??? MEOW! Wow was there some drama. And does anyone else agree with Lauras?? Vincent IS delusional!
I thought Hidi and Kieth were going to throw down right then and there. And Vincent is crazy. I always find myslef trying to imagine the kind of woman he is married to. Who would be with that guy? And that poor girl who got kicked off first, she didn't get a single word in.
Keith's story got more outrageous as the show went on. "Books? What Books? I turned them over to the production staff. Someone snuck them back to my room..."

I'm totally with Laura - Vincent is insane. That clip of him screaming at the production staff was inexcusable. And I wonder what his real story is - he repeatedly made a big deal about how he quit his job and cashed in his 401K to participate in Project Runway, and yet he's wearing $125 shirts?

I was glad to hear that Malan had a show at Fashion Week, he seems like a guy who needs a break.
Bailey's Mom wrote:
Keith's story got more outrageous as the show went on. "Books? What Books? I turned them over to the production staff. Someone snuck them back to my room..."

I'm totally with Laura - Vincent is insane. That clip of him screaming at the production staff was inexcusable. And I wonder what his real story is - he repeatedly made a big deal about how he quit his job and cashed in his 401K to participate in Project Runway, and yet he's wearing $125 shirts?

I was glad to hear that Malan had a show at Fashion Week, he seems like a guy who needs a break.

I think Keith is also delusional. Books or not though, for never making women's wear before, he did do a hell of a job. Outside of a competition setting, I'd think he'd do well.

That thing with Vincent and his laundry was priceless. Even the producer was trying not to laugh it was so outrageous. As far as the $125 shirt, his own clothes are so basic, he's probably had them for years-- back when he could afford it. ;)

I was glad for Malan too. I love his crazy little laugh.
Did anyone watch last night? The collections are looking great... but that blow up between Jeffrey and Laura! YEOW!!!! It doesn't look like it ends happily...
I started watching it, but fell asleep when Tim was visiting Uli in Miami. Can't wait to catch the re-run (which will be on a million times this weekend!)
I LOVED Laura's dress that they showed. I can see how Jeffrey's stuff is very 'designer-ish' and that the judges might like that on the runway show.
I think that the thing with Jeffrey will end up being nothing. I bet he was crying with relief in the preview for next week.
Love the drama!
barney1 wrote:
I LOVED Laura's dress that they showed. I can see how Jeffrey's stuff is very 'designer-ish' and that the judges might like that on the runway show.
I think that the thing with Jeffrey will end up being nothing. I bet he was crying with relief in the preview for next week.
Love the drama!

i thought that too, but then in the preview they only showed the other 3 designers at fashion week. i really really hope he didnt cheat because his stuff looked awesome and i also felt really bad for him!
Lil Walty wrote:
barney1 wrote:
I LOVED Laura's dress that they showed. I can see how Jeffrey's stuff is very 'designer-ish' and that the judges might like that on the runway show.
I think that the thing with Jeffrey will end up being nothing. I bet he was crying with relief in the preview for next week.
Love the drama!

i thought that too, but then in the preview they only showed the other 3 designers at fashion week. i really really hope he didnt cheat because his stuff looked awesome and i also felt really bad for him!

Yeah, but if they showed him at fashion week in the previews, then the suspense of did he or didn't he wouldn't be there. So I'm still holding out that all's well with him.

I hope he didn't cheat either, but seriously, why would you cheat with so much on the line...I guess that's why--there IS so much on the line that you want to win so badly. Although, seeing his workroom at home, it seems like he's doing okay for himself as it is...
I don't think he cheated. I'll be seriously bummed if I don't get to see his stuff because it all looked awesome.

The part of the preview that made me think he isn't getting kicked off was where Uli was hugging him and it looked like he was crying. If they were kicking him off, especially after it was the other 3 who had suggested he had cheated, it seems like a hug from the people who ratted you out would seem a bit inappropriate, you know? It looked more like a relief hug to me. It better be!
It's Uli though. Uli hugs everyone. She's just a very huggie person... And only Michael and Laura said to his face that they thought his stuff didn't seem right. Uli mentioned it when they were all alone together, but I don't remember her saying much when Jeff was there. She was trying to convince Laura otherwise too, looking at the stitching and such.

It'll be interesting to see what actually happens. I have to give big kudos to Laura for being gutsy enough to actually say to his face she thought something was wrong. She wasn't sneaky or underhanded, reporting it to Tim, and then not saying anything to Jeff.

As for whether he did have help or not... who knows! I know next to nothing about acomplishing sewing projects. I'm not sure if he had help or not.
As usual, I'm late, but I finally saw it. Cheating or not, I thought his stuff looked horrible. But, that's just me, and I'm old, and don't like his stuff. Everything about him is gross. Him, his hair, his tatoos, his wife's hair...ugh. (No, I'm not very opinionated :wink: )

All the other designers were working in their little spaces. Where the heck did he get the $$$$ for that big loft workspace IN LA??????? Did he use his $8000 for that?

And...didn't ja just love Michael's family?
Iriskmj wrote:
It's Uli though. Uli hugs everyone. She's just a very huggie person....

Huggy or not, if I just got kicked off because I've been accused of cheating, I'm not accepting a hug from any of them-- that was more what I meant. In Jeffrey's place, I wouldn't have wanted those people touching me.
all im going to say is..........................

GO LAURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Darcy wrote:
all im going to say is..........................

GO LAURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

WHAT? 8O Darcy rooting for the low key, prep, designer? I may faint!
There is a preview video on their website.
Jeff is nowhere to be found.
Is he gone or did they not show him on purpose?
Who knows. Will just have to watch.
I'm excited for it! If nothing else, just to see what given lots of money and 2 months will produce! Especially Mike and Laura! Yay!!!!
Not only did I have to leave town and miss Val and the girls' visit to AZ but... MY HOTEL DOESN'T HAVE BRAVO!!! I'm going to miss the finale! I sure hope they replay it over the weekend like they usually do.
Sue not to worry. They run reruns a millions times!!!!
Not going to run it for our friends on the west coast, but WOOHOO!!!!
I'm so disappointed. Maybe I'm just too old for the commerical world to target, or try to appeal to.

I've seen Michael Kor's work...and like it, alot. None of it is goofy or out there. Very conservate, very tasteful.

The ending just made me feel old and betrayed.

Cant' discus in detail, til everyone sees it.

I think I have to take my Geritol now.

Deborah....aging quickly
Can you believe that I fell asleep during the commercial right before they named the winner? ARGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
I wish I had.
By that response, I'm going to guess that Jeffrey won. :P

Don't feel old. I'm in my twenties, and I H A T E the winning designer. I think those designs are ugly! I was routing for Laura (Who had a beautiful line, what is wrong with all evening gowns?????) and Michael. He had a good showing, it just wasn't strong enough to take the prize.
I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sure Laura was going to win. Her dresses were beautiful, elegant and had excellent craftsmanship. Her gowns were what "I" would like (and expect) to see during a runway show.

Michael is adorable, and over the season showed really great stuff. I felt a little let down by his collection. I think they judges said it best, when they said he was young.
Well, I can see why they chose Jeffrey's collection. I haven't been a fan of his work much, but I actually didn't hate most of his collection. Didn't love it, but wasn't repelled by it. I mean, in the world of real fashion, he was the most innovative, while the others made beautiful clothes.
I loved Laura's collection, but really, besides from making other beautiful evening gowns, what else could she do?
Poor Michael. Hie collection was pretty bad. I just cringed at that gold bathing suit.
I liked Uli's collection and would have preferred her to win, but I wasn't a fan of all that tan and gold stuff.
I think they may have chosen Jeffrey also because he needed the most help being how Nina Garcia said several people had already asked her about how to contact they knew Uli would be okay.
Uli surprised me. When it got to the end, I found myself going either way between she and Jeffrey. I thought she really stepped up her collection and took some risks. I would've worn almost any of her things from the show, which is not something I could've said from the rest of the show.

Jeffrey had some excellent innovative pieces-- things that you hadn't seen before. I loved the first dress, especially-- the polka dot asymmetrical one. As soon as it came down the runway, I was like "Ooh, I want that!" It really wearable and flattering, too. Overall, I like Jeffrey's point of view the best. I like stuff with an edge. I could go out wearing some of the other designers' things and look good but I'd look good and feel comfortable in something of Jeffrey's. I still like the first dress he ever did on the show and I loved the couture gown, too.

Michael bombed-- big time. The taste level dropped and it just looked all wrong. Like Michael Kors said, everything fit the models well, but it just wasn't working. Everything, to me, looked really flimsy, too. The sequins cheapened everything, especially on the white stuff. I was disappointed because I expected hi to show really well.

Laura makes nice dresses. They're beautiful and there's no denying that she does some excellent hand work but, as a collection? Blah. Everyone knew she loved evening gowns because that's all she ever made through out the show. They were pretty but nothing that any high end gown designer hadn't made already.

Overall, I still think Jay from the first season blows everyone else away!
I loved Jeffreys collection, I would have worn almost all of it. I especially liked the first three and the last two pieces. the last dress was so awesome!!

I also really like Uli's long sleeved dress, but I thought everything else was boring and too flowy.

Michael was my favorite, he really was adorable and i liked a lot of the stuff he made during the season, but only two of his pieces fo the collection, definitely a let down.
I am just so sad that Laura didnt win, ironically though, as i was watching it, I though oh boy...Uli is going to win....her collection was the most cohesive....some of jeffreys stuff was good, however, it will only look good on a size 0 model...
Darcy wrote:
I am just so sad that Laura didnt win, ironically though, as i was watching it, I though oh boy...Uli is going to win....her collection was the most cohesive....some of jeffreys stuff was good, however, it will only look good on a size 0 model...

Lol. Just the leather pants. Those were pretty tiny!
Darcy aren't you a size 0?

You and I didn't agree on Laura's designs way back, but I really love her newer stuff.

I like Uli's a lot, too!

I think, even though creative, Jeffrey's just isn't for the "real" woman. And yes, now that it was mentioned, Michael's looked cheap to me.

(Sigh....where's Vincent when ya need a good laugh?)
Size 0.....hahahaha...NO
I caught it last night. I loved both Uli and Laura's work. I'm really surprised that the judges picked Jeffrey. I'm not a big fan of his work - I don't even think he should have been in the final four. I think he crossed the line from 'edgy' to 'hooker' too many times. The issue with his receipts was ridiculous, and going over budget is amateur for a guy who's already in the business.

Both Laura and Uli will come out of this with clients. I wish I could afford to have Laura make me a dress :wink:
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