:banana: :cheer: :yay: :banana:

She's a fighter. :go:

We were able to bring Hannah home on Friday night with an IV in her paw in case she didn't do well. She was so rambunctious when she saw us and couldn't wait to go home.

GOOD NEWS! She is doing great. She had the IV removed Saturday and seems the worst of it is behind her. Her pancreas count went from 4000 down to 1000 and 890 is normal, if I understood correctly. She is on a restricted diet and has 6 medications that she is taking. They also found e coli in her bloodwork.

I'm guessing the ecoli might have come from the bones she takes from the holes Copper has dug. All of the run off from the yard must accumulate there. Something to think about. I have asked the landscaper to fill the holes and I'm throwing out the toys and bones in them. Even though we pick up the feces there is always residue. Maybe this can help prevent someone else's dog from getting sick. Who would have thought. I thought it was cute him digging holes and playing. Never dreamed about the risk.

She is keeping food down and is very smiley and happy to be home. She's just supposed to rest and not do much activity.

She's on Nature's Recipe canned food and turkey and chicken baby food for this week. Then we have detailed instructions for each week after.

Lisaoes and Batonrougesheepies. Your pancreatitus info was a total lifesaver the night you posted it. I was able to log on later and get that info that I was too upset to ask the vet at the time. You gave me a lot of help when I desperately needed it! THANKYOU!

It was a challenging week. I had jury duty the entire week. I couldn't go visit her and that was difficult. And all of the calls to the vet were on breaks, so I only had time for limited info. I was worried she'd think her family abandoned her and would give up. The vet assured me they were talking to her, etc. Wednesday night, Copper had to go to the emergency. I'll post separately about that. He's OK. Then, I got the flu over the weekend, I'm still sick today. And I'm self employed with many obligations. So, I meant to update you guys sooner.

Again THANKYOU to everyone for your support. It helps so much to know you are not alone when something like this happens. Even though, technically, we don't really know each other, I feel connected with all of you.

I know that things can only get better now.

Looking forward to catching up with all of your posts, pictures and HAPPY EVENTS!
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Yea!!! So glad Hannah is home :go:
Good news!! So glad to hear she is doing better :)
Wonderful news! Hannah must be so happy to be home!

I am so happy that she is home and doing better.
What fantastic news!! I bet Hannah is just so relieved to be home with her family. Sounds like the whole family can use a bunch of R&R!! Take care! :lol:
Woo hoo! YippEEE!
So glad Hannah is doing well and has come home .
I'm glad Hannas is home and you have a "quieter" week.
yey!!! Hannah is home!!!
YAY absolutely Fantastic News :D Give gorgeous Hannah a huge sheepie hug for us. :wink: :yay: :kiss:
Yay Hannah is home. Thats great news, things can only get better from here :yay:
What absolutely wonderful news!!!!!

So glad to hear she is home and doing better. :banana: :clappurple: :banana:
Hooray! I am so happy to hear the great news! Yay Hannah!!
Awesome! Glad your baby's home. :)
I'm so glad she's home - we've been really thinking of you!
So glad she is home and doing better...YEAH!!!!
Wonderful news! I'm so happy to hear she's home and doing better!!
Yeah Hannah!
I was worried about her.

Now YOU need to take care of yourself!
Lots of snuggles to you and Hannah!
So glad she's home!
Glad to hear that Hannah's recovering nicely. My neighbor's dog had pancreatis once before and she is fine now.
My Aunt's dog also had pancreatis too.
He lived for many years after that.
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