Does your sheepdog hog the bed?

Mulligan does!

(click the image for a larger size)

He doesn't usually sleep this way, so when I saw him like this the other night, I couldn't resist snappig a shot or two!
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LOL That's too cute...
Sky sleeps like that all the time.... sprawled out and relxed :)

Mulligan looks very content :)
Hannah rose loves to sleep like that where ever she crashes, be it on the bed, the floor or on your lap. We try to tell her it isn't very lady like but so far to no avail.
Bear is the hog in our house. He's the same size or bigger as an human adult but likes to lie sideways across the bed or just in my spot (so he can use my pillow). I get no respect.
Billy said Pepsi has been hogging the bed lately. I guess on his side :wink: Rags jump up on me this morning after Billy started a very loud yard machine right near the bedroom. She jumped right up and on my legs pinning me to the bed while she was shaking like a leaf. :roll:

Mulligan looks so adorable. :hearts: He reminds me of Pepsi. :)
Ha Ha Ha great photo, WHY do they all seem to sleep that way.

Be nice to have a XXXXXXXXL Supersized King sized BED!! Wonder if they make them that big :lol:
Barney doesn't know how to jump on the bed :D

But our cats tend to take up a lot of space.

Ron, I was just thinking the other day that we hardly ever get to hear about or see Mulligan!
That sleeping pose always made me laugh! :lol: How can they be sleeping on BOTH their back and side at the same time without twisting something out of place? :roll:

He's such a cutie! I agree with Steph - you don't post enough pics of the boy!!
He's giving you the evil eye, Ron...did you wake him up to take the picture?!
barney1 wrote:
He's giving you the evil eye, Ron...did you wake him up to take the picture?!
Yes he is, and .... of course!
That's why I often sleep in the other room! However, without refrigerated air and all this humidity, the only cool bedroom is the big one. So MO has had to move over! I still end up with the upper corner of the bed.

I've seen that on your back look, "I'm too cute to move." I've also seen the head between the front paws with a small growl, "You wouldn't dare move me." Wantta bet!?
If and that is a big IF I could even get in the bed I would be happy.


There are several nights I give up and sleep on the couch.
That is the most adorable pic :)
Remy gets the floor beside the bed...Amy the 5lb cat takes up more than enough room...she must have the pillow too.
That looks like Belle's favorite sleeping position. She's defintely a bed hog and a major cuddler. I had to stop letting her sleep on the bed because I wasn't getting any sleep. Now, she's allowed up to cuddle while we watch TV, but when the lights go out, she has to get down. Sometimes, she sneaks back up in the middle of the night, but for the most part, she's good about it. Blue never stays on the bed very long.
That's so cute! :P
Yes...but it's much nicer to wake up to than barking or whining...

How cute!
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