Back, after a looooong absence!

There's a lot been going on lately at our home. Marielena turened out to be sweet little baby, but I didn't know taking care of a baby required so much work! Phew....

We had a run with the baby registration office because they were trying to pass a law that limited the freedom you had to name your baby, and Marielena's name not "approved", so we went trough a lot of red tape and phone calls to get her registered with that name. In the end... I Fought The Law... And I Won! :lol:

Also, Danita and I both had career changes. I was given a management position at my job and now I have a lot more to do than before, but it's fun, it's a new challenge and good things will come from there. Danita decided to quit her day job the moment she saw Marielena, she's a full time artist now! Her eBay sales are soaring and our dog store is doing well to, It's been very encouraging for her being able to live her dream and care for our baby at the same time (I'm happy we didn't loose income too!... but don't tell her, because I'm really happy for her to be able to paint full time too)

The furkids are OK, having to divide my attention between all hasn't been a lot of fun, but I try to make up by playing with them at night when the park is empty and letting them run as they please. They don't interact too much with Marielena yet, it's more like they really don't care too much about her but that's OK, there will be plenty of time for them to play together. Sofa is her protector, if she cries she gets anxious and lets us know. Lennon bolts to the yard when she cries... it's really funny. He's very protective of her stroller, doesn't let visitors come near it unless we say it's OK, I guess he likes her after all. When we're feeding her downstairs they like to come and sniff her, a couple of licks on her feet or head and they go back to their usual business.

I haven't been able to get a picture of Lennon, Sofa & Marielena yet, everything comes a blurs :( Here are a few of her and Danita while I figure out how to get their picture as brother and sisters.

Danita & Marielena 2 weeks old

Look, I can lift my head now!

Hello Sheepie Lovers!!
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saulmr wrote:
We had a run with the baby registration office because they were trying to pass a law that limited the freedom you had to name your baby, and Marielena's name not "approved", so we went trough a lot of red tape and phone calls to get her registered with that name. In the end... I Fought The Law... And I Won! :lol:

No way! I never even heard of that. Do they have a list of approved names or something? I'm glad you won!
That is really crazy about the names! 8O Glad you won!! :D
Congrats on your promotion and Danita's new career as full time Mom and sucessfull artist. :clappurple:
We want pictures of Marielena and the Sheepies!!!!
She's a cutie!!
Welcome back!
She is just SO cute. I can't believe you almost couldn't keep her name. That's crazy.
She is sooo beautiful. You are very blessed parents. :)
It's nice to hear from you, glad baby gets to keep her pretty weird to have name laws.
Wonderful photos... what a gorgeous baby :) Danita is glowing, motherhood agrees with her :)
YEA! Glad all is going well with your and your growing family. Congratulations on the new job, your wife being able to quit her's (babies have a way of making life changes), the furkids behaving themselves.........and most of all you are apparently high and dry and not suffering rain related problems.

Beautiful Beautiful BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wondered where ou had been lately, sounds like your plate is full to overflowing, with wonderful things! Never heard anthing so crazy as having to have an "approved" name!!!

Hi Saul!

Great pics, and CONGRATS on all that is going well in your lives! There's so much good news!
Such a beautiful girl.
So glad you could keep her name. It is just as pretty as she is. I've never heard of such a thing.
Just wonderful Saul, I am glad too little Marielena could keep that pretty name as it suits her so much. :D

What a beautiful baby girl she is and a really lovely photo of Danita and her.

Wishing your entire family all the best and yes it is a busy time with little babies. Enjoy as they grow up too quick!! :wink:
Welcome back, Saul!! :lol: Marielena is such a beautiful baby, :hearts: and I'm also so glad you were able to keep her name. You'll have to explain to us about the naming regulations . . .

Give Lennon and Sofa a big hug from all of us!!
She is gorgeous, Saul!
Glad you're back!!

I love her name, so I'm very happy you fought for it and won!!

Congratulations on your promotion and on Danita's decision to become a full time artist!!

Good news all around. :D

Marielena is so gorgeous!! :D

Hugs to Lennon & Sofa from me!!
Great pictures!!!

It is wonderful that the the dogs and the baby are living in harmony!!! It must be because of great parenting!!
Beautiful mom and baby! Much happiness to you and your family.
Aww, she is just too precious! Glad you got to keep the name....will you explain to us why there is an approved name list?
They look beautiful! Life with a new baby is so precious, enjoy each moment you have with her :lol:

Glad to see you!! We don't have enough pics of your new one!! I love the ones you posted though esp. the one with mommy and baby :)

The name thing blows my mind, but glad you got to keep her name!!! That would be weird to say "you were actually supposed to be named this, but the govt said we couldn't." :lol:
Thanks everyone, you're so nice!

The name thing was really crazy. Mexican "traditional" names such as Maria, Pedro and many others are being used less and less, as names from other cultures and composed names are starting to be used more and more. The children registry office was pushing to pass a law where you had to prove that the name you were using was a "legitimate" name according to them, meaning that it had to be on a list of some sort of "approved" names you could name you child.

Of course the proposition stirred a lot of contrtoversy and angry parents. While the decision was being made to pass or not such bill the people on the registry started acting as if it had passed and the officers and desk workers were very rude. Marielena was not a name on the list, they wanted her to be "Maria Elena" Altough is a simple change, it was something we did not like.

So I had to surf the net trying to find places where I could find proof that the name existed to build a case. Strangely, it's a name that exists in many latin cultures but no in Mexico... Go figure. After we found the info, my mum called a Federal Judge she knows and explained the situation. A few phone calls were exchanged and we were able to keep the name, funny how the attitude from the officer changed when we arrived that day with all the paperwork... hahaha.

The whole ordeal was really crazy, but we got to keep her name in the end. These silly laws they try to pass from time to time really mess up things when they are not tought truly. After all the protests and newspaper coverage, the backed up the whole thing and now you can name your baby any way you want.
Wow... I'm just amazed that they would even think to try to control what you name your child 8O

I'm glad you got the name you wanted :)
I think it's nuts too, but considering some of the crazy names people are coming up with these days, it might be a good idea! (just kidding, people...well, maybe... :D ).
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