Maybe Buying a PT Cruiser

Don is on a car-buying kick and is latest interest is in the PT Cruisers. I would LOVE the convertible, but it is probably not as functional as we need.

I'd be interested in anyone's experience with them....mileage, upkeep, comfort...etc.

Any big difference between model years? What options are important or not?

This is not really needed for the dogs, as we have a van, but we would be taking them in it sometimes.
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If I could buy any car it would be a Mazda RX8... zoom zoom! LOL

That said, I've had several Dodge /Chrysler vehicles and have been thrilled with every single one. I'm not exactly kind to my vehicles... LOL but they withstood me quite well! :lol:
I tred out the PT cruiser but I am 5'11" and my head hit the ceiling. The one I tried out only have a 4 cylinder engine so it really didn't have get up and go. I finally got a Mazada Tribute SUV with a V6 which was a much better for me.

My husband has a Jeep that has the lift kit so I have to climb up into it even at my height.

My dream car is the Viper. :hearts:

We have a pt and honestly i dont like is a very comfortable ride, but to drive, has horrible blind spots. I dont feel comfortable driving it. It doesnt get very good gas mileage either..about 16-18 miles to the gallon....I like my diesel jetta much better...36-46 miles to the gallon and easy drive...
Darcy is right they have terrible blind spots when driving them. I love the look of them though.

For me well a porche would be nice, yes I am dreaming there,sheesh back to the station wagon for driving the fur kids around. :wink: :lol:

My hubby is in the car trade so we get to drive all sorts of car types and that is one I have had a drive in and that is the first thing I noticed, bad blind spots. :?
I have a 2006 PT Cruiser and I really like it - you sit a bit higher than in normal cars and the seats not only fold down in the back but they can also be removed out of the vehicle. I brought Cooper to the Michigan picnic in it with the seats out and there was a lot of room for him, the cooler, my chair etc. You should go and test drive one and see if you like them.
My MIL had some work done on her car, and she got a PT Cruiser as her rental. She had it nearly two weeks, and she hated it. That's all I know about them though.
I sat in the back seats once. Most uncomfortable butt numbing ride ever. And I was not in the back seat all that long either. Also thought it weird that the window controls for the back seat were near the floor by the middle console. I was always trying not to bump them with my feet as I was setting in the middle of the back seat. This was over three years ago though.
They are one of those LOVE EM OR HATE EM CARS, no in between. Kinda like the Honda Element, nobody is wishy washy about them.
Tasker's Mom wrote:
They are one of those LOVE EM OR HATE EM CARS, no in between. Kinda like the Honda Element, nobody is wishy washy about them.

I sold my Mini and bought an Element for the dogs. Every person who didn't like it, loves it after taking it for a ride. My 6'7 friend sat in the back last night and fell asleep he could sprawl out so nicely! We're doing a lot of modifications to it, too. I put huge 20 inch rims on it, we're putting in air bag suspension so it can go up and down and I'll be tinting all the windows to black and changing all the interior surfaces to brushed aluminum. If it can't be fast, it'll at least be cool.
ButtersStotch wrote:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
They are one of those LOVE EM OR HATE EM CARS, no in between. Kinda like the Honda Element, nobody is wishy washy about them.

I sold my Mini and bought an Element for the dogs. Every person who didn't like it, loves it after taking it for a ride. My 6'7 friend sat in the back last night and fell asleep he could sprawl out so nicely! We're doing a lot of modifications to it, too. I put huge 20 inch rims on it, we're putting in air bag suspension so it can go up and down and I'll be tinting all the windows to black and changing all the interior surfaces to brushed aluminum. If it can't be fast, it'll at least be cool.

We test drove one (Element) before we bought our last vehicle, and we loved it too. It was in our top 3 choices.
DIL wanted one, got it and wasn't thrilled about it. Didn't have it long and traded it in. They went from a van with three kids to the pt, so.......????
I am seriously considering an Element!!!
Tasker's Mom wrote:
I am seriously considering an Element!!!

I miss my Mini like crazy but I have to say, I love the Element. I bought a demo and got a heck of a deal. James had been planning to buy a new Chevy Tahoe but, after getting the Element, he realized that it'll do whatever he wanted to the Tahoe to do-- and in some cases better! I got the EX-P with the painted body panels, which made James like it a lot better. He hated the gray plastic paneled ones.

So, now that he isn't getting the truck, we're going to get a new performance car, probably a new BMW M3 but we also test drove a Porsche Cayman S, which we both loved. We're also looking at older Porsche 911 twin turbos. We both love cars so it's fun that we can make decisions like this together. The only thing we're scared of in getting the Porsche is that we're going to fight about who gets to drive it! In 2009, provided GM doesn't find a way to screw it up, I'm going to buy one of the new Camaros for myself. I normally don't care for American cars but I really fell in love with the concept at the Detroit Auto show this year. Neither of us have had a straight up muscle car since high school!
Seriously, Jill, I think it's destiny that you live in Detroit, car-central. 8)

I can't wait to get my new car. I've had mine since I graduated from college and want a new one. My husband says I can't get the one I want because it won't be kid-friendly...Oh well...we'll just put any future kids in HIS car. :evil:
barney1 wrote:
Seriously, Jill, I think it's destiny that you live in Detroit, car-central. 8)

If it were destiny, I'd have been born in Germany. There hasn't been a car that has come out of Detroit in awhile that I'd even look at. I don't really count Chrysler though since they're essentially German now too but, for the money, I'd rather buy something 100% European. The styling is so much better-- inside and out. I like Japanese cars too but someone needs to show them how to make a better looking interior!
I've ridden in the backseat of a PT Cruiser once - a rental. We had 3 adults in the backseat - 2 skinny and 1 medium/broad build and I was in the middle and had to turn my body almost completely sideways because we did not fit. Very uncomfortable back seats too. I know what you're thinking... you won't be riding in the back seat - so who cares?!?! At least, that's my usual line of reasoning for car purchasing.

The PT Cruiser also has very little trunk space and it would be pretty difficult to get an OESD or two into the car and also have space for anything else. It depends on what you need it for, though.

We have a Grand Caravan (lotsa space!) with stow-and-go seating and also have a station wagon. So, Barkley will be able to fit in either vehicle when he's full-grown.

Whatever you buy, make sure both you and your hubby spend a good amount of time test-driving.
I worked at a Mazda dealership for awhile ...which had a used car attachment... and I particularly did not like the ride of the PT Cruiser. They would go almost immediately though when we got one in the lot. I agree with Tasker's mom though ...and you either love it or hate it.

I find it good to compare each car in its class ...side by side... and then choose from there based on what you're getting for the price (some cars you have to add $5,000+ just to get the base model of another), dependability, etc. is a great site for doing this.
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