Poor Fluffy! (Pomeranian with bad luck)

My friend's Jen's Dad Tom, lives two blocks from us.
He has become like family to us. He invites us to BBQs offered to babysit, goes golfing with Billy. I take care of Fluffy for him when he goes out of town. I have been helping him with his online store.
Besides I really enjoy hanging out with him because he is also from NJ.

Tom has an older Pomeranian named Fluffy.
Fluffy is the Queen of health problems.

Just this year alone he has spent over $3,000 on her.
Fluffy was recently diagnosed with an enlarged heart and was told the heart could explode at any time.

She just had her teeth cleaned which required a visit to the Cardiologist first to see if she should be put under to have her teeth cleaned. Even after the diagnosis he has her teeth done. She was not eating because her teeth were bothering her. So he figured if she didn't eat she would die so go ahead with the teeth cleaning. They shaved her front leg for the IV and they shaved so close that poor Fluffy looked like someone took a straight razor to her and took of the first couple of layers of skin...
The skin looked severely burned. This problem required more Vet visits and more money.
She is eating again so that problem is solved. She has arthritis and bad knees.

Fluffy is so close with her Daddy that she has starved herself when he has gone away and ended up in the emergency vet dehydrated and close to death. Last trip I watched her and she ate for me, Roast Beef, but at least she ate.

Anyhow I am just trying to get you to see that Poor Fluff seems to have bad luck.

Last night Tom noticed that Fluffy was not in the office with him. He called her and she didn't come. So he started looking around for her. He went outside in the backyard. The outside light had been off. He gets out there and there is Fluffy in the pool....treading water. He immediately jumps in to save her. Fluffy is ok! Today Billy is going over there and they are going to build a small pen area for her outside the dog door. So she can still use the dog door but cannot get near the pool.

Tom called us last night in a panic. He had no idea when she fell in the pool. But she is ok and he shut the dog door.

Scary story, but for those of us with pools I do recommend that you show your dog how to get out of the pool. Even if they hate the pool.....so just in case the dog does happen to end up in the pool they will know how to get out. My two ended up loving the pool after getting them in at least 1/2 a dozen times.

Fluffy has lived in this house with the pool for 3 years. I guess she must have gotten disoriented in the dark.

If you could all keep Fluffy in your thoughts maybe we can send her some luck! She needs it!
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Poor Phluphy!
I am starting to think that Fluffy has really bad luck or is trying to kill herself. 8O
Poor dog, and things like will certainly stress that already stressed heart. I feel really bad for Tom once she does go, he will be so devastated.
Poor Fluffy and Poor Tom!

Near the end of Shaggy's life she once fell accidently in the fishpond. It was a dark January evening and I carried her down the stairs. Shaggy could make her way up them fine so I waited in the house while she did her business. After 10 mins I became concerned as she never took that long and went outside to look. She was thrashing about in the fishpond unable to climb out. Like Tom, I jumped in to grab her.

Anyhow didn't mean to carry on but I can relate to Tom's fear. Here's what helped for me. As dogs age their hearing and eyesight dim and dusk seems especially hard for them to see. I installed motion detector lights on the porch and solar lights around the pond and never had the problem again. Perhaps mention that to Tom for his piece of mind as a possible alternative?

Marianne and the boys

Sending our regards to Fluffy
She is such a sweetheart. Even with her arthritis and bad knees, she gets all excited and runs in little circles.
Tom is very, very attached to her and will have a very tough time when she does pass.
Great idea with the sensor lights. We have them in our yard too.
I think at this point Tom feels like he doesn't want her near the pool at all.
I don't blame him after the other night.
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