Need Help Urgently

OES Rescue was contacted yesterday about a Sheepie that was found by the side of the road in a ditch near Baton Rouge (obviously dumped) in a rural area. We picked the sheepie up last night and brought it to our vet. It is a male sheepie approximately 2-3 years old. He is neutered. His name is Marcus. He is well trained - knows all the basic commands and walks extremely well on a leash. But he is a very sick sheepie.

He has severe skin conditions with some open sores that include:

demodex mange - non-contagious mange
Podo Dermatitis
Severe Infection all 4 paws
Ear infection both ears
Dental/Gum Infection

They started him on treatment for all of this and if this were it we would bring him home with us and foster him, however, he has SEVERE Ringworm (which is contagious) and will need to be quarantined for the next 6 to 8 weeks.

OES Rescue's funds are already thin of course but the cost to board him for the next couple of months in addition to his medical bills would be astronomical.

Is there anyone out there that does not have an animal or has a kennel where the dog could be kept quarantined from the other animals that could possibly take him?

Please somebody - the vet said with everything they did today the dog was totally not agressive and that his butt was wiggly the entire time they were working on him.


If you don't know of anyone could you send some funds to - Ingrid to help pay for his medical bills and boarding. He is such a sweetie and he is so worth saving.

(Sorry, I am crying. It just makes me so mad that someone took all the time and effort to housebreak him, train him, and then just dumped him like trash on the side of the road when he got sick.)

Thanks for everything!
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8O YES :cry:
I want to help this sweet fella!!
Tell me how to get the $$ to the right place for Marcus :hearts:
I just put a comment on the PayPal statement for Ingrid to "Please use for the care of Marcus in Baton Rouge". Hope that works.
Donations can be made through Paypal and the following link: ... md=_xclick
Hi BatonRougeSheepies,

I made a small donation thru PayPal. I am praying that Marcus will be okay. He is such a beautiful sheepie. My SamSun can't believe someone has a name similar to his. :D
Thanks everyone for your help, it is so appreciated and every small amount will help.
Thank you Wynette for picking him up.
Someone contacted me weeks ago and I told the woman that I had somebody to foster but never heard back from her.
Got an email yesterday that they picked up a male beside the road and of course it was the same one. So they just dumped him.
People just make me sick.
Thanks again
What a cutie! That's so horrible. I hope that you will get enough support to help this guy. I just sent a small donation too. Thanks for letting us know about him.
I hope that this Sheepie recovers well and finds a FUREVER home. Chipper just sent some money on Paypal to help this guy out!!!
What a cutie pie... hopefully he will get better fast.

Dudley and Murphy just sent him a donations to help with his recovery.
I don't have paypal but can send in a donation. Does someone have an snail mail addy I can send it to?

Sending lots of positive thoughts for this boy.

Marianne and the boys
We visited with Marcus tonight. In order to pet him we had to put on gloves that had to be disposed of because of the ringworm. They can't take him out of the kennel in case he contaminates the other dogs.

These are just a few of the open sores he has on his body.


All 4 of his feet are in this condition or worse.


And in my opinion this picture is the worse. His eyes look so sad.

:( Marcus deserves so much more than what he had. My heart aches everytime I look at his pictures.
OMG, Poor guy! :(
How could someone throw Marcus like a piece of trash? :evil: He is so handsome and deserves so much more. I'm so thankful that he is being taken care of now. I'm sending in a small donation to help him. Poor boy, I hope that he feels better soon.
Poor boy :(
my heart goes out to Marcus....thoughts are with you! Thanks Wynn for all youve done so far!
What a sad case. I cannot get this boy out of my mind. I would like to send a donation. Is there an address where I can mail a check for his care?? I would be happy to do so. THANKS
The check can go to

Mike Albers
246 Buena Vista Pl.
Memphis, TN 38112

And the check can be made out to "South East OES Rescue"

Make sure to put on it "For Marcus"
I want to thank you all for helping Marcus. So far we have $ 345. and that is just wonderful, thanks so much and Marcus will thank you.
We are keeping him at the clinic until the ringworm is under control and that will cost a bundle, but with your help we can do it.
That boy deserves a second chance at a great home.
Wynette will visit him as much as she can, this way he will have a connection with the outside. She has to wear cloves to touch him, poor boy.
Marcus is one lucky fella to have found people who CARE!!

KUDOS to all of you, and thank you!
I didn't see this thread & just posted the same topic under Rescues (oops)

Thank you all for donating & please pass the word on our new ebay items
Thank you
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D sue
Thank you for all you're doing to help Marcus! I'll send a check to Mike to help out, too.
Pirate and Keira said they have so much and poor Marcus has so little. They've asked me to cut their treats down for a week, and to send to a check to Marcus with the money I would spend.

They send their love :kiss: to him and wishes for a speedy recovery and a furever home.

Their check is on its way to Memphis!
Thank you so much Pirate and Keira, Marcus will appreciate it.
What a nice gesture, to give up your beloved treats.
We got our fist bill on Marcus $800. but they will give us a discount.
And thanks everyone for helping this poor boy. It is just wonderful
how this community stands together to help sheepies in need.
He feet have gotten a little better so they are taking him out and walking him in a nearby field 3 times a day. He gets a medicated dip/bath 2 to 3 times a week and they are going to use a fluorescent light to try to get the lesions & open sores on his body to heal quicker. He is starting to feel a little better and is barking.

His medications are extremely expensive and he is on some heavy duty antibiotics and other meds for the mange and the ringworm.

Like Ingrid said - to date his bill is already at $800 and the donations you guys have made are helping but more will be needed as he still has approximately another 5 weeks of being boarded/quarantined and treated.

I just wanted to say to everyone that has donated so far - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
OMG Marcus is such a sweetie!! He reminds me of Monty when I first saw happy to be found and loved and butt wiggling all the time....Marcus is in far worse shape though. Monty and I will be sending a donation for Marcus tomorrow. Poor baby....but he will recover before you know it!!!!!! :hearts: :hearts:
Any updates?
Getting slowly better. But he has only been in the hospital one week now. The vet said the earliest he may get to come home (we are going to foster him when he is non-contagious) is another 5 weeks or so. They are using the ultraviolet lighting on him to try to get the lesions and sores to heal faster.
I posted updated pictures of Marcus in the Pictures.

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That poor boy :cry: I will be happy to send a donation through paypal right now, thank you so much for caring about him.
:lol: That's great news about Marcus!!! I'm so happy that he is being released on Friday. I'm glad that you are feeling better Marcus :P :P
I'm soooo happy for Marcus. You said the donations had reached $705, but how much is the vet bill? It's a new month so do we need to send more $? He's such a doll, let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Chester, Putie, Baron, & Punky
Marcus, I hope you are feeling better soon and the small amount I just donated will help. XOXO
The two vets at the clinic decided against allowing us to bring Marcus home. When they do the Woods Lamp test - spots on him still glow which indicate ringworm. Even though the last culture came back as negative for ringworm, they decided to take 2 more cultures from the sites indicated on his body and send it off for confirmation either yes he has the ringworm or no he does not. The vets told me we would rather be 100% positive he does not have ringworm then to go ahead and send him home with us and have him infect our 3.

He is doing much better. We were allowed to run him around the field next to the clinic and play ball with him for 30 minutes or so. He knows how to play fetch! This is going to be a great dog for some lucky family as he is already crate trained, leash trained, and knows and obeys all the basic commands. And he is not agressive at all towards other animals or people. With all that he has gone through he has not snapped or growled. He does however bark :lol:

The results will be back mid next week and will know something further at that time.

His total bill including all the medicines, cultures, boarding, bathing & dipping, etc... to date total $1300. I believe so far we have donations totaling around $800.

Thanks everyone!
Sorry you weren't able to bring him home today. :(
But at least you got to play with him. I am sure he really enjoyed that.
Awwww, so sorry the sweet boy couldn't come home today, but better safe than sorry. We'll keep sending a little mullah along to help with those vet bills. Wish we could do more, but Marcus is sooo lucky to have you help him!!!!!

Kathy & the gang
I'm dissapointed too that he wasn't able to come home with you but like the others's better to be 100% safe, regarding your other 3 at home.

Wow so happy to hear that Marcus will be getting some R and R at your home!!!

Marianne and the boys
We have to make sure that he is all well, I sure would not want Wynett's sheepies to get the ringworm. At least he is on the mend.
I want to thank everyone again for all your financial help, this is a wonderful group of people. You are not just talking, you are doing something to help the sheepies.
I used to belong to another oes List and when we needed help, well all we got was a "White Light" and that does not help much LOL
There are much more sheepies in need than we have money and that is with any rescue group. People out there are so cruel and getting worse, they just dump a dog and could not care less.
Once again, thank you so much, we have $800. and donations are still coming in. I believe the bill was up to $1300. and has been paid, but he is still at the vets, so we will owe them more.
But we want to make sure that he is all clear before he goes into foster with Wynette.
That is just pitiful. Hannah and Copper made a donation to help their fellow sheepie Marcus and send him lots of love too.

Thanks for all that you are doing to help this precious boy that doesn't deserve what he's going through.

Ava and Gertie just gave me some of their Christmas spending money to send to Marcus - so we sent it along (they don't have their own paypal account)

Hope he is doing better!!!!
Marcus was released this past Friday to us. I posted some photos of him under pictures "Look Who Was Released Today"
That is such great news about Marcus :banana: I'm sure that he is thankful to be in a loving home environment. Thank you Wynette for all that you have done and are doing for sweet Marcus.
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