Serious crate help

My Sassy is about 8 months old and we got her about a month ago. We started crate training her while we are at work. I've been told that dogs won't go in the crate because they don't want to be laying in it. Well, when I get home there is nothing but the smell of crap and crap all over her. She gets soo hyper that she jumps all around in it. She goes out in the morning before we go to work, but still goes in the crate. When I get home she jumps all over me and I end up getting all dirty. Please do I keep her from going to the bathroom in the crate. I am 8 months pregnant and dealing with a big dog that is all dirty and a 4 yr old boy is too much.
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I'd take a look at all the other threads about crate training-- you definitely aren't alone!

I think there's a lot of factors that could be contributing to messing in the crate: how long she's been left in the crate, how big the crate is, how much previous training that she's had with a crate, her anxiety levels about being left alone/in a crate. Especially if this is her first time being crate trained, you just have to be patient and consistent. Adjust the time you keep her in there and make her comfortable and happy to be in it with treats and toys.
I agree with ButtersStotch. Also if you have any bedding in the crate...remove it!
Okay... I don't know where to start here... so much to say.

"Crate training" doesn't mean stick the dog in the crate and leave it alone for 8 hours. Sassy's freaking out - and rightfully so.

To properly crate train her, you'll need to take a week off work.

First introductions to the crate should be calm and happy. Start with feeding her meals in the crate with the door open. Then when she's happy being in there you can start with short intervals in the crate with you in the same room. Then you can progress to longer intervals. Then short intervals with you in the other room. Then longer intervals with you in the other room. Then you can leave the house for short periods. Then for longer periods. Then when you go back to work (I guess only for a couple weeks before you're off on maternity leave), someone should come home at lunchtime to let her out of the crate.

To keep her occupied and happy while crated, give her a stuffed kong - or 2 or 3! Freeze one full of low-sodium beef broth with kibble and/or treats inside it. Stuff one full of kibble and treats and top with peanut butter. As she's working at getting the treats out of the kong, she's being automatically rewarded for being quiet and calm in the crate.

If you can't take time off work until your maternity leave, an alternate solution would be to give her a room, i.e. a mudroom or a kitchen that has been completely puppy-proofed - and preferable closed off with baby gates instead of doors so she can still see out of the room. Her water and food dish can go in her crate in that room with the crate door open. Anchor/tie the stuffed kongs inside the crate so if she wants to enjoy a nice stuffed kong, it means she is in her crate - and being rewarded for being calm and quiet in the crate!

Before & After Getting Your Puppy: The Positive Approach to Raising a Happy, Healthy & Well-Behaved Dog (Hardcover), by Ian Dunbar is an excellent book with lots of information on crate-training, socialization, obedience training, house training, etc. Get it and read it.

I think you may have already figured out that getting a 7 month old puppy when you were 7 months pregnant with a 4 year old may not have been the best timing, but with a little patience, a lot of time, treats and kongs, you can do it and Sassy will grow up to be the wonderful family member you were hoping for.

Have you made progress with Sassy? How has she been doing? I hope you were home with her most of the weekend and were able to work on crate training with her.

How is she (and you) doing?
We have made alot of progress with her potty training. We have even moved to letting her have free roam of the house while we are gone. She has been so good. We now are having issues with her jumping. Any ideas on how to stop her from doing this?
Wow. I don't know why, but I didn't see your post until now.

I hope that you're reading this. I'm so happy to hear that you've had success with potty training. It takes some puppies longer than others but at some point it just clicks and they get it! Like a light goes on and they think "oh! I go potty OUTSIDE! I understand!".

I hope that by now you have been able to work on Sassy not jumping. Barkley has now started this too. I remember reading a thread where some members recommended turning away from the dog or raising their knee up in the air to block the dog from jumping up. We've been trying to do those - when we remember to react fast enough.

4SassyGurl... I hope you come back to the forum and let us know how you and your Sassy and the new baby are doing. Pictures please!
Hi hope the crate/potty training is still working for you...

I have a 6month old sheepie and we crate trained her from day one and never looked back its her safe place and when she is really tired and gets to hot by the fire she wanders into her crate. she still sleeps there at night time and will do for alittle while longer, well until the warmer months come anyway. Bella likes to jump up aswell and they way I work it is by walking straight at her which means she has to go backwards the only time they go backwards is because the pack leader said so, so you have to be more of a pack leader, believe me it works. good luck let me know how it goes for you?

talk care xx
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