big mama's boy?

Not sure if anyone has similar post before, but when I typed in nervous it had about 1 million returns (too many for me to go through), so I will start this :)

My dog can't stand seeing me leaving him somewhere!! He is fine when I leave home for work, but if I drop him off at a groomer or a friend's house, he gets upset! My friend said that he would become so excited and nervous for a few days before calming down. In the off leash dog park he has to see where I am all the time. He would look for me if I move w/o him looking.

This morning I dropped him off at the doggie day care (since I am selling my house I don't want strangers to walk in with him there). He was fine until they wanted to take him to the back. He jumped and barked and screamed (sounded like it). He bit the women (not attacking, but one bite) on the hand. I had to leave first, then she tried to take him to the back.... this time he just walked with her.

My friend thinks he has no confidnece and he needs to know someone is there to take care of him all the time (ME). He has no separation anxiety (doesn't destroy or soil the place), and I know he came from a good breeder. So why is he behaving this way? I socialize him a lot starting when he was young..... The vet ssaid he has a clean bill of health.

Just wondering if it's him or all OES have similar personality? I call him mama's boy!!

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I'm not really sure what to say.... that sounds very serious, and I think for something that serious it would be best to get the help of a professional trainer, and only one who uses positive training methods.
The sooner the better too, because one of these times if he bites someone, not only a danger to others, but it will be a death sentence for him :(
My parents first sheepdog was like this. They had him for a few years before they went on a vacation. They left him with my grandparents... and he made himself sick. He refused to eat, and finally my grandma got him to eat by feeding him ground beef, rice, eggs, etc...

He never liked being left anywhere without my parents. I don't believe he ever got mean about it, but he was never happy when they were gone.
That sounds like my dog!! He just can't stand not having me around. I don't even think I am that great of a mom LOL. I will have to work on this.

He didn't bite like when a dog attack others.... he never bites hard...but his teeth aren't eactly small, so it still hurts even if he just closes it slightly.

Thanks for the advice!

My first dog did well--unless the family was gone for a long time. To spare him from having to be boarded, our oldest son moved back into the house while we were gone for a week. He called us to say that Merlin wouldn't eat (unless fed by hand), wouldn't sleep (except with our son, in our bed--where he had never, ever slept before). Now, he adored my son, who grew up with him. My son was newly on his own, so until a short time before, they had always lived together. They were best buddies from the first day. And my son spent tons of time with him--took him to play soccer, on walks, to the beach, all the good guy things they loved to do together. But Merlin missed the rest of his family.

We had our son stay with him because we thought it would be better than the vet's, even though Merlin loved the vet. He just didn't like being without his family.

He loved his walks--unless the family (except for whoever elected to stay behind) was gone for the day. Shopping or school or work was ok, but if say, Dad (or Mom) took the kids for an all day trip to the zoo, he went very reluctantly and wanted to turn back every few blocks. Didn't matter who stayed home with him, and it was the only time he didn't want to go out for as long as possible, as far as possible, unless it was raining or really hot.

OES's seem to get really attached to their family, but it is a good idea to let him learn to be secure without you around.
Phlufie has gone to the daycare 3 times now. He is doing much better. He still cries and jumps, but he doesn't fight as much. I guess I hardly leave him anywhere, so he has to adjust. When I move to DE I will find a trainer for that. Although I also think it's hard to retain the skill if he doesn;t use it much. I really don't leave him anywhere, but once a while I do travel for work.

I also found out that he only does that when I leave him in a business type of setting. I left him with friends before and he was fine.
Phlufie's mom wrote:
I also found out that he only does that when I leave him in a business type of setting. I left him with friends before and he was fine.

Phlufie is probably picking up on your anxiety - I'm sure you're more relaxed leaving him with friends that in a new doggie day care environment. As you become more comfortable I'll bet he will too.
I can't help myself Why did you spell Phlufie that way? :lmt:

Why not:

Phluphy or
Phluphie? :?:
He was Fluffy but I thought it was too common :p So F becomes Ph... Phluffy looks funny, so y = ie Phluffie is kind of long, so I took one f off... Now ... it's Phlufie!!

It's not just OES' that act that way. My son's girlfriend was just saying their family's Golden Retriever acts like that. The rest of Nicole's family left on vacation, and the dog was worried. She didn't want to eat, and was looking for them the whole time they were gone. Nicole still lives at home, so the dog sees her everyday.
Phlufie's mom wrote:
He was Fluffy but I thought it was too common :p So F becomes Ph... Phluffy looks funny, so y = ie Phluffie is kind of long, so I took one f off... Now ... it's Phlufie!!


That's funny. I just assumed from the one F that the name was pronounced "floofy". Is it pronounced Fluffy?

I am glad to hear the day care situation is improving.
Ron get with it - Ph is the cool way to spell, i.e that is Phat ! Translation, that is cool !! LOL I only know this as my son keep saying oh that is just so Phat - eh, speak English boy !! lol
I thought it was "floofy" too!
Haha a lot of people do call him floofy.... maybe i should change his name to Phlafie?

He didn't really fight today!! He walked back with the day care lady while I was standing there!! Good boy!
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