operas getting bizarre

Last night hubby and I attended The Tempest at the Santa Fe opera. Staging is getting very creative! Last night the choir and other characters swam on stage. I remember an opera last year where half the stage was water complete with a row boat.

For The Tempest, there was a triangular trough built on the front of the stage overhanding the orchestra pit. Think a swim lane about 40 feet long and 8 feet wide....probably 2 feet deep. The characters entered the pool off stage and popped up along the "beach". (they were shripwrecked) Fortunately their singing part wasn't for awhile so they could walk across the beach, off stage, change into dry clothes, etc and come back later. At the end, Ariel exited the stage via the water path.
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That sounds very cool!

I haven't been to an opera since I was 10 and my favorite music teacher always took me along with her. I'll never forget the thrill of going with her..not that I was interested in opera at that age..but the costumes, and stage is what I remember most.

Reading your post makes me kinda want to perhaps go again. Thanks for that.

actually the more I thought about it, the more I realized the swimmers were probably just "stunt" people and not the choir. dummy here forgot one unseen, but heard, choral exchange and just moments later the shipped wrecked people began to appear.

Speaking of opera's next month we are seeing the Phantom again....in my opinion the best one out there.
Ahh the opera! I LOVE the opera, and musicals... I need to go more often. My favorite is still the Met's staging of Wagner's Der Ring Das Niebelungen. I love that opera... I need to get that DVD! People don't stage that very often, because Wagner was such a creep, and the opera is 3 days long... but it is such beautiful music, and such a glorious story. Sigh...
Actually, Toronto put on the Ring last spring! Yes, it is an endurance test! Get the DVD's, they are fine.

I've only been to the real opera twice. Loved it the first time and left at half time the second time.
The first one was AMAZING. It was the Magic Flute and the costumes were phenomenal and it was beautiful music and very entertaining.
I went with my mom to the next and we were both so bored and tired with it that we left at intermission.
I've only walked out on one......slept thru a few more :wink: I don't do baroque operas any more......yawn!

Costumes.....well, it depends on the budget and the costume designer. I'll see Magic Flute again on Tues and I know my friends will be disappointed and confused.
did you get to see the toronto version susan? was it any good??? I've heard murmurings of some strange version done in a contemporary setting... wondering if this was the one?

I like the traditional setting myself.
No. I can't imagine spending all that $$$ to get to Toronto, hotel and tickets and then find it to be a modern interp with minimal staging and costumes. I want fire!!! I want horses (or goats)!! Since I didn't know who, what or how, why spend the money?

I assume you are referring to the Met version on DVD. I like James Morris so of course I like this version....he's a good Wotan.

There is also a Bayreuth DVD version I haven't seen.

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