Off to Lake Geneva

We're off to Lake Geneva, IL this afternoon so I'll be MIA. Working 1/2 day, going home to pack, and then we're off. Mom will be over to take care of Annie and Foz this evening. Foz is feeling better thank goodness and is keeping his ID food down. Of course Annie wants to eat it too.

This week has stunk and has been maddening. I'm heading to the hot tub as soon as we get to the spa.

Turns out that Steve is NOT finished with his MBA yet. The professor wants his group (only 4 people in the class this summer) to do a bunch more on the final written project. They had given a presentation on Wed and he had questions. I think the people are all just burnt out as it's the very last class for 3 of them. So I had skipped my Aqua class on Wed night to go to the party store to pick up a Congrats sign, went out in the humidity and hung it up on the garage. I was asleep when Steve got home and asked him in the morning if he saw his sign...NO! He opened the garage at the corner and didn't see it. OH WELL!

My chiropractor is about 1/2 hour away towards the lake. I went there before work on Thursday and sat in the waiting room which is unusual as I make the first appt of the day. In comes another appt was on FRIDAY not Thursday 8O The woman took pity on me and said she'd give me her appt and come back on Friday for mine. She only lived a few blocks away so I guess it wasn't a big deal to her. This totally made my day and reminded me that there are people out there who are kind every day! She made my week and I think I'll get her a card.

Whew! have a good weekend!
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Your weekend sounds like it is well-needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good grief.

Your back will love the hot tub. I'm jealous!! :twisted:

Hope steve can hang in there :( After a certain point, I know it gets hard to tell yourself TO KEEP GOING. Struggling with that right now, actualyl.
Enjoy your weekend! And RELAX :D

Poor Steve...I hope they can get it done soon. At least he has this weekend to relax.

That was very nice of the woman at the Chiropractor. :)

I WANNA GO TO THE SPA!! :excited:
Have a great time Stacy!!!!
Thanks, guys. It's 2:45 and we're still here. As I've been ready for an house, there were errands Steve needed to run this morning, but I'm not sure what he's been doing all day. This happens every single time we go away. It's like at the last minute, he needs to clean and do laundry 8O At least this time the pups are staying at the house and we don't miss the boarder who had to leave for a train and we had to dump Annie off at the vet instead at the very last minute...LONG STORY for another day.
Hope you have a rejuvenating time away. Get all the treatments you possibly can. They will help you relax and feel better. That's a drag he still has to finish his MBA. What a huge workload.
Hi, Everyone! We came home from Lake Geneva around 1:00 on Sunday. It was a very nice time with perfect weather and filled with company sponsored food and buffets from start to finish!

My Mom had a wonderful time staying with Foz and Annie. I did have to remind her after her second call on Friday night that I was on vacation (we got there at 6pm), glad she was having a good time, and that I'd call her. I'll post about THEIR weekend in another post.

The weekend was mainly for the employees to spend time with their famlies so nothing work related was required unless you attended the Sat night buffet and entertainment. We did go to that but hit the outdoor hot tub around 9PM. Oh, it felt great! We went to the indoor one on Fri night but it wasn't very warm and was filled with kids.

On Saturday day, Steve and I walked around town to the shops, got lunch at Gilbert's (lovely mansion), ate ice cream and fudge :D

On Sunday, Steve had his very first massage (loved it) and I got a manicure and pedicure. The manicurist told me that the places I've been going to aren't really doing a "gel" fill; they are marketing their acrylic as gel because their clients don't know any better :evil: This didn't make me very happy but I really didn't like the gel stuff she put on anyway. Also, my police has chipped right away and looks a mess. The pedicure was wonderful though!

The Grand Geneva is a great facility; however, the rooms need to be updated and the drapes washed! The room smelled musty and dusty. I was glad it was nice outside and we didn't need to be cooped up except to sleep.

I'm glad we went and I'm feeling better this week! :D Now, onto the rest of the bday festivities and dysfunction of family! :D
Welcome home - I'm glad you had a great vacation away from home but I bet your two flulffy kids missed you!
Welcome back Stacy! Glad you had a good time!

I just got back from ym first ever full spa day and all I can say is AAAHHHHH!!!!!
Sounds like a nice trip. :)
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