Bosley and the Bottle Drive

My town is opening up a dog park, and Don and I have given our names as volunteers with the set up etc.. It should be ready late fall some time.

We helped out with a beer bottle drive last nite, and not knowing what to expect we took Bosley and left Dixie at home. She gets spooked sometimes in strange places, so we didn't think she would enjoy it.

Don and I arrived at the meeting place and people kept calling Bosley "Shakespere" by mistake. Well, we found out that another couple of volunteers that had already headed off to their area have a sheepdog called "Shakespere'. So we went off to collect in our designated area, looking forward to meeting Shakespere at the end of the drive.

We went door-to-door and do I have to mention what a hit Bosley was? He kissed babies, politely sniffed owner's dogs, and although he did over-do the crotch-sniffing he didn't jump on anyone....oh, yes, He did take a soft dump on the hot sidewalk infront of one of the homes... :oops: :oops: (What is it with Bosley and his choice of appropriate places???")

We got back to the meeting place and as bottles were being sorted so many people were commenting on how calm Bosley was, and gentle, relaxed and easy-going. They couldn't believe he was only 1 year old. Someone came by with their rotti-cross and Newfie-cross and they all sniffed and inspected each other politely.

Then Shakespere arrived....Well, it was like a light went on in Bosley's head. He pulled over to meet him, and immediately started the play bows, and tail going a mile a minute, and got down on the ground and was barking at him, turning away to get Shakeshere to chase him....It was hilarious to watch! He was like a bumbling little idiot! Shakeshere was trying to ignore him as much as possible, but Bosley would not give up. It was so cute and everyone was laughing at him.

Well, we are happy to know that there is another sheepdog in town, AND in the dog park volunteer group. I hope that he and Shakespere will see more of each other...BTW, Shakespere is much taller than Bosley and quite"fluffy"... :oops:
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Bosley recognized another fluffy remind me of Dixie, let's play!!!

How funny Boz blew is quiet image with another sheepdog! Let's hope the two fluffies meet at the park and have a good romp.

That's too funny... they do seem to get more excited at fluffy dogs, mine do anyway.
How cool!
Now Dixie and Bosley will have a new OES friend to play with.
Also YAY for the new dog park.
How fun! And what a great project! Kudos for chipping in!!
I just love when they do play bows. Go Bosley, what a doll. I had no idea he was only one.
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