What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Hi Everyone,

For the first time in 17 years I decided not to "work" during the summer, deciding instead to finish some long needed projects around the house.

This is what I've done in the last 3 wks:

Installed new laminate floor in computer room: (it had really old carpeting in there previously, so ripped that up.)

Installed new flooring in my front hallway: It had very old nicked and old lino previously.

Built an arbor

Removed yucky rubber type paint from porch that had cracked and peeled and redid the porch.

Cleaned, Sanded and repainted all outdoor furniture;

Cleaned the shed and rearranged tools..finally!!!

Cleaned roof and gutters.

Finally cleaned up the long neglected back of the yard which is affectionately referred to as the forest.


Many other projects not shown. Still have tons to do like installing molding, baseboards, more painting, going through junk, cleaning garage...sigh I'm still humming I am Woman however!!

I'm just so happy I got some time off to take it "easy" for a change..hee hee

Tired but well muscled Marianne :D

PS: The boys were happy however and not neglected..here's a cute pic of Merlin with his best bud Blue amongst the "renos".

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Wow Marianne! You've been very busy. 8O
I bet you felt so proud that you got all that stuff accomplished.
Everything looks great!

Admittedly I'm very tired but really happy too! I never have a chance to do those long neglected things and it does make one feel satisfied to get those projects out of the way.

I also redid my fish pond and now have to finish loading wheelbarrows full of rocks into the yard...good thing is I really am developing Popeye muscles...nyuck nyuck!

And the NC SHeepie picnic is not at your house because......

:wink: Lark
I see it looks like you've got a big'ol box of me in your living room!

Wow, you've been busy! C'mon over!
Ron wrote:
I see it looks like you've got a big'ol box of me in your living room!

Wow! You have been busy. Bet it feels good to have those things done.
It all looks great.

So, if Ron was sitting there in your living room, why wasn't he working!!??
I was sitting in the corner, all boxed in.
Ron wrote:
I was sitting in the corner, all boxed in.

Outstanding Marianne! Thanks for the pictures.

Everything looks great, bet you'll be happy to enjoy it soon.
You must be very proud, wonderful accomplishment!

A+ !
Holy cow Marianne....it makes me tired just looking at those pictures...lol....so is that where you sat and typed this in...on the floor???? Poor Ron, let him out of the box 8O
Wow! I get tired just THINKING about doing all that stuff!! Congratulations! You have every reason to feel very proud of yourself, girl!! :lol: :lol:
Marianne, did you sleep?? Everything looks great, especially the laminate floors. I had those in my previous house and reallyreally liked them.
I can hear you ROAR from here!! You are WOMAN!! :D
Wow--That's a lot of work!
the floors look great!
And I love that pic of Merlin and Blue...so funny.

I wish I had half your gumption Marianne! Everything looks WONDERFUL! Hope you had a good break... Ready to go back to school now???
Wowie...is there anything you're not great at? Everything looks awesome!
WOW! 8O Phenomenol! Everything looks wonderful! What great projects! What great results!
Hey thanks everyone!
This is just cracking me up..that box of Ron..is actually from Rona..a Canadian Home Depot store and contains a new toilet. Heeeee Heeeee how funny is that. Oh forgive the toilet humor Ron!!!

Speaking of long overdue projects that box with the toilet has been sitting in my living room for over a year! So there you have my great shame..it took ages to find some poor soul to carry it a flight of stairs for me. Now I know how to install the darn thing but can't lift it...but yeah..found a way to do it in an offbeaten kinda way. Sheesh just at the point where I was thinking of painting the stupid box and pretending it was a coffee table. Haaa okay I'm kidding folks but it was tempting!

Last year I bought two beautiful matching white couches from a newspaper ad for a fantastic deal. I loved them so much but after a month of rain and extremely dirty dogs thought what the heck was I thinking? Alas my poor couches sat in the garage for months...my older son took one and my brother in law the other one. We are doing a trade , he gets the couch and will install the toilet for me after I put in new Lino this week. Guess I'm stuck with my old ragged couches for a while yet but I always wanted the entire house to be pet friendly. Sadly no white couches for me..wonder if they make them in grey/white furry type material? LOL. Sigh or I may just have to learn how to sew covers for them..but that's another time.

I've come to realize not to be scared of the unknown such as home reno's and much as I hate to admit it previously known as "guy territory". Gasp did I actually say that outloud? Truth is I can't afford to hire someone to do this stuff so learned how to do it myself and found out it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be..just time consuming. Ha! So there the secret is out for the guys, yes ladies you too can learn how to do it!

The good news is I don't have to be back at work until Sept 5th so am still continuing to work on "stuff". I was so busy working the last couple years my house was looking pretty sad and neglected. Last year I installed flooring in the living room, dining room and hallway then had to wait a year for more time off to finish other jobs.

Wish I didn't live so far from everyone or else the invitation is always open for a big sheepie get together here!! Hey how about a paint party?

Marianne and the boys
Oh that just begs a further comment, something about Ron and his Throne in your livingroom. The elements are there, they just need to be massaged a little bit, and perhaps told while wearing a big red nose.

The floors looks awsome.. as well as the back yard.

Women Power!!!!!!
Wow What a way to spend your vacation!!
You did a marvelous job with those floors~
You are so skillfull!!
Marianne -you inspire me!! :cheer:
WHAT A WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great job Marianne!!!!! But please let Ron out of the box, he promises to behave!!!!!!
WWWOOOOOO WEEE... women rock!
The floor looks real good.

Whooo Hooo after all these comments I'm puffing out my chest...

(Need all the help I can get anyhow!) :excited:

Thanks again everyone!

Wow, Marianne. Wow! I like the part where you said you "didn't work this summer" 8O Sure looks like a ton of work you did!

You must feel fantastic to have gotten so much done. It is so refreshing to have new flooring. It just looks so great. Any ONE of those jobs is a lot, let alone all of the stuff you did. What a great accomplishment.

You've definitely inspired me.
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