We are OES-less. Bart was a biter and had to be put to sleep

It has taken me awhile to post this, but we had to return Bart to MOESR and he was put to sleep. He had over a 2 week period bit people, unprovoked. I gave him many chances, but biting 3 people was too much. One was my nephew, and he attacked him as he walked by, and got him in the face and chest. He got in the 2 bites, both breaking the skin before I pulled him away. It was horrible. I don't know if an incident like this happened in his original home, or not.

We miss him so much, in spite of it. He was so perfect for us in every other way. :cry:

To the new sheepie owners - this is not typical - we had no problems with Oliver, our previous OES. They are wonderful, goofy, affectionate dogs.
I'm sure Bart had something genetic or medical that caused this behavior, because he was 95% of the time a perfectly behaved dog. My daughter had taken him to visit at the nursing home and he was perfect - now I am grateful that nothing happened when we were there. I would have felt horrible.

We do plan on getting another OES down the road. We are looking at a litter, and may get one. They are from a show line, but they also have titles in agility, obedience and herding. We met relatives (of the pups) being shown in Rally at the show I was in last weekend, entered in the same Rally class as me. They got 2nd and 4th place in the class on Sat!!! Go sheepies, go!

Sorry for the sad news post. I haven't even been able to log on and see Bart's picture on my avatar.
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Oh, I realize I posted under behavior.
Ron, you can move my post to another area if you wish.

[I think behavior is just a fine spot for this, unless you'd prefer it to be under Rainbow Bridge.
Either is fine by me.
I am so sorry for your loss. It must be heart-breaking for you and your family. :cry:
Oh Dawn! :cry:

I'm SO sorry you had to go through this. I'm sure you made the best agonizing decision for everyone involved. Unfortunately, not every soul can be saved, not even sheepies.

{{{hugs}}} to you.

Thank you for letting us know and for sharing Bart's story with the world.

Please keep in touch.
I'm so sorry you had to go through this... I'm glad the injuries weren't more serious, and that you aren't turned off oes altogether. It must have been scary, and heartbreaking. *hugs*
I am sorry to hear this.

I appreciate that you and MOESR took the responsible action. The rescue I volunteered with before OES's had to do this with 3 dogs, out of 60. Two of them were fostered by me. It is not pleasant, but you have to move on.

Bart is at peace, now.
Dawn, I am so sorry you had to go through this. We went through the same thing with our second sheepie, Farley, so I know how agonizing and heartbreaking it is.

Like Bart, 90% of the time Farley was a good dog. But he was so pack oriented that he just snapped at times. He mainly targeted my (then) 12 year old son because he was 3rd in line (he had previously tried to unseat me from 2nd but would never try to unseat my husband from 1st). My (then) 8 year old daughter was terrified of him, and he did try to go for her on a number of occasions, too. And we could never have him around company - it would just drive him crazy. We tried everything - behavior specialist, behavior modification, meds - nothing worked. The last straw was when he bit my son's hand to the tune of 5 stitches down the back of his hand, between the middle knuckles. Totally unprovoked, my son was just standing there. After putting up with this for one whole year, we had no choice. Since nothing worked, we could no longer put our children in harm's way.

He also was an exception to the rule of sheepies' personalities. Shortly after losing Farley we adopted Drezzie, who has been the absolute love of our lives. Our son, who despised Farley with a passion, adores Drez.
My heart goes out to you and your family, and I hope this doesn't mentally scar your nephew against dogs.
I am so sorry to hear of what happened with Bart. :(
Hugs to you as I am sure this was very hard on you and your family.
Dawn, I am so sorry to hear about bart... :(
Oh Dawn.
I'm sorry you had to experience that.
Hope you feel better~
Dawn, I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry:
I can only imagine how hard that must have been for you. I am so sorry for your loss.
Ahh Sending you hugs (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))

Kim & maizie
I can only imagine how difficult this has been on your family, Dawn. I am very sorry it happened.
Sorry to hear about your loss.
That sucks. I'm sorry. You definitely did the right thing by turning him into rescue, though. I think it makes you feel better knowing that they also recognized that he had a problem.

So sorry to hear about your experience. I had to put a dog that I adopted to sleep because he bit one friend and got mean towards others. I'm crying as I write this because as you know it's the toughest decision you will ever have to make (at least in regards to your animal friends). I did the same as you with additional training, medical research etc. But at some point you know you can't live your life in fear of what your dog will do. I never thought I would get another dog but several months later I got an OES, who is quite a character. You'll know when you're ready for a new additon to the family.

Thanks everyone, your support through this awful time has been very helpful.
I got a wonderful email from Nancy, the MOESR coordinator. She was with Bart when he got put to sleep and sent a wonderful note about how she spent Bart's last day with him, spoiling him wonderfully. I just sat at the computer and bawled and bawled. (like now). Thank goodness for all the wonderful, caring people out there! People like all of you make a bad time like this bearable.
So sorry for your loss. :cry:
I cant even imagine how painful that was. It brings me tears to my eyes even thinking about it. Time will ease some of the pain.
That's so sad, but you did the best thing for Bart and your family.
So sorry for your lost. I know that you had to make an incredibly difficult decision but you did the right thing. Sending sheepie hugs your way.
All the best
I am so sorry to have read your story. I had a similar situation with my Sheltie male. He was barely two and I had to let him go. He would just snap for no apparent reason biting our neighbor twice and putting a very deep puncture in my calf nearly to the bone. It is the most difficult and selfless decision that you made. I spoke to someone at Tufts and they said that there is something described as rage syndrome and this had all the earmarks of that. I can empathize with you.

Kindest regards,

Having read this post with interest, it reminds me of the posted article of mine a year ago, when I was asking for help as my OES that was biting me all the time.. We tried everything, the same as you - I have scars all over my arm, and had 5 stiched in my hand at one point.. ALL arttacks were totally unprovoked. Just walking by him, he would attack!! - I cried, as I was stuck in the middle between loving him and hating him..It was pure hell.. But, I didn't give up.. I was being told, that I hadn't trained him properly... I contacted experts in the UK, and they told me, that dogs bite for a reason.. Its not genetic.. The feel suddenly threated, for whatever reason.. So, we figured that he had a hormore inbalance, which needed to be corrected.. and the only way was to have him neutered !! - Well, I was very sceptical, but thought its worth a try.. A great shame, as we were planning to breed from him! - However, he was neutered, and almost 2 years later he hasn't ever once showed signs of aggression to me.. or anyone.. He did bite two friends during that time too..

I can only say that this was a life saver... for both of us. He is now the most docile and lovable OES you could ever hope to meet... I do beg anyone who has a biting OES (usually a male) to go this road before taking any drastic action..

I'm so sorry both for you and Bart :cry:
Oh, that is so sad :( I'm sorry this happened. :(

((big hug to your family))
I'm SO GLAD that neutering, ummm... fixed the problem!!!!!

WOO HOOO! :go:

Do you have a link to your post(s) from a year ago?
...and an official WELCOME to the forum!
Bart was a neutered male, had been for some time before we adopted him.
This was not a case of an aggressive dog at all. He was the most affectionate, well behaved dog imaginable. He had no dominance issues and was 99% of the time a perfect dog.

He unfortunately probably came from dogs that never should have been bred. I do know from the rescue coordinator that this breeder has had problems in the past, and been recommended to take at least one dog out of the breeding program as the progeny was showing up in rescues with issues.

Bart's behavior was normal except in the instances it was like a switch was flipped and he was bizarre. This is a genetic issue that is being worked with by responsible OES breeders to eradicate from the breed.

I was going through pictures this weekend and came across several of Bart. It just breaks my heart that he needed to be put to sleep. This was not something that could be "trained" out of him. This is a very painful example of why good breeding and testing of the parents is so essential.

PS - my original post was "We are OES-less" - the rest was added after I posted by someone else.
I'm so sorry..I didn't realize he was neutered - I totally understand the situation, and fear that some OES's especially here in Japan, are breed for profit - which is sickening..and therefore causes this type of behavior.
I know Bart can never be replaced, but i would really suggest that to get another OES, prefereably from a reputable breeder as a pup, would give you a new outlook, and would help to dissolve the heart ache you musy be going through.. We are now in the process out trying to import a pup from the UK (thats another story!) - We still have Mouton who is 5.5 years now, but the first 3 years was really touch and go, very similar to what you described in your post..

I really wish you well, and hope another OES will make you smile again..

Dawn, I'm so sorry. It must have a difficult decision. But if Bart was a biter...he wasn't a happy dog.

Big hugs to you and your family.
Mike - We did get another dog - my avatar is Chewie being shown by one of my daughters. He is a great pup and we are having fun with him. :D Our 1st OES, Ollie was also a great boy. We raise sheep and had 2 herding titles with him, also did therapy dog work too. Ollie was our 1st sheepdog and we think they are wonderful dogs.
Good luck with your search for a new dog too.
Dawn, Soooo sorry for your loss :( I know it must have been a diffacult situation, but I feel you did the right thing, hugs to you :ghug:
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