Bingley count down . . .

We are now approaching the 16 hour mark until I hold Bingley in my arms for good!!!!!!!!

I ran out and got some last-minute supplies today like Nature's Miracle and another ball! :wink:

If I sleep at all tonight I expect to be up by 6:30, whip up a meal for the crock pot, and be out the door by 8:00 at least. We will travel the 2 1/2 - 3 hour drive (pretty quickly) and be with him by 10:30. Then it's home sweet home (slowly) with our boy! I will be sitting in the backseat with him, of course!! Can you tell I'm excited?!!!!!

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I met Bingley and his brothers and sisters -- I dont know how you could pick just one!

Get lots of chew toys or else he will be using your toes as chew toys.

Don't give him an old sock as he will not know the difference from his old sock and your new sock....

I vaguely remember a chew toy that went into the freezer thet my Teddy enjoyed.

I look forward to seeing the pictures as he grows.

Aww! That is awesome! Can't wait to hear all about Mr. Bingley! I can remember when we broght Pip baby home, it doesn't seem like it could possibly have been over 4 months already...

Here's a few quick tips:

Try to get as much sleep as you possibly can tonight. The first night is really, really bad... Bingley will cry, whine, and generally make everyone in the household miserable the first night, it'll get better but the first week is tough going, sleepwise! Don't be afraid to use your collar and leash right away, the more you use it now (as in every time you take him potty) the easier he'll be when he gets old enough to go on walkies!

Hang in there, I know waiting is hard! Can't wait to hear all about him, and feel free to ask and vent away when he come shome!!!!
Very exciting. I remember awaiting Patches arrival. I was very lucky with her she never cried at night. I kept her crate in my bedroom and would just talk in a soothing voice to her, as if reading a bedtime story and not a peep out of her! Now, the nipping on my clothes and body that 's another story!!! One other thing that I had read about before I got Patches was as soon as you get Bingley home take him to a spot in the yard and tell him to "go bathroom" or whatever phrase you want and continue to take him to that spot and repeat the verbage everytime you take him out. At 3 years old I still use the verbage and she follows through. You don't want to be standing out in the Florida sun any longer than you have to!!!

I'm in St. Augustine let me know if you ever come down this way with Bingley!

WOO HOO YAY :D :yay:
A suggestion that might make your first night together more special for both of you...take a cloth item with you, a small towel, baby blanket, etc. Place it in with mom and puppies for a while to get their scent on it, put in in with Bingley at bedtime....Kathy
Tick Tock Tick Tock

I am so excited for you!

I am tingling all over because I'm excited for you!!!!!!
Chauncey wrote:
A suggestion that might make your first night together more special for both of you...take a cloth item with you, a small towel, baby blanket, etc. Place it in with mom and puppies for a while to get their scent on it, put in in with Bingley at bedtime....Kathy

Definitely a good idea! :) Dancer still has the blanket I took with me to get her littermates and mum's scent on, and Sky still has the bunny I took for her when I went to pick her up. It's the only toy she hasn't ripped the head off of. :roll:

Try to sleep, it may be a while before you do a lot of that LOL
Don't forget to make sure your camera has fresh or charged batteries! :)
How is he doing?!?!?!
Can't wait to hear about his first night!!
Chauncey wrote:
A suggestion that might make your first night together more special for both of you...take a cloth item with you, a small towel, baby blanket, etc. Place it in with mom and puppies for a while to get their scent on it, put in in with Bingley at bedtime....Kathy

Thanks! It is a GREAT suggestion! When we visited him last Monday we brought a cloth toy and left it with him, so he'll have a little lambie to cuddle with his first night home. I'm also bringing a blankie with us tomorrow for extra comfort!

Tracey - we should get together sometime! Feel free to PM me! I wanted to do the "bathroom area" but unfortunately our backyard is being ripped up right now - they are re-applying the stucco on the outside of our townhome. Soooo - instead of the easy backdoor potty we have to walk all the way down our front sidewalk to the grass up front. :? It's a longer route but hopefully they'll be done with the back yard in 2 weeks or less!

I'm soooo excited - I rememberd tonight that the camera DOES need new batteries!!!! :o Soo - we'll be making a pit stop on the way!
Yeah, definitely remember batteries for the camera. WE NEED PICS. I am so excited for you! First night is rough, usually. Even though it is so worth it.
Your posts just exude happiness :D
I am so excited for you!
I do hope you've been getting enough sleep.
I can't wait to hear all about him adjusting to his new home.
Just wanted to cheer you and your new baby for your first night together!!
:clappurple: How's it goin~?

(I can't wait for pictures)
Oh gosh! By now you're well on your way to pick him up! I can just imagine you've got butterflies and are sitting on the edge of your seat willing your husband to drive faster!!

Congrats!! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear how he's doing. :D
HOW EXCITING!!! Cannot wait to see pics!!! And hear updates on Bingley!!!
We are so excited for you. When you get a second - post a picture! Most of all have fun.
OMG, we're all about ready to explode with giddy anticipation!! :yay: Yay Bingler, Emily and Ian!!!

Pictures are a must, but I'm sure that even without this forum, you'd be taking tons of pics. Can't wait to see them!! :excited:
He's HOME!!!! I'll post pictures later today when I have more, but he's HOME!!!!! During his first 15 minutes I got out the video camera and what does he do, lean forward and pee - all over the bedroom floor! :lol: So we got the first one on tape! He's so beautiful - I absolutely am completely in love with him. He slept next to me the whole way home - snuggling against my legs and trying to crawl on top of my lap! He has his little puppy whine all in place - everytime we leave his sight he sends off a call! :kiss: So far the cats are pretty indifferent to him - he seems small to them after the others we've fostered! :wink: Just wait . . .

I'll post pics later today but now I'm going to go cuddle with my boy!!!! :hearts:
Lol. Bet that's not the last time he pees on the floor. A Kodak Moment that will repeat itself over and over!

Congratulations and welcome to the world of Puppy-Parenting!!!
Woo Hoo!!!

Welcome Home Bingley!

Now the fun begins.
Welcome home Bingley! :)

I can't wait to see pics! :)
The new photo's are waaaay toooooooo cute. Bingley looks sooooo sweet he couldn't have possibly peed on the carpet!

Night, Night Bingley Sweet Dreams.

He is so adorable!!! The pictures are great! Enjoy him!!!
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