What do you think I should do? Moving back to east coast!!

I am mivng back to east coast (from CA) :) , and I have been debating on what to do with Phlufie. My ideal situation would be driving with him (don't think the cat would like that, though). Flying is fine, but it sure is hot now (CA is not too bad but when we get to PA, it might be toasty). Does anyone know how hot it gets when the plane is on the ground? I checked united website, and they have a list of dogs they don't fly in the summer time (OES is not one of them. Odd).

If I choose to fly, I also have an option of flying him out a day before (too much luggage here and a cat). He met my sister and my mom once back in 2004. Do you think he would still remember them if they go pick him up? I sure don't want him to freak out and run away!

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I would call the airlines and ask about OES - I know a breeder who has been required to wait until October to fly one of her OES into or out of FL because of teh heat. If they allow it and it isn't too hot flying is probably a great way to get there. Still - a roadtrip could be good if Phlufie likes them! Hard situation - I'm sure others will have more imput!! :)
My ideal situation would be driving with him (don't think the cat would like that, though).

Are you sure the cat wouldn't like that? Both our cats seem to HATE car rides. We took one from TX to Alaska. She did great! She didn't pee all day or drink water, and would do it all when my husband would stop driving for the day. Eat, Drink water, and pee. Most of her anxiety to pee or drink water had to be because I (her favorite one) wasn't there. We've taken her to Louisiana several times too. My husband refused to let our OES go through a plane ride since ...as you said, weather conditions and her having to hold her pee for 10+ hrs. Hot weather means, no flying in the summer for us. When it's finally cool enough to fly out of TX, it's too cold in Alaska.

I've done a lot of calling around (airlines), and the ones I've talked to say it gets about as hot or cold as it is outside once the plane lands and/or is getting ready to take off. Not to mention that things inside of the plane have to stay in there longer (aren't taken out the second the plane lands).

But I don't know how hot Cali is right now. And everything seems to be dependent on where you are flying out of and where you are going.

Ex. Houston won't fly any animal before a certain time (usually in the afternoon). However, Dallas will fly as long as weather permits. The temp has to be below 85 (around there.. can't remember)?

If the conditions were right for "me" ...I don't see why my dog would have to remember someone for them to pick her up. My dog is friendly. My concern would just be if they are responsible enough to keep her on a tight leash when walking her and that they wouldn't keep her in the backyard overnight (personal preference). Otherwise, I know my dog would survive until I got there the next day.
Most airlines won't fly pets right now because of the heat.... when are you moving?
I would recommend flying. We flew Barney from CA to VA last year. It was in March, so it wasn't too hot, but we did have a too cold concern, but it turned out okay.

One way to see if you could do it would be to do a nonstop red eye, so you put them on the plane at, say 9pm when it isn't that hot and then they fly all night and arrive in the morning before it gets too hot.

My friend moved last year from New Hampshire to California and they drove with their black lab and she said it was fine. Just more stops than usual and that after about the first 5 minutes each time, the dog settled in and slept most of the time. (And the dog was only a year old, so pretty full of energy usually)
Can you fly the cat and drive the dog? It seems like the dog would enjoy the car ride more where the cat would appreciate the privacy!
We have driven with Violet OES and China, Aussie Shephard twenty two hours from Michigan go Florida. Both dogs did very well, slept most of the time. Of course we stopped a few more times for "pit" breaks to streach their legs and relieve themselves. Violet stopped eating and took in very little water during the trips. She was back to normal within a day of arrival. China ate and drank as offered. We did drive with our cat same amount of hours with a U Haul. Pearl was in a crate that we sat in the front between us so she would feel safe and secure. We rarely heard a peep out of her. We did take a break. We drove half the trip and then spent the night in a hotel, where we let Pearl out of her crate. She did really great. I have had friends that had to have the cats given meds so they would sleep while they traveled, but I have not had that experience. I have never shipped an animal on a plane so I can't give advise regarding that..

Good luck with your move.
Thank you all for your advice. I flew Phlufie from VA to CA 2 years ago, but it was in late Sept (cold enough). Funny thing is, my vet wrote a letter to the airline saying this pet is OK for temp range between 34 to 85 F (34!!! glad he had a thick coat on LOL).

I really want to drive. It would be nice to see the whole country (OK, some of the states at least), and I don't have to worry about my pets in the airplane. And I want to move some plants and my goldfish (he is over 1.5 yrs old, and that's a record for me). It all depends on when I have to start working.

My concern about flying my dog solo is that he might be stress out enough (he is a nervous kind of dog for some reason), and to see someone other than me picking me up (even though he met my sister tiwce already). I am sure my sister would ask her husband to drive (my dog has never met him before, and he is timid by strange guys). But if I have to fly a cat, 2 suitcases.... a big dog is really hard for me to handle. I know they will take care of him, but he is big after all and they have a baby just over 1.... don't want Phlufie to feak out when the baby walks toward him. I am worried too much but you can't be careful enough with a big dog and a baby!

I think I will just tell the new company that I have to drive :p They can wait for me haha.
Are you moving to VA?
No, to DE!!! I heard they just had 100+ in temp!! We had that here a couple of weeks ago but it's dry :)
I'm always looking for VA sheepies! DE's not too far away, though. Maybe we could have a mid atlantic sheepie fest!

It is hot as heck out here. Last week the entire week was over 100 and then add at least 10 more degrees with the humidity. I am from Southern California, so this humidity thing is KILLING me!
Sweet!! We should gather more sheepies for sure!! I haven't seen more than 2 OES together before, so that would be interesting for me.

Which part of VA are you in again? I used to live in Norfolk area :)
I live near Richmond.
I know there are a few sheepies in this area and some in the DC, MD area.
Barney actually came from California, so he is a well traveled dog.

When I get all settled, let's make a play date for everyone near by :)

You could always come to the OES National Specialty show. October 4-6 in Williamsburg!!! :wink:
What is that? A place to show our sheepies, or just for show dogs?

Sounds like fun! I didn't know about this when I lived in VA.
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