I've paused for a sec...to say HELLO!

Hello all!

It's been so crazy the past 6 months! I thought I'd pause a second and say hello!

As you may remember, we moved in April...and guess what? We are moving again! 8O This time it is back home to Winnipeg, Manitoba. My family is thrilled...and so am I! I've been in Ontario for 8 years! All the furkids will be taking it on the road probably in September! I really dread this trip...Grant will have to drive with the kitties and I will have the pleasure of Murph and Gooch driving with me! It will take about 2 days! 8O The thought of this makes me break into a sweat and I have a hard time breathing! I'm sure there will be some great stories!

The Muppets are doing great! Murph-Murph had some skin problems, but it seems all good now. I think he is allergic to the shampoo the groomer uses on him. The Gooch is GREAT! He has calmed down and is actually CUDDLY now! 8O Never thought I'd see the day. He has had only 1 seizure and is doing really well on the Bacopin! THANKS ALISSA! I did have to order it on the net, as I couldn't find it anywhere in the city.

I thank you all for dropping me notes and checking up on me! I've really missed you! When this DRAMA is all over...I will have a glass of wine with you all and tell you all about it! :lol:

Give all your babies a kiss and hug from us!
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It's very nice to see you again, Colleen. We've missed you & the Muppets!!

I hope your move goes smoothly and you are soon settled in at home again. :D
Hey colleen!

Missed ya!!! Hope all goes well with you move, can't wait to see pics of the new place, and hear all about the muppets!!!!
Hey Colleen! Good to hear from you! Sounds like things are very busy, good luck with the move :)

I'm so glad to hear the bacopin is working for Gucci, that's great news! :)
Good to hear from you! Glad you're well and the pups too!
Hiya Collie, Ive missed ya! Boy, do you move a lot! Glad to hear that the boys are doing well...Panda misses them terribley! Cant wait to hear about your adventures, Im sure you have tons to tell.....
I missed you!! That is wonderful that you are moving closer to your family. Too bad you actually have to pack up again to do it :(
I am so happy to hear that The Gooch is doing well on the Bacopin!! :D
How much did you pay for it? I sent Stacey to a website where it was quite cheap...and they ship to Canada.
I hope your move goes smoothly and the furkids behave.
Hope to see you on here more after the move!
Colleen - we've missed you and the Muppets!! SO glad to hear from you again! :lol: :lol: So when you move back home, will this be permanent? Good luck with the move. We'll be here waiting for the stories when things settle down!
Missed you too! It will be nice for you to be near your family again. Refresh my memory, why did you move this last time? And what prompts the move back?
Good to hear from you, Colleen. I hope we'll see more of you once you're all settled. :)
Thanks everyone! :hearts:

Stacy...I moved in the first place to be closer to my friends...I was feeling isolated...wish I'd known then what I know now! OH well... :lol:

I am so happy to hear that The Gooch is doing well on the Bacopin!!
How much did you pay for it?

I cannot remember exactly how much it was?! :oops: I got it from


It arrived the next day! I was pretty impressed! Which reminds me...I need to order more! Our new vet is interested in this...well seems to be. I'm still a little skeptical of the sincerity of vets...hopefully she will recommend it to other epileptic babies. If it worked for Peanut and Gooch...that pretty much covers little and big dogs! :lol:

I have the next 2 months off work.... :cheer: So I will try and get on the chat later this afternoon...it seems to me coffee chat is usually around 4PM? I'm dying to catch up with all of you! I'm also supposed to be taking this time to get everything in order for taking The Anderson Circus on the road! :yay: WAHHHHHHHHHHH! LOL

I'm so glad to be back!
Good to hear from you!!! CHANGES CHANGES CHANGES!! Good luck with the move!
Ordering it from a website ends up costing a fortune no matter how cheap the stuff is.... a friend ordered some, it ended up costing almost 60 dollars by the time she paid shipping through the site, and then was asked to pay more on delivery... however, so far so good for the dog who is now on it. (almost 2 weeks, phenobarb, potassium bromide, lecithin were all not working)
Another friend wants to try it for her dog, but I'd like to see if I can convince a local health food store to order it in.
I was wondering the other day where you disappeared too. Welcome back!!
It's about time, Toby has missed his brother!!!
Hope to hear from you again soon, move fast!
Best wishes for your move and cuddles for the muppets. :D
Good to hear from you! Can't wait to hear more. Good luck with the big move.
Hi Colleen! I've missed you and stories of the Gooch and Murphman. . . Look forward to hearing more. . .
Great to hear from you! Sounds like you've been busy, busy.
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