Hell's Kitchen

:twisted: Anyone watching it?????
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Fiiire! :evil:

Virginia needs to go. What a flake. "I want one of those really big knives.... what are they called?" "Oh right, a cleaver."

I'm rooting for Keith, but I think Heather might win.
I think somehow, Virginia will do something sneaking (again?!) and get Heather booted.

I'm really not a fan of any of them!!! Heather is a whiny baby...Virginia is terrible in the kitchen, and who wants a chef nicknamed "K-Grease"?

Slim pickin's if ya ask me!
I agree with you... slim pickins. I picked Keith to root for because he's a big, kinda dopey oaf... who's actually a great chef.

How did Virginia manage to burn cabbage, then burn peas? She's just a train wreck in the kitchen. I agree that she might just do something sneaky or two-faced to get herself to the final 2.... but I think chef Ramsey is sick of her.
Is anyone else irritated by Heather's "serious" face in the kitchen? She looks like she's about to cry or rip someone a new hole.

What's with all the jumping up and down when they do something right? Is that a chef thing that I just don't know about? :twisted:

This is my first season watching this - has everyone been so incompetent in the kitchen? It seems a bit odd to me that it's taken them so long to complete a service - especially when there were more chefs.

Aside from that, I'm hooked, LOL! I was just telling my boss to watch and he thought I was nuts.

I'm thinking Keith will win.
I don't know what the arm thing is. Pumping their arms up and down when they are excited. Dorky to me. I hate that face Heather makes, all sour puss..then they show an interview bit with her and she's all giggles and evil.

Everyone this year has been inept. I don't know how any of them got on the show.

I can't remember the people last year, but I remember thinking some of them really showed promise. I didn't like the guy that won, only because he was totally tatooed, and that put me off...but as a chef, he was talented.

I think the not finishing a service is because they all have such huge egos. They don't have any line cooks to do the grunt work, they have to do it, and I think they feel they are above it so they end up screwing it up (ie: burning cabbage...what the f***?)

I hope they have better people next year. No matter who they have, I have to get my dose of Gordon Ramsey every week though!!!!
There's another show on some channel, maybe BBC America, called "Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen" or something like that. LOL, I'm a lot of help, aren't I?

He's not nearly as abrasive on that, but it's still fun.
Where are all of you this morning????? I figured everyone would have had a say by now, about last nights show.

Virginia is a snake!!!! I was glad to see Keith (K-Grease) go. He does have a terrible attitude.

And Heather is on my last nerve with her, weepy, bulldog expressions.

I've always been told, the sign is of a good manager is someone who can delegate. And even if Virginia sucks on the line...she is a better delegater. Think she'll make it?
But the chef has to run the kitchen by example and prepare the signature dishes, no? That tall goofy looking guy was sure calm when his pan caught fire. Excellent.

I watched this a little bit, I think I caught a little bit of it once before. I don't like "chef" running around screaming and swearing at his "employees". Could you imagine The Donald doing that?
Ron....he's the one that left last night. When he was "up" to expedite the kitchen, he did a stinko job.

He skills say sous chef, before they say, head chef.

And I believe (IMHO) that alot of the screaming is a Chef's show. You know...sell the sizzle. Chefs love to be known as tempermental.
Maybe I saw a rerun before the regular show or something, because I saw three people left at the end of the show, he was one of'em. The girl that left told the chef to "kiss her grits," a saying that went out in 1985 with "Flo" in "Alice" at Mel's Diner.
Yeah, that was the repeat show that was on directly before the new episode.

I can't believe what a crappy team Virginia chose, and how mean she was to them!!!

And....K-Grease! What [a jerk]!

Of the two...I think Heather was the right choice.
I agree Heather was the right choice. I don't think anyone this whole season was great, but Heather proved to be the best of the bunch. I'm so bummed I missed the finale! Maybe I can download it.
Shoot! I forgot to watch last night!!

Thank goodness for TiVo . . . I'd better watch it RIGHT NOW. I didn't read any of the later posts on this thread, but if Virginia wins I will be really pissed.

I needed an excuse to sit down with some knitting anyway. :twisted:
To me Heather was too immature, very emotional and weepy. How is she supposed to run a business without crying? But Virginia had very questionable people skills, hard to see her managing a successful team.

The ones who really surprised me were the guys on Virginia's team. "What do we get if we win?" Are you KIDDING me?? What you would have gotten was respect in the industry for doing a great job, showing your personal work ethic to the world and being on the winning team. The potential career opportunities for showing a good attitude would have been worth far more than $1000. What you get now is NOTHING.
I agree Sue. Poor teamwork, that's for sure. At first I was appalled that Virginia told them she picked the weaklings, but then I thought about it and hoped that if I was a weakling, I'd make it my shining moment. They did nothing of the sort.

I still don't think either of them was ready for their own restaurant, though.

LOL, maybe we should all go to the Red Rock when we're in Vegas for Jill's wedding! :twisted:
Gordon Ramsey is fab !! Although the UK show he does is called the F Word and I have to say its much for lively than Hells Kitchen, which for me, you don't see the real Gordon, I think he's had to tame things down a bit for US TV - if you can get the BBC, which I think you can on-line, you should watch it, its fab and yes his every other word is F, if you don't like British sense of humour, then its not for you.
Wow! That's tame for Gordon? I think I :hearts: him!

oooo oooooh Deborah loves Gordon ooooooh :kiss:

If you pop over to London, Gordon has his own Restaurant called the Ivy, very popular, always celebs in there - and a waiting list mind.
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