are rawhides good or bad?

Our breeder said not to feed rawhides because it can cause problems in there stomachs etc.

I had never heard anything bad before about them. But I don't really know a whole about rawhides to begin with.

So my questions is.....What do you all think about giving rawhides? Yes? No?

I have already bought a package in preperation for when we got the dog. But if they are that bad then should i just chuck the package and not risk problems?
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Crustybirds I don't feed my dog rawhide because they are not digestible and can cause serious problems when they get stuck in their esophagus, stomach or intestine, and require surgical removal.

Here's a good summary of general opinions. ... 916AALFePl
In the past I have fed my dogs rawhides with no problems. However, we are not going to be feeding Bingley any because of concerns from our breeder, as well.
My dogs love rawhide, but are particular to only the Dingo brand. They love it and have never had a problem digesting it. If you have a concern about them choking, just take it away before the pieces get too small or when they start to get really gummy.

I might have a bigger concern with a smaller dog because its insides are so much smaller so even a tiny piece might be huge inside say, a Yorkie or a Maltese, but that same piece for an OES might be like a crumb! I think, as with anything you give your dog, just supervise them and use your own best judgment as to what works and what doesn't. Every dog can handle different things.
Oh, I just love the way they yack those chews back up, in the middle of the night, next to the bed. No, I don't feed them anymore, I got tired of cleaning up after them.
I have heard absolutely no rawhide from 2 different OES breeders. The reason being that rawhide is undigestible and can cause stomach problems. Plus, there's zero nutrients and the things are processed and bleached to heck.

I've been told: Rawhide is sometimes okay for other breeds of dogs who are more fervent chewers - they chew up the rawhide enough that those undigestible pieces of rawhide are small enough to pass. Old English Sheepdogs typically are not as thorough with their chewing and so the rawhide may go down in larger pieces which is unsafe.

While we're on the topic of things to chew, I've also been informed by an OES breeder that bones are absolutely not okay for OES's to have. Unlike other breeds of dogs, they can actually chip and/or break their teeth on bones.

Hope this helps!
My two cents? Chuck the package. I gave my first sheepie rawhides until I noticed that he was breaking off large pieces and swallowing them whole, so I'd have to wait to see them pass...(DOUBLE YUK!!!!). Oscar has tummy troubles, so I've never given them to him, but seeing how he bolts his food and swallows everything whole, it's probably a good thing.

My sister-in-law just got a Golden Doodle, and the breeder made her swear on her firstborn child that she would never give the dog rawhides. Better safe than sorry.........
I don't like rawhides either beacuse my dogs can soften them up very quickly and then are able to swallow them. Norman can soften, untie and pull pieces off of one of the giant rawhides in 3 minutes.
A softer mouth may enjoy working at them but any aggressive chewers, I wouldn't let near them.
My vet said only pressed rawhides should be given to dogs. Pressed rawhides are small pieces pressed together...that way they don't swallow large pieces. Izzie gets one every once in awhile and has no problems with them. No throwing it back up or choking.
I only occasionally give pressed rawhide sticks, and supervise while they're chewing them. When it gets soft enough for them to get a peice of it off, it gets thrown out.
Thanks for all the input! I'm thinking i am just going to throw them away. Its a little frustrating when you are thinking you are buying something good for the dog and then find out it may not the best for them.

It's a good thing i saw the thread about greenies. I would have bought those without realizing how bad they can be.

When products are bad for dogs why do they get sold? Its really iratating when you don't know any better and buy it.
Absolutely hate them for any dog. Had an incident with them years ago and if I was not home when it happened I would of lost one of my OES.

Caught in the throat and was choking, heard her, had to pull it out and thank goodness I was home at the time.

Never has any of my dogs had them again. Give a dog a big marrow bone a lot safer then these dried out things that become soggy and can cause obstructions.
I've given Jasper a few - he doesn't really like them. Big surprise :roll: - he doesn't like a lot of treats. He does like the flavored pigs feet though, I hope those are okay for him! They're similar to rawhides.
I've given them to my dogs for a very long time and have never had a problem.
One of my dogs (non-OES) is a manic chewer and I gave him rawhides, right up until the day when he tried to swallow a huge chunk and it got caught in his windpipe. After sticking my hand down his throat up to mid arm and a trip to the vet in the middle of the night, I can say that rawhide will never be found in my house again. With all the other safe chew toys out there, there's no reason to chance it.
Summer has a large rawhide treat whilst she is being brushed and she lays beautifully with it. When we have stopped brushing it gets taken away, she is never left unsupervised with it. The yorkie chews one of the really large one and gives ups!
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