Where Do You Take Your Dog?

Just finished reading this article on MSN about people's pet peeves - in general about folks taking their 4 leggeds places that they aren't welcome.
The story is here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14079757/

I bring the kids when we go to the pet store or to the park but I generally ignore people unless they ask what type of dogs they are and can they pet them. Baton Rouge isn't that progressive so no outdoor restaurants here will allow dogs but I wouldn't take mine if I could.

So I thought .... Where Do You Take Your Dog or do you have a Pet Peeve?
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There are few places other than Petco or Petsmart where dogs are welcome here and even fewer places I think Nelson would enjoy. Ask yourself the question "where would he be happiest"? Many times staying at home with the a/c on with peanut butter kongs is your best bet.

One place Nelson loves :hearts: is Myrtle Beach, SC. He is crazy about meeting people there and walking in the sand and playing in the surf. We're very careful to stay off the beach during the restricted times and take plenty of plastic bags... and USE them!

I'm sure there are people who think dogs should not be allowed on the beach at all. From our balcony I have seen people let their dogs poo in the sand, look to see if anyone is watching and kick sand over the pile their dog has left. Yuck! Right where people put their towels down. :cow: No offense to those of you with small dogs, but it seems that some small dog owners think their poop doesn't need to be cleaned up. We've been known to pick it up just so our dogs didn't get blamed or pick up parasites from their waste.

As far as taking dogs to funerals and cocktail parties, what are they thinking??? The only social events our dogs would attend are backyard barbeques with close friends or families or where they were specifically invited.
Maggie and I went to the beach yesterday -- I made sure to pick up her poop! http://forum.oes.org/viewtopic.php?t=9175
Unless the function/outdoor event specifically states "do not bring a dog" ...we bring Yuki or our maltese EVERYWHERE. Never to a restaurant or grocery store. But every picnic even when people have stated in the past they don't think people should bring dogs (when they are not allowed, the picnic flier will state it so we don't care otherwise how the non-doglovers feel).

My maltese, I will bring in most businesses "if" and only if I have her bag. I don't take her out or draw attn. to her, but I also don't try to hide her. We go to WalMart, the mall, and any little shop here in Alaska. No one has complained and in fact ...most of the managers we have run into just say it's cute or ask about her. If they had a problem, then I wouldn't try it again or argue.

We have snuck our dogs into a hotel that says no pets.
I haven't been to her in a while, but I take Annie to my massage therapist's house sometimes. She goes right upstairs and dances for a chewie!
Here in DC/VA outdoor dining is very "in" now adays with newly developing condominiums and restaurant complexes. I take my dog to eat outside in the evening when the weather gets warm.

We also go to a small island (Roosevelt Island) in the Potomac River where dogs can swim out of sight from ppl.

Joanna, it's so nice to meet new people who live in that area. I lived in NoVA for 4 yrs (on ft. myer).
We did take our dogs to a dog friendly beach in MS but all the beaches are still closed there from Katrina with metal bits and pieces in the water and in the sand. So no beach this summer unless we go to Florida around Ft Walton Beach or Pensacola but I don't know if there are any dog friendly beaches around that area.
BatonRougeSheepies wrote:
We did take our dogs to a dog friendly beach in MS but all the beaches are still closed there from Katrina with metal bits and pieces in the water and in the sand. So no beach this summer unless we go to Florida around Ft Walton Beach or Pensacola but I don't know if there are any dog friendly beaches around that area.

There's a dog friendly beach in MS???

I only take Jasper to a few places - the vet of course :), when we go visit my parents, the park with the boys, he goes camping and on other trips with us. That's about it.
Last night Truman went to Starbucks with me and one of my friends. We sat outside at one of the tables and he sat beside us and was a good boy. No one made any negative comments but a few people said he was cute and well behaved. In fact he was such a good boy he got most of my lemon pound cake!
I take Daisy to all places that I know are dog friendly, Petco, Petsmart, Home Depot and I've heard that Lowe's also allows dogs.

I don't push it. One day while at a yard sale with Daisy at my side a woman asked if I would keep her away from her as she is allergic to dogs, I hitched Daisy up at at gate by the edge of the property for the few minutes it took me to check out a rocking chair. I try to respect other people but try to expose Daisy to as many different situations as I can as I am hoping she will pass screening / training to be a therapy dog.
Joahaeyo wrote:

Joanna, it's so nice to meet new people who live in that area. I lived in NoVA for 4 yrs (on ft. myer).

Hey Joaheyo! DC/VA is a nice place to live. The weather is great.. they fix up the neighborhood really nice/upscale... but it's impossible for startup families liks us to buy a nice house with a back yard near the city because even the shaggy ones for up close to a $ mill..

Well we're right behind ya moving down to TX!
I heard Houston is very dog friendly, with tons of pet groups, get together etc..
I heard Houston is very dog friendly, with tons of pet groups, get together etc..

I think it's dog friendly as far as dog spas, dog parks, dog walks, dog pet-sitters, and maybe dog groups ...but it's definitely not known for being "pet-friendly" really. Pet-friendly in my book would be a place that has many establishments that allow pets. Places that have water bowls outside their business for dogs and tell you to bring your pet along. Houston was voted stinkiest city a few years ago ...and man, is that place humid. On a brighter note, we LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE eating in Houston. Oh, and shopping!! I just would choose to live outside of Houston. It's a good place for a family to start as far as income. One of the best places for a college student just graduating.
I must admit that poor Tasker doesn't get to go very many places. But he really prefers to stay home. He likes to ride in the car but that is about it. Ty, on the other hand, gets to go everywhere (except grocery & resteraunt). He's a seasoned traveler and people are usually very receptive. I only take him to friends house if I clear it first and usually if it's an out door event.
I take Panda to the dog park, petsmart, San Diego for a few weeks every summer, and have even taken her to the outlet malls there...they are outdoors, and I found most of them will let her come in...have even invited her in....otherwise brian and i took turns sitting on the bench while the other invesigated the store.
I think if people in general, were more considerate about their dog's behavior, then dogs would be allowed in more public places.

I wouldn't care if dogs were everywhere, even in grocery stores or restaurants. I think I would be upset if people were letting their dogs lick things on a salad bar, etc., but I've seen people do gross things like use their bare hands and throw food back into bulk bins, etc. :evil:

I love it when we go on vacation and some shopkeeper has his/her dog there that I can pet, since I miss our dogs so much while we're away.
While I love dogs and support more freedom for them, one post here caught my attention.
Joahaeyo wrote:
We have snuck our dogs into a hotel that says no pets.

I wish people wouldn't do this. 2 years ago my family went on a vacation and we specifically made reservations at a NO pets hotel as my mother is extremely allergic to dogs. As soon as we got in the room her nose started to run and she could tell that a dog was in the room. We agreed to stay just the first night as it was late and then change hotels the next night. (No other rooms avaliable b/c it was saturday) At 2 in the morning my Mom woke up having an asthma attack that left her in the hospital for a day and pretty much ruined our vacation. The doctors said it was caused from an allergic reaction to dog hair and the hotel told us that the last occupant of our room was kicked out for having several pets. so please DO NOT bring pets into a non-pet hotel. They have this rule for reasons like this not just because they fear a pet can damage a room. My suggestion is that hotels designate rooms for pets just as they do now for smoking rooms.
On Friday night, my daughter and I took Heart :hearts: to a little outside cafe in an area of St. Louis called, ironically, "DogTown"..

(I don't know why they call it that..just like I really don't know why my Italain neighborhood is called "The Hill" (great Italian food!!). )

Anyway, when we got to the restaurant, we didn't realize that a block down the street, St. James Catholic School was having their school picnic..so the streets were covered with people-- mostly kids....we sat down and ordered some wine and then Heart :hearts: held court, so to speak....EVERYONE just had to come up and pet the cute "little" puppy that looked like a "stuffed dog"...She LOVED it... Although she wasn't too crazy about the fire engine or the benches??? can't quite figure THAT ONE out..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

We also take the dogs to Petsmart, the dry cleaners, and my work (sometimes when the boss is out of town) :lol: :lol:

I'm sorry your mother (and your family) went through all of this. Thank you for your post, I think I've learned something tonight.
Brendan wrote:
While I love dogs and support more freedom for them, one post here caught my attention.
Joahaeyo wrote:
We have snuck our dogs into a hotel that says no pets.

I wish people wouldn't do this. 2 years ago my family went on a vacation and we specifically made reservations at a NO pets hotel as my mother is extremely allergic to dogs. As soon as we got in the room her nose started to run and she could tell that a dog was in the room. We agreed to stay just the first night as it was late and then change hotels the next night. (No other rooms avaliable b/c it was saturday) At 2 in the morning my Mom woke up having an asthma attack that left her in the hospital for a day and pretty much ruined our vacation. The doctors said it was caused from an allergic reaction to dog hair and the hotel told us that the last occupant of our room was kicked out for having several pets. so please DO NOT bring pets into a non-pet hotel. They have this rule for reasons like this not just because they fear a pet can damage a room. My suggestion is that hotels designate rooms for pets just as they do now for smoking rooms.

Hotels have rules for not smoking too. I can't tell you how many rooms I've booked as non smoking, only to walk in to smell the stench of stale cigarettes. So, would you say the same thing to someone smoking in a non smoking room? I've never heard of anyone being "kicked out for keeping cigarettes in a non smoking hotel. It can certainly cause damage to the room and the health of the next occupant.
I always make reservations for pet hotels and pay extra. I just wish the hotels would respect me enough to watch smokers as diligently as dog owners.
As a dog lover who takes the boys everywhere I am a firm believer in ony taking them where they are welcome.

Brendan, you are right, some folks just don't realize how serious something like asthma can be and just a bit of residual dander can kick it up.
I take my dogs lots of places, parks that allow dogs, the beach early and late if it permits dogs at that time, I go to a lot of dog events for rescue and fun. When traveling we stop at Cracker Barrell resturants and sit out side and order take out and eat on the bench outside, no one seems to mind.If we go into small towns in our area we always walk a dog or two and take turns in the shops, When we want to eat we find a sidewalk cafe and set near the end, so far it has worked. Many folks stop to pet the dogs. Guinness is allowed in approved facilities for our therapy group so he sees hospitals and assisted living centers as well as schools etc.I have never taken my dogs into a hotel that was not dog friendly because of people with allergies.
Sorry Brendan. We do what we need to esp when traveling. Both of my dogs are good for allergy sufferers, so that's never been our concern nor something I thought of before. :?
We take Bailey to as many places as we can - PetsMart, Home Depot, dog parks. We'll take him when we go out for ice cream because they have outdoor tables. We take him away for weekends, and took him on vacation to Wyoming this year. We always stay in dog friendly hotels and are up front about having him in the room. I've never had a problem finding a hotel that takes dogs, even in small towns. We always bring his travel crate because it makes him happier to have his own stuff with him when we're in a strange place. However, I do cheat sometimes - I break the rule about leaving him alone in the room. He's a really quiet dog in general, and when he's in his crate he's even quieter, so we do leave him alone when we go out to dinner.

I don't take him to other people's homes unless he is specifically invited. There are people who are afraid of large dogs, and I don't like to make anyone uncomfortable. But we have a ton of company here, so people are warned that we have a big dog and they will be licked.

Speaking of licking... I had a repair guy come to the house once who asked me if Bailey was a licker. He was allergic to dog saliva - he didn't have a problem being in the house with a dog, but if he got licked he would break out in a bad rash. So, you never know what kind of issues people have.
I don't know what's the problem here in the US, in Germany and all over
Europe we take our dogs EVERYWHERE.
Of course all dogs are obedience trained. They come into a restaurant and go right under the table or sit quietly beside the owners chair.
They are better behaved then some kids.
People get all upset when you bring a dog to an establishement but how many times have I seen someone with a baby with soiled diapers and they set it right on the counter in a grocery store. Well that offends me, but heaven forbit, I better not say anything. It's a baby and makes it ok.
Well to me poop is poop and I don't want this child on the counter.
Two of my sheepies are therapy dogs and sometimes I meet visitors in the Hospital and they look at my dog, like, what is this doing in the Hopspital. My dogs are cleaner then some people I meet.
ingrids sheepies wrote:
I don't know what's the problem here in the US, in Germany and all over
Europe we take our dogs EVERYWHERE.
Of course all dogs are obedience trained. They come into a restaurant and go right under the table or sit quietly beside the owners chair.
They are better behaved then some kids.
People get all upset when you bring a dog to an establishement but how many times have I seen someone with a baby with soiled diapers and they set it right on the counter in a grocery store. Well that offends me, but heaven forbit, I better not say anything. It's a baby and makes it ok.
Well to me poop is poop and I don't want this child on the counter.
Two of my sheepies are therapy dogs and sometimes I meet visitors in the Hospital and they look at my dog, like, what is this doing in the Hopspital. My dogs are cleaner then some people I meet.

Here, here! In most cases, I'd much rather have a dog than a kid in a public place, lol.
ButtersStotch wrote:
ingrids sheepies wrote:
I don't know what's the problem here in the US, in Germany and all over
Europe we take our dogs EVERYWHERE.
Of course all dogs are obedience trained. They come into a restaurant and go right under the table or sit quietly beside the owners chair.
They are better behaved then some kids.
People get all upset when you bring a dog to an establishement but how many times have I seen someone with a baby with soiled diapers and they set it right on the counter in a grocery store. Well that offends me, but heaven forbit, I better not say anything. It's a baby and makes it ok.
Well to me poop is poop and I don't want this child on the counter.
Two of my sheepies are therapy dogs and sometimes I meet visitors in the Hospital and they look at my dog, like, what is this doing in the Hopspital. My dogs are cleaner then some people I meet.

Here, here! In most cases, I'd much rather have a dog than a kid in a public place, lol.

Tip my hat to that!! Cleaner and a Whole lot nicer.
My dogs don't go many places. Tinker goes to work with me, unless there is going to be a large group coming thru. I find that he is a distraction and slowes down the progress of the tours. Annie did go until her eye got so bad. During the summer they go to the weekend markets. In fact I had to take them by the location so they could see that they are not there now. Last weekend ever time I walked by the front door they would howl and dance. Of course they go to the pet stores. Some time they just ride in the van while I run errands. I will confess that Annie my old dog does not go as many places as she would like because with all the rain we have gotten lately she has trouble with the slippery ground.
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