Lost Fans

Anyone keeping up with the Lost Experience?
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I thought it was just repeats-- what am I missing?
The show is still doing repeats, but the Lost Experience, the computer stuff apparently is still going on and this website I saw yesterday apparently said it's getting good, but I haven't really done much with that, so I was just wondering if others had been doing it...
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. However, I read in the paper today that new episodes would start in October but would stop in November only to resume in Feburary 8O

Hubby was not happy this morning when I read him the news! What's up with repeats?? Ugh!
I know. That schedule is annoying. Apparently last year they had a VERY similar show schedule but fans were complaining about all the repeats being shown (and not new episodes) so the execs decided to not show repeats this coming season. Which is not even solving the problem...the reason people were upset is because there were months between new episodes and a show that is a thriller and builds off of the last episode needs to keep moving along.
The producers said either show 6 in the fall and 16 in the spring...or wait until spring to show all 22 new episodes. The filming and production takes too long to show 22 consecutive from fall to spring.
I don't mind some gaps, but it seems they could maybe do more of a 10-12 schedule or something :evil:
barney1 wrote:
I don't mind some gaps, but it seems they could maybe do more of a 10-12 schedule or something :evil:

maybe after 6 episodes will end up being a natural "pause" in the story?

yeah right...i'm sure it has something to do with money....hmm november sweeps...march sweeps...and may sweeps?
no, it COULDN"T be about money, could it? :)

Last season was hard for me, though, because starting in about Feb or Jan I had never seen the show but a friend had the season 1 DVDs so we watched those and were hooked and another friend had the season 2 tivo's up until that point, so we were basically on a Lost marathon and could fast forward through commercials, so we were so upset when we had to watch it WITH commercials and then also WAIT a week (or month) for a new episode. We were spoiled :roll:
We Tivo it and then watch it...so at least we can skip the commercials...and pause to go "WHAT?!?!"...and then rewatch the same scene over and over to see what we missed
We had satellite but just switched to cable so we now have DVR, so we'll be doing that too!
I can't remember life before tivo...I just love it. I use it in ways I never thought of when I got it. I will put on the weather channel and pause it...come back in 10 minutes and fast forward to the local on the 8's. I would always miss the local on the 8's when I tried to watch it normally.
Here's a good way to catch up on the Lost Experience.


As soon as I read this, it totally clicked as to what it was. I fizzled out early and totally forgot about it. I got annoyed because the Web site clues were lame and didn't really offer and new insight. Now I want to jump in again to see if things got better.
According to the website I read the other day, he had the same feeling...that the beginning was too annoying and you had to go through all sorts of lame clues (and advertisements) to get to anything. He says that it is much better now...I still haven't delved much into it, though...
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