Take a little extra money when you travel---

Check out this notice from our Embassy in Beruit-

Frontpage Headline
Lebanon Situation Update - July 15, 2006
July 15, 2006

This information is current as of today, Sat Jul 15 12:20:12 2006.

A message to the American citizens in Lebanon:

The Department of State continues to work with the Department of Defense on a plan to help American citizens depart Lebanon. As of the morning of July 15, we are looking at how we might transport Americans to Cyprus. Once in Cyprus, Americans can then board commercial aircraft for onward travel. Commercial airlines provide the safest and most efficient repatriation options to final destinations.

The Department of State reminds American citizens that the U.S. government does not provide no-cost transportation but does have the authority to provide repatriation loans to those in financial need. For the portion of your trip directly handled by the U.S. Government we will ask you to sign a promissory note and we will bill you at a later date. In a subsequent message, when we have specific details about the transporation arrangments, we will inform you about the costs you will incur. We will also work with commercial aircraft to ensure that they have adequate flights to help you depart Cyprus and connect to your final destination.

The Department of State continues to work around the clock and will continue to send updates as appropriate.

>>> As if you don't have enough trouble as an American traveller
evacuating from a war zone, now you need to be charged
to be taken out of the area by our government.
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Here I though that was what my tax money would be used for :( I'm much rather have my money used to evacuate US citizens from war zones then potted plants in government offices and free trips for my statemen.

I wish you got to check boxes for what you wanted your tax money to go towards....

those poor people... I hope they all get out safely. Although frankly, what were so many people doing in Lebanon anyhow? I thought it was too dangerous to travel to that part of the world...
Iriskmj wrote:
Here I though that was what my tax money would be used for :(

Although frankly, what were so many people doing in Lebanon anyhow? .

I thought our tax money (and more importantly theirs ) is used for.
But on CNN, the State Dept said we can't afford it ???????????????????

In our area, there are many Lebanese American families who
still have parents and grandparents in Lebanon. Its not unusual
for them to travel twice a year to see them. As a matter of fact,
I'm getting in touch with a few friends to make sure they are here
and safe....
I heard this morning that there are 40,000 Canadians there that they are trying to get out. Who would have thought there were that many!
How about tourists in Isreal? Are we going to rescue them too? Well, they still have an airport...... :?
I just heard on WCBS radio that "the State Department has stopped asking US citizens to pay for their evacuation."
Ron wrote:
I just heard on WCBS radio that "the State Department has stopped asking US citizens to pay for their evacuation."

Wow! You think shame had anything to do with it? What will they come up with next? American leaders seem to be doing everything they can against those they were elected to serve! :x What's with this stuff? :roll:
Lot's of Australians caught up in Israel and Lebanon. Our government has just put evacuation plans in action for both countries. Some Aussies are now being loaded onto a Canadian Ship with evacuees from Canada as well.

Others are being bused with Large Australian flags from Beruit to the Syrian border for evacutation there as well. So scary for anyone caught in conflict.

Over the last few days, lot's coming home on the plane with awful stories, at the moment they are the lucky ones to make it out.

I hope this nonsense all stops and peace is in the region again for all to live in some sort of Harmony and it does not escalate to other surrounding countries.
Peace won't come until the elected officals who were working towards peace regain control....if they ever can again. When terrorists organizations gain a foot hold, this is what happens. One can not appease terrorists, they operate from different agendas. Look at that kingbat in Iran who wants to end the world for the sake of his religion.
SheepieBoss wrote:
Peace won't come until the elected officals who were working towards peace regain control

Ain't that the truth. There is nothing "elected" about Hezbollah, and the Lebanese government isn't strong enough to fight them. I feel really sorry for the government and people of Lebanon, they're in a no-win situation.
Some day there will be an international force of soldiers that a government can request to come in and help them eradicate terrorists.

We could call it something like "the United Nations" or something.

But seriously, perhaps the UN could send in peacekeepers (again) that this time will actually try and keep the peace, while Lebanon drafts every single person under the age of 45 into an army and trains them. Then Lebanon can stand up on their own, be a strong government and get after the terrorists on their own. It won't be easy. The UN will have to have the guts to stick it out, and Lebanon and her people will have to make many sacrifices, and it might take 5 or 10 years to accomplish, but ya gotta start somewhere, right?

How does that sound?
How does that sound?

A he** of a lot better then having Isreal bomb the snot out of Lebanon. I always thought that was what the United Nations were there for... International Peacekeeping. Sigh.

I really feel for all the innocent civilians in all of these countries who did not ask for terrorists to take over their homes... They are the ones that really suffer as their countries get bombed, invaded etc... they get caught in the middle of all the guerilla war fare, car bombs, suicide bombers, snipers etc. I wish there was a way to keep all those innocent people safe while the opposing parties commit violence against each other :cry: :cry:
Yeah, we can bring the UN rapist from Africa to help with the peace. Or those running the brothel. Or the Food for Bombs program and Kofe could get even richer. Of course the UN is SOOOOOOO anti-biast, they will be good peace keepers.
Iriskmj wrote:
How does that sound?
A he** of a lot better [...]
Isn't that exactly what the US is doing in Iraq?
Don't get me going on that please... I think our troops are doing a fabulous job over there... I'm NOT sure the leadership's decision to use them in that way is the correct one however... :?
The UN gonna solve this, I think not:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 was a resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council on September 2, 2004. It called upon Syria to end its military presence in Lebanon by withdrawing its forces and to cease intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all Lebanese militias (including Hezbollah) to disband.

The UN is a deaf, blind, neutered, toothless junk yard dog who can only bark, usually at the wrong party. The UN will only function when individual countries willingly give up their soveregnty....and I don't see ANY country, democratic, socialist, communist, dictatorship, etc. doing that.

The UN will continue to be nothing more than a bunch of wanna-bes who gang up on stronger countries....or countries who are trying to knock down other countries for their own glorification. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Machiavelli would be proud.

Peace is won thru victory.
Iriskmj wrote:
How does that sound?

A he** of a lot better then having Isreal bomb the snot out of Lebanon. I always thought that was what the United Nations were there for... International Peacekeeping. Sigh.

I really feel for all the innocent civilians in all of these countries who did not ask for terrorists to take over their homes... They are the ones that really suffer as their countries get bombed, invaded etc... they get caught in the middle of all the guerilla war fare, car bombs, suicide bombers, snipers etc. I wish there was a way to keep all those innocent people safe while the opposing parties commit violence against each other :cry: :cry:

:lmt: With a little editing, it sounds like you could be talking about the United States. :phew:

The US should've followed Isreal's example when terrorists kidnapped and murdered it's civilians abroad, and at home.
I did catch this morning on the news that they won't be charged. Thank goodness.
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