Defending My Husband

The trial has taken a different path then I was prepared for. I will have to testify this afternoon . Instead of 2 inmates that are already serving life sentences for capital murder being on trial My Husband is on trial. The defence attorney is coming in saying that my husband treatened the inmates. They were scared for their lives that is why they attached him.. They had brought up my husbands mental stability prior to the attack. Even problems of depression and mental problems in his Fletchers family.... ..I don't know where this attorney got all this information. I find this horrably offending........................... So I will try and keep my cool as much as I can. ............... In my little niave mind I just don't understand..... These inmates have all the rights and my husband has none. A guy just doing his job to his upmost..... A guy that took a lot of pride in his job..... I just don't understnd........ ...............................The stae attorney can't even bring up to the jury that these inmates are serving life sentences....Constitunal Rights!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the defence can drag my husband over the coals.......... ...........................I am just sick about this............Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
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Kaye, I'm so sorry it's going this way. It seems that the criminals have all the rights. I find it difficult to believe that a murderer would be in fear for his life :evil: I hope the jury can see through this and do the right thing for you both.
I'd sure give the prosecuting attorney an ear full. You should have been preped as to what might happen. While this is common denfense argument, you should have been prepared. Blow enough CR__ around, something might stick. Where is the law enforcement attorneys, the union's guys? They should be there with you.

You have to be prepared for the worst Kaye- it is amazing with what attornies of opposing parties can come up with -

You need to be strong-easier said than done. Keep your mind on a straight path. The opposing party has done exactly what they want= get you upset. YOu have to ignore the crap- and not let it get to you- again, easier said than done.

Prayers for strength are with you.
be strong, don't let the defense wind you up - they want you to bite and react, but try and keep your cool - its always the way, the bad have all the bloody rights - sickening - but I strongly beleive at some point, what goes around comes around - you wait - thinking of you xxxxx
My prayers are with you Kaye. I don't have any advice for you, but I truly hope this all ends in justice for you and your husband.
My prayers are also with you, Kaye. You have been through so much lately, it's amazing you're still sane!

Easier said than done, but don't let the defense attornies rattle you. That's what they're hoping for.

Hugs to you in your time of need!!
Hi Kaye,

How heartbreaking this must be for you. I can't imagine the set of emotions you must be feeling after what they've done to Fletcher and now this? I'm praying that you will have the fortitude to see it though to the end, and that justice will be served. It won't bring Fletcher back to the state he was before this happened, bu,t perhaps will bring a peace of mind and a sense of closure. You are an angel in my books, able to still continue to help and foster all those in need when you yourself have many other things going on.

We're all here for you.

Marianne and the boys
Oh Kaye, I'm so sorry. (((HUGE HUGS))) My prayers are with you.
I am so sorry that their attorney is doing that. Hopefully you will make a real impression on the court with your testimony.
I am praying for justice to be served here. I know that will help you a bit.
Have been thinking about you- how are you doing?
Prayers are with you

Our prayers are with you and your husband. Stay strong and calm. They want to break you. They figure if they can do that you will "ramble". That's how they get people to say things in ways that makes what you're trying to say sound just the opposite of what you meant.

Let them ask you a question. Answer only that question, in as few words as possible, don't elaborate unless absolutely necessary for the good of your case. MAKE them ASK the questions! You're attorney will ask you questions to get you to say what needs to be heard on cross examination.

Stay strong and healthy. God bless.
I believe the jury will see through what they are trying to do. Just do the best you can. I would definitely advise you if you feel like crying there to not hold back so they can see the trauma that has been inflicted on you. But not in a hysterical or over the top way. If you are honest and stick to the truth I believe you will be fine and most jurors are wanting to do the right thing. Good luck. I know this is very hard on you.

I just got jury duty. AGAIN :evil: I was on a jury and found it agonizing because I really wanted to get to the truth and it's hard to not get emotionally involved.
Sorry to hear the news Kaye, makes me sick what attorneys get up too, we have the same problems here in Australia with our criminal justice system and half the time it favours the offenders. Thinking of you and Fletcher and hope all will be resolved.

Stay strong, I know that is hard, but at least it helps puts closure on things for you. You are a very special person and deserve all good things from now on.

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