
Our sweet little boy has parvo, :cry: and the emergency vet didn't really give us much hope, but we caught it early... within hours of him first throwing up, and now his symptoms are almost gone, but we could really use some words of encouragement/advice, since we've heard it could get worse before it gets better. We could not afford to keep him hospitalized so we are nursing him back to health at home, and giving him electrolyte solution every hour or so. He's playful and alert as of right now, what else can we do for him?

Thanks in advance,
Jami and Dave and Toby
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All I really have to say is good luck and stick to your vet's advice. Parvo is a horrible disease. Proper immunization should keep pups from getting it but unfortunately there have been some new strains that are going around.
Definitely tell your breeder what is going on. It is a HIGHLY contagious problem. Do not take your pup anywhere in public because he could transmit it easily and his immune system is compromised so he could catch any number of other things that would more easily hurt him now. Even the common cold could be a problem at this point.
If, God forbid, you got him at some sort of commercial location. They definitely need notified. One sick puppy could infect a whole dog park worth of dogs. (You should never share water bowls with other dogs at a dog park unless you are VERY aware of their medical and vaccination history!!) You also don't want to have any doggy friends over at this point.
Continue cleaning and sanitizing your house and all things in it. A bleach solution (1:30) is best for cleaning EVERYTHING including bedding. Wash food and water bowls between every feeding. Whatever you can throw away, it is best to just throw it away, it will be much easier than trying to clean and sanitize it. Don't bring anything new in at this point either, it's just more to clean and could adversly affect your dogs condition.

It seems that if your pup has progressed to this point you have a lot to be hopeful of. Generally parvo hits fast and kills quickly therefor the longer the time the better the odds get.
Here's a nice, easy to read website

Good luck and please update us!!!
From one Toby sheepdog to another!
Thanks for your advice. Toby is 5 months old, so this has nothing to do with where we got him from. We have however notified all our neighbors about him.
Wow! 5 months old and got Parvo. Out of curiosity, have you figured out how he got it? Do you do dog parks and things like that?
I'm going to guess that he's had his shots and this is probably one of the new hybrid strains of Parvo. Yikes!
Please let us know whatever else you find out. Hopefully Toby gets through this without anymore ill effects but maybe your experience can help someone else not have to go through this.

Get better soon, Toby!
I'm surprised to hear of parvo at 5 months too!
I'd definitely want to find out where he got it if at all possible... scary....
I hope he gets better quickly, but the best way to get through it is to keep that puppy hydrated!!! You will most likely need to make several trips to the vet, parvo can get bad very quickly so don't hesitate to run as fast as you can back to your vet if you notice any decline or if you don't think the pup is improving.
A friend of mine had a Rat Terrier with Parvo. She is now over a year and doing just fine. Hopefully Toby will recover. :plead:
We aren't sure how he contracted parvo, but we do live in town where lots of people walk there dogs around and we take him on walks everynight. Our neighbors younger and much smaller puppy died of parvo last week. We're not sure if the 2 ever had any contact, as our nieghbors tend to let there dogs run loose. :( We could not afford to take him back to the emergency vet today, but early monday he'll be going in for more antibiotics etc. keep the prayers and good vibes coming.
Jami Dave and Toby
Good luck Toby, all paws croossed for a full and speedy recovery!
Oh how scary!! White light being sent your way for a speedy recovery!
I'm confused-- was he vaccinated for Parvo? Or did he pick up an odd strain?
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