
allie (OES) wants nothing at all to do with it. She just ignores me...lol
aussie (austrailian sheperd) will get excited, chase after the ball, catch it in mid air, and then drop it and run back to me leaving the ball where he caught it. How do I get allie to fetch or aussie actually bring it back????
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Well, both are herding breeds, not really the retreiving type :lol: but, Sky will bring stuff back to me. I didn't really do any in particular except throw a toy, if she went and got it I praised like crazy and said bring it back, if she brought it back, I praised like crazy and threw it again for her. Dancer simply cannot be bothered. LOL
Panda will retrieve anything you throw, and then more stuff too LOL
Daisy is only occasionally into playing "fetch" and will bring back whatever toy we are playing with at the time - usually 2 or 3 times is the limit. I started out pllaying ball w/ her on a long leash and when she got the ball would slowly bring her back, saying bring.

Like I said, 2 or 3 times is the limit for her.

I had a german shepherd that would play ball or frisbee all day, I don't really remember training him to do this, only that if he didn't bring it back, I didn't throw it again - so he brought it back.
Walter started out doing the same thing. I would throw and he'd chase, grab and then run back without the ball. I started with short distances, throwing it and slowly walking with him to get it. Once he had the ball in his mouth, I'd run backwards immediately - I think he forgot he had the ball and just wanted to chase me, but, by default, he brought the ball with him.

Gradually increased the distance of the throws, and slowly stopped walking with him to get it. Even if you need to take a few steps toward the ball, Walter gets the hint and goes to get it.

Once they do actually bring it back, I've heard the thing to do, instead of petting, treating, etc., is to throw it again immediately. In that continuing the game is more of a reward than anything else at the time.

BTW, Walter's about 40% on catching his little frisbee - but we're working.

Best of luck - fetch is so much fun!!
Maizie Loves you to throw her toys, she loves to run and get it. brings it back and drops it at yr feet.. she loves it..

Kim & maizie
Toby loves nothing better than chasing and fetching his tennis ball. He will do it continuously, although I stop him at an hour because my arm is ready to fall off at that point, even with the ball launcher.
Violet is pretty good at Fetch. She loves you to throw her ball and then grab it and run it back and then when you reach your hand out to take it from her she runs off, then back and stickes it part way out of her mouth so you can get it and as soon as you grab for it, she runs off She will then come closer and pull the same trick. Eventually she will let me take the ball and throw it again.

I have an Aussie Shepherd also and she can catch popcorn in her mouth when it is thown so she can catch anything. China amazes me.........
Rheba is not the fetching type. She may do it about 2-3 times. ALthough, my friends have a couple of labs and Rheba enjoys playing with them. Their house has a pool. The labs can play fetch all day long. Rheba decided that she wouldn't just jump into the pool but she did like prancing around the pool to the stairs and going into the pool. She loved going after the tennis balls if she had to go into the pool but outside wasn't out of the question. She's a weird-o.
Dutch will play fetch for as long as you will throw , she brings it back but you must ignore her for a second or two before she will drop it . sometmes I will be sitting at the table having my tea :? and if the door is open I will say .. go get the ball.. and she goes outside finds the ball and brings it back inside
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