Post what you hate about your job

Anyone have a gripe about work? Something that really bugs you about your job that happens almost all the time? Maybe it only happens every so often? Or a specific story? Please post your complaints here! :D

My complaints:

1. I hate the fact that when I have someone who wants information from me - and I cannot give it out - they think that by asking in a different way that I'll be stupid enough to give it to them anyway.

2. When I do not know the answer to the question - but I know who does - parents and/or coworkers will ask me the same question in different ways like I'm holding out on them even though I just gave them a number to call the other person who knows the answer. :roll:

3. Parents of HS students who think I can actually do anything spectacular. I'm just the test proctor for God's sake! Go whine to my supervisor or talk the the president of the school if you have a problem with someone! I tell them that I do NOT run certain aspects of the school in the nicest way possible and they need to talk to someone else to lodge a complaint.

I have people give me the run-around going from 15-30 min sometimes. They start complaining and I just start tuning them out after a while because they won't shut up long enough for me to give them a solution and when I tell them how they can get something accomplished they wonder why I cannot do it myself? :roll: Ugh...
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What a great morning for this! This morning, I'm really hating two of our highest directors. It's my job to disseminate information and news to the public of events and happenings in our organization. They are so out of touch with what is actually interesting to people versus how much sucking up they can squeeze into a press release that it makes my job that much harder. These days, I have to make two versions of everything that I send out, one that the media will be interested in and another one for the directors that pats them on the back appropriately. The cloud of smugness and self importance around my office is so thick that I can barely see some days.
In general, I find that all of my jobs have more or less been the same...just different faces with the same personalities! My biggest peeves:

1. Coworkers who are anal about things that really don't matter and they keep going at it.

2. Coworkers who don't have "time" to do something and then suddenly you get to do the task even though it was assigned to the other person.

3. Managers who don't manage their employees
I work for a non profit organization that is run by a board of directors. Everybody is soo political and self serving t kills me, plus the husband runs my branch and his WIFE rins the sister branch. And she definatley wears the pants in the family, ya know the saying "if momma ain't happy then nobodies happy!"

srw808 wrote:
I work for a non profit organization that is run by a board of directors. Everybody is soo political and self serving t kills me, plus the husband runs my branch and his WIFE rins the sister branch. And she definatley wears the pants in the family, ya know the saying "if momma ain't happy then nobodies happy!"


We're non profit too. Self serving seems to be a common trait in the world of non-profit. We're also education though which allows them to be be pompous in addition to self serving. :evil:
three words for me

life insurance agents

'nuff said.
Same old thing, every day....Boring......When you do a job so well that it gets overlooked. You are not moved or given anything else to do because then the place would fall apart. You would have to go back and clean it up and then get that job again....for the next 2 years....

So when some neat little project comes up it goes to some idiot who hasn't a clue. Because they 'know" someone or because they will "b" about it if they don't get it.

And no pets allowed :?
I work for a window and door manufacturing company.. I am the only female in my working environment (other than the receptionist)...all of my coworkers are wonderful, respectful, supportive.. it's the customers that are a Pane in my Sash!!!!!. 90% of them are Contractors and their way of thinking is.. if you don't stand up to pee, you don't know what you are talking about.

I love it when their wrong!!!
My gripes

1. employees who don't listen at all. They have no idea how to use a computer and they just keep screwing things up.
2. Lazy people, pass the buck please.
3. People who don't pay there bills.
I don't hate ANYTHING about my job :clappurple: I'm one of those very lucky people who gets to get up every morning and go to a job I love with people I really love working with. Of course I am pretty much independent, I dont' have many "co-workers" just the the Dr's in my building who send me patients and the secretaries up front who check my patients in. But I don't see much of them.

Somedays when I am tired I think it would be nice to stay in bed a little longer but for the most part I have the most fascinating clients and I can honestly say I love every minute of what I do!!!

Guess I'm pretty lucky!!
casearoo wrote:
1. employees who don't listen at all. They have no idea how to use a computer and they just keep screwing things up.

Oh my God! Tell me about it! I have a schedule online that anyone (college staff) can post on and put new student names on to take a test... and just last week some yahoo accidentally erased every students name off of my planner for the week... UGH! Appartently this has been happening for a while because I used to get "Ooops! I erased someone's name" Messages all over my stupid planner instead of the names and tests they need to take. :evil: This time I didn't get anything at all - so I was wondering what the heck happened.

This makes planning almost impossible! :roll:

Other employees think I can do magical things with the computer - they have no clue. They think I can somehow access records from other campuses just by going online. 8O I just wanna smack them because they should know better.
heehee - this is fun!

I work at a computer helpdesk for a major textbook publishing firm. I am constantly amazed at how many people are given computers with no instruction on how to use them or do anything, then are expected to work. Typically, it's the older generation that has the most trouble (with no offense to present company, of course). There are some people that just shouldn't be given computers!!

The worst part about my job is that I have become the "go-to" girl. :-( I seem to be the only one that has any answers, who knows where to get information, and the only one who can get anything done. Thus the addage, "No good deed goes unpunished." It's terrible. I do the work of two people, and am somewhat underpaid for the kind of job I have. I haven't had a raise in over 3 years. The cost of living keeps going up, and I continue to struggle financially. It's what I've got to work with, but I suspect that there are some who are in much worse shape.

When all is said and done, I'm glad to have a job with healthcare benefits. I can be independant and live on my own, which is a lot more than some people in my generation are doing.

I am faced with the reality that I might have to get a second job, but I'm resisting that as much as I can. I don't want to leave Dudley at home any more than I already do. As I get older, I am learning that I don't have the same energy level that I used to have. When I was 16, I worked 5 jobs at once so I could save to buy a car...

sigh Well, enough whining for today - back to work now!

kweenkmatt wrote:
Typically, it's the older generation that has the most trouble (with no offense to present company, of course). There are some people that just shouldn't be given computers!!


Have pity on us old folks!!!! REMEMBER, when we were in college we had to type our term papers on TYPEWRITTERS!!!!!! Most of you Youngun's have never even seen one up close and personal. Can you imagine, when you made a mistake you had to use corretion fluid or start over. AND GOD FORBID if you changed an entire sentence or paragraph......... The college students today were BORN with computers and gameboys in their hands so have a little pity on us who grew up in the age of 45rpm RECORDS and 8 track tapes :plead:
Tasker's Mom wrote:

Have pity on us old folks!!!! REMEMBER, when we were in college we had to type our term papers on TYPEWRITTERS!!!!!! Most of you Youngun's have never even seen one up close and personal. Can you imagine, when you made a mistake you had to use corretion fluid or start over. AND GOD FORBID if you changed an entire sentence or paragraph......... The college students today were BORN with computers and gameboys in their hands so have a little pity on us who grew up in the age of 45rpm RECORDS and 8 track tapes :plead:

I learned how to type on a typewriter in school. :) I actually have one in the top a closet, but I can't find any ribbons for it now...
Gail, you're younger than me and I learned to type on a computer in school!
barney1 wrote:
Gail, you're younger than me and I learned to type on a computer in school! school was a little behind.. My graduating class was only 25, we didn't have any foreign languages (talk about a shocker when I had to have 4 semesters of a foreign language at college & the professor walked in and spoke nothing but Spanish on the first day - hehe), no advanced/higher classes. It was pretty much just the basics you need to get by with. They closed the school down about 5 years ago, lol
Hey, I actually took SHORTHAND in Highschool, THERE is a DEAD art!!!!

When I learned to program a computer, we didn't have a computer. We had to create our programs on punchcards, and then they'd be taken to a company (anyone remember Wang Computers?) and they would be fed into the computer to see if your program would compile at all (no syntax errors) and then if the program would actually do as intended - no logic errors. The process took about a week between putting the program on the cards and getting the printouts with the results.

You remember or know of those computer punchcards? Well normally there's something called a keypunch machine, which punched holes in those cards. But we didn't have one of those, so the way we did our punchcards, and I kid you not, was with a #2 pencil. On the punchcards, each box had three letters in it, much like the way a telephone keypad has 3 letters. So, indicating each letter consisted of marking two boxes; the box with the letter (and two others) and then the 1, 2 or 3 box above, denoting whether your letter was first, second or third.

My programs always (except for once) ran the first time; no marking errors or syntax errors and also always provided the correct output.

That was in 1976. 30 years ago, and it seems like only yesterday.
Yupp, Gregg!!!

You and I must be of the same stone age.....the one and only computer course I ever took WAY BACK IN 1975 at my local COMMUNITY COLLEGE used Wang Computers and punch cards if I remember correctly. I HATED IT and vowed to NEVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH COMPTUERS AGAIN :twisted:
My earliest computer memory is the Apple 2E...That was a fun thing to play games on!
My earliest computer memory is the Apple 2E...That was a fun thing to play games on

Mee too. So funny.
casearoo wrote:
My earliest computer memory is the Apple 2E...That was a fun thing to play games on

Mee too. So funny.

I had that too and had some cheesy typing game for it.


Ron wrote:
You remember or know of those computer punchcards?

My dad was in the mainframe timesharing business back in the 70s. Back in the days when computers were enormous and expensive, most companies couldn't afford one so they would take their piles of punch cards to a place that would rent them enough time to run their jobs. I could key punch when I was still in grade school. But I never had to do it with a pencil!
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