boo boo OUCH!!

This is what I found on allie when I was grooming her. I thought someone here might be able to identify it or something. It is kinda hard. This is the worst of it. It is kinda all around her potty area.
It seems to bother her quite a bit.

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Oh no. It looks like a hotspot gone awry or maybe an evil chafed spot that couldn't breathe so it got more and more irritated by moisture. I'd try to clean it up as best I could, put some neosporin on it and get her to the vet ASAP.

When you say it is hard, do you mean under the skin it is hard? Has she been chewing at it? Are there several areas like this?

It needs to be looked at before it gets infected.
I'd get her to the vet as soon as possible... it looks like a hotspot, but it looks like it may be infected already because of the red flowing away from it. Might be ringworm as well (a fungal infection)
Obviously she needs to see a vet and she will as soon as I can get her to one. I tried to put neosporin on it but she won't let me touch it. I tried having someone else hold her so I could but that didn't work out that well either.

No not under the skin ... right there on top is kinda hard. She licks at it a lot. This is where that patch of hair was that I couldn't get off. I got some of it off and this is how i found the red spot.

That picture is aweful...poor girl. I hope it comes useful to others in the future since I posted the picture.

(she would be so mad at me if she knew i posted her hind end online)
It looks like a hotspot. My chocolate lab Macy gets them occasionally. Our vet treats them with a course of oral cephalexin, and topical antibiotic ointment (neosporin or triple antibiotic) applied several times a day. The area surrounding it needs to be clipped and cleansed 1st.
Use a helper if needed to apply the ointment. It is not that bad, just be no-nonsense and ignore the sheepie back-talk.

After this, continue to handle her all over her body. Touch her everywhere - ears, in her mouth, privates, paws, etc. She needs to accept that you are alpha and the leader. If you have this established before hand, then she will do better with unpleasant and painful stuff like this.

We start a program like this with our dogs, whether they come to us as puppies, or are adult rescues. It is really a lifesaver in a crisis.

See your vet tomorrow, and I hope Allie gets feeling better soon!
Poor Allie :(
That looks very painful. I hope she heals quickly. :plead:
OMG...poor baby! I hope the vet can help this heal quickly.
Gads... that looks sooo painful. :( I can understand why she won't allow you to touch it. Makes me hurt just looking at it.
It is kinda all around her potty area.

Do you think maybe it go "wet" and stayed wet?
Ouch, poor baby hope it heals up soon. Looks like maybe it started like a dermatitis and ended up with infection there. Maybe because of the clumped matt and moisture with no air getting to the skin because it was felted in that area. Hope all goes well at the vets, it looks so sore so I can understand why she would not let you near the area. :cry: Best wishes for the vet visit too.
Ouch indeed! Once that is clipped, cleaned and vet treated, it should clear up quickly. You might want to keep her undercarriage clipped short from now on.........expecially from the back legs thru and over the females to the bum those are all technical medical terms you know :wink: :wink:

The shorter hair makes watching for hot spots and other skin irritations so much easier.

How is she doing? Is it looking any better yet?
Poor Girl!! That does look painful. Is she doing better?
Has Allie been to the vet? What happened?
It's hard to tell from th picture exactly where the spot is. You mentioned in another post about a matt in her "potty area". If this is the same area and the matt was in the vaginal or rectal area and got urine soaked it's possible that this is actually a burn from the urine. I hope she's been to the Vet, I guessing you need some kind of anitbiotic ointment and possibly an oral anitibiotic as well.

I can't stress enough the value of a good pair of clippers!! I'd be lost without mine. Tasker has very sensitive skin and I gave up on a long coat along time ago. The slightest skin irritation turns into a huge problem. Keeping him clipped is so easy and soooo comfortable for him. I don't need to worry about hidden suprises in his fur. It really isn't hard to learn to clip them, the first couple of tries might be amusing but you'll get the hang of it.

Even if you don't clip her you do need to keep her but clipped.

Good Luck, let us know how she is.
Allie has been to the vet. They gave her a shot to help stop the itching. They shaved the area for me too. Then gave me some antibiotic pills for her and some spray. She was shaking a lot but got through it okay.
He said it looked like it was just a hot spot.
She will be getting better now!!

Thank you everyone for your advice and a special thanks to Allies new pal (you know who you are)

Glad to hear she's on the mend :D . Keep in mind that a hot spot can develope from any skin irritation, even something as small as a flea bite. Tasker is prone to them so I have to be meticulous in his skin care.

What usually happens with a "hot spot" is that there is some small break in the skin, a bite or a scratch that gets inflammed, "hot". The more they scratch the worse it gets. Poor Tasker when ever I see him scratching I zoom in on him to make sure he doesn't have some kind of irritation started !!! Did they also suggest an oatmeal or aloe shampoo to help with the itching?
I use "Aloe & Oatmeal Shampoo" by VET solutions, I get it at the vets.

Also, I keep on hand something called ResiCORT by Virbac which is a Hydrocortisone 1% Antipruritic and Anti-inflammatory. Its a leave on lotion I get from the vet to start as soon as Tasker has even the sign of an itchy spot.

Hopefully this is an isolated incident and Allie isn't prone to them but if she is you may need to keep "the arsenal" handy.
he gave me the spray called Gentocin which i think he said does the exact same thing as the lotion you are talking about. He told me to keep it on hand even after she heals just in case because it will save me a lot of trouble (like this).
It's pretty much the same idea, it's an anitbiotic as opposed to an anti -inflammatory, which at this point is what you need.
Good, I'm glad to hear that she's on the mend!
Good to hear Allie is getting treatment, and that it was a hotspot. (vs something more serious)
If you have trouble getting her to take pills, there is the greatest product called "Pill Pockets". They are wonderful and help getting them to take pills.
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