ok, i need help

I have been trimming Allie with sciccors to get the matts out of her and to make her cooler for the summer. I am pretty close to being done but the legs, face, and a small area of her behind. Thats the problem....

The small patch of hair on her behind is matted pretty tight. Which I could slowly cut away at just like everywhere else BUT she won't let me. She freaks out everytime I touch it and yelps and kinda snips at me (although never bitong me) I have even tried to spray it with the hose but she does the same.

What is wrong with her and how do i get the hair off there so I can see under it?

obviously I havn't got a lot of money right now so I am doing this myself so keep that in mind please

can anyone help?
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Don't get it wet because it'll only make the matt even tighter as it dries. The hose might be scaring her even more if she's already tense about that area. When you say "behind" are you talking just somewhere up on her butt or actually where her privates are? If it's the latter the matt might be tangled up with something sensitive and that's why she's yelping.
just a little below the tail to the left a little is where the problem area is. I called the humane society and they said it might be heat irritated. So what do I do?
I know it isn't what you want to hear, but it could be pretty badly chafed under there, especially if it was already irritated, then wet, then dry. Can you take her into the Humane Society for them to just buzz that area so you can put some ointment on any possible irritation? I would think the Humane Society wouldn't charge much, if anything, especially if you tell them your situation.
I did ask them and they said they wouldn't do anything (not even look at it) and they anly take care of their own dogs that they have in custody
The best suggestion I'd give right now, since this is kind of time sensitive, take her out for the day and exercise the heck out of her. Then, when she's really tired, move in, petting and talking softly, and try to work on that area then.

Do you have a groomer closeby? Have you priced it? I know you mentioned you didn't have the money but I was wondering if you had gotten an estimate and what it might be.
Her reaction to your attempts to demat the area sounds like it's very painful... maybe a hot spot or irritation caused by the mat? Ouch!

Whoever you get to fix the problem might very well shave the area down if it's a skin irritation so it can be properly cleaned and medicated. Is it possible to clip the area down any shorter using scissors?

Getting her all tired out like Jill says sounds like a very good idea... then see if you can work on that area again. If you think she may bite because of the pain, you may have no choice but to go to the vet. (Sorry. :( )

Also with the hot weather you'll want to make sure she doesn't get flies around the area if it is a wound that needs tending to. You don't want them to lay eggs in it, then have maggots to deal with... yuck :?

Can your dog take a buffered regular strength aspirin or is there a reason NOT to give it to her? It might take the edge off the pain so you can fix the problem yourself. Call your vet to ask before giving it to her to be certain it's okay.
Shaving sentitive areas is my specialty with a girl like Dixie to care for :lol: :lol:

You need a second person.

Get out the razor and let her sniff it and give her a treat. Then get it buzzing, and give her a treat.
Get a Kong or an empty yogurt container and put cheese whiz or peanut butter in it, at the bottom, so she needs to really work to get it. Buzz away as she is busy with your helper holding it for her. Then rub her sensitive area with your hand, and sneak in the razor while she is very busy with the Kong.

If you don't have a razor, you may be able to do this with sharp scissors, depending on the mat.
Thanks for all your help. I just don't know if I can do it myself. I am soo scared of hurting her which really stinks cuz I spent so much time on the rest of her. Would I take her to a vet or a groomer?????
not that i can afford either at the moment but maybe next week.
I would go to the vet but I'm not the right person to ask. I've never had a groomer do my dogs... but it seems it might be within their abilities to handle this because it's a known fact that dogs get matted. :roll: You might call a groomer and ask before heading over. Again, I'm rather clueless as to how this works.

You might also check into a cheaper set of electric clippers if you think you could do it if you had a set. If one of mine had a tight mat, I think I'd use my inexpensive set of Osters http://www.osterpro.com/productDetails. ... 4&BladeID= I always use this one for between the foot pads, the fanny area, tummies, to remove some of the fur under the ears so they get good air flow to prevent infection. I got mine at PetSmart a couple of years ago but I found them for $22.50 plus shipping here- http://www.upco.com/cgi-bin/Upcol.store ... View/78960 It looks like shipping is $5. You might find them locally so you can get it done right way. The more expensive ones are of course better for doing all the dog but I found these do work.
I would ask a groomer the cost just to do that spot. Most groomers - mine included have the cloth muzzle they can put around the dogs mouth while they are shaving that part. Since they aren't shaving the whole dog it should just be a minimal charge for shaving that part around $5 or so.

It would be worth a shot to ask one.
I have to agree with the others, it sounds like the mat may be pulling. That makes it harder to get off without her being defensive about it.
Getting her very tired is a great idea. I have to wait till Mojo is asleep to do his ticklish feet.
Look in the mens razor section at a drug store or Walmart for a small trimmer. They run on batteries and only cost about $10. They are great for little jobs.
Jaclin, the upco site, went right to the home page...Can you send me the site/page or name for the tool you use on the foot pads and tummy? My Allie, who is only 4 mths old, is really giving me a hard time when I do her pads. I used to be able to do it while she was sleeping, now she wakes up and jerks all around. So far, I only use scissors. Thanks!
Gee whiz... sorry about that. If you go to this address-

Type in this product number for a search-
(If for some reason that doesn't work, type in "oster kit")

It will take you to a page with clippers. The set I have is described like this...

OsterĀ® 10 Piece Grooming Kit
New ergonomic design. Adjustable blade provides versatile cutting length. 6 snap on comb attachments for varying cutting length, oil and cleaning brush. Item 78960 $22.50

With a young pup, I'd go with clipping the fur level with the pads 'til your pup gets comfortable with having this done. Become familiar with the bottom of your dog's feet and locate the webbing which you need to avoid. For poochies that are being pistols (that would be Panda or Kaytee on occasion), I give them a raw hide chew to occupy them or I roll them over on their back between my legs to clip the food fuzz.

I've used these clippers for about 2 years and they work well for me but there are smaller clippers that may be easier to handle if you later decide to clip around the back pad. This is the final outcome with these clippers http://www.pomeroys.com/EmmaDarby/Tootsies.jpg
That's a good lookin' paw pad! :D

Cute too! :D
I agree with the two people approach, have the second person hold the head and FEED TREATS!!!! If you know for sure where the mat is hair and where the skin is ty trimming bits of the matt off from the outer edge in. Is there poop in the matt? In which case you migh have to wet it to soften the poop before cutting.

Another handy tool for breaking up matts is an old fashioned seam ripper....the kind you sew with. If you are careful, and if you get somoene to hold the head you can pierce the matt and break it up little by little, it works a bit lie a matt knife, only I have never liked matt knives becasue they just look dangerous.
That is an awesome looking paw!

So question for Jaclin and everyone else! Basically, I want to purchase a clipper set for a DOG, I can not use the one I have at home, that we use on my husbands head? I will purchase the one that Jaclin posted.....This OES hair is very new to me, I was raised with Labs and Shepards....Now I own the hairiest breed out there :lol:
I recommend an Andis or Wahl, and don't get a cheap model. The old saying "you get what you pay for" is absolutely true when it comes to clippers. A good set of clippers is a life saver and will cut theough sheepie hair like butter!
ccnwater wrote:
Jaclin, the upco site, went right to the home page...Can you send me the site/page or name for the tool you use on the foot pads and tummy? My Allie, who is only 4 mths old, is really giving me a hard time when I do her pads. I used to be able to do it while she was sleeping, now she wakes up and jerks all around. So far, I only use scissors. Thanks!

What I do for the pads is use the 5/8" Oscar blade - perfect for the pads.

For the tummy, I use a 9 or 10 blade, just whichever I grab out of the container first. :)

That's what we always used at the grooming shop I worked at too...does a great job!
So Gail, it is a different clipper system, then what we use on human hair?
May be a silly question!
That's a good lookin' paw pad!

That be me Kayt's foot (the little stinker just picked some Gooseberries and brought them to the door with her) :D I try to keep the pad fur shorter so they don't get mats, to keep the house cleaner and so their feet dry faster.

I'm sorry... I don't know the difference between the human and animal clippers but have wondered the same thing. :? I would NOT recommend the inexpensive set if you plan to do the whole dog. Not being a pro, I do like the control I have with the lighter clippers for smaller areas like pads, arm pits, fannies, etc. If you can afford the Andis clippers mentioned by Tasker's Mom you might look into those first. I had a set of Andis clippers I got from my vet that worked fantastic... the "hot knife through butter" thing and the best I've ever owned. When the motor quit I bought another set but they just didn't cut as well so I sent them on to a shelter down south after the hurricane.

Ginny- What Andis model do you use?
Ginny- What Andis model do you use?[/quote]

AGC Super 2, I just LOVE them!
ccnwater wrote:
So Gail, it is a different clipper system, then what we use on human hair?
May be a silly question!

Not sure if it will work on human clippers or not. I've never used them. This is the pair I have:

http://www.petedge.com/shopping/product ... =5280&AS=1

Maybe you can compare it to human clippers??

Those are good clippers though. I have a pair of the older model, and I've had them for umm...over 10 years now. For 5 of those years, I easily groomed 20-25 dogs a day with them. Now, they hardly ever get used. :) They're still running like new though.
I cannot imagine grooming 25 dogs a day! 8O

Wow!! I think I've accomplished something to get two done. :roll:
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
I cannot imagine grooming 25 dogs a day! 8O

Wow!! I think I've accomplished something to get two done. :roll:

:) You start getting into a routine and don't think twice about it. It wasn't that bad unless you had someone come in and want a fancier cut that took longer to do (poodles were awful for this). Most of them were one length cuts, and then we had shih-tzus, maltese, etc... come in every week for their bath & cut special where we'd brush them out, bathe them, and cut the pads of their feet (if needed) and do their face trim. You're usually too busy to get tired - there were many days we went without eating.

When all the dogs acted terrible, it made for long 10 hour days though...
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