Took Merlin To School With Me!


All year the children have asked that I bring Merlin, Panda or Blue to school with me. As this school is a bit further than my last one, I no longer can go home at lunch and having him with me the entire day is a bit long.

This morning I recieved a call from my groomer offering to drive to my house to pick Merlin up for his appt at her shop. As she lives a short distance from the school I asked if she would mind meeting me a few mins after school started. This way, the children could meet Merlin and he would only be visiting a few mins.

Luck was on my side as I called the school at 7:37 am and the principal answered and I explained the situation. He granted permission and so yipiii Merlin was going to school with me!

The children were thrilled apon seeing him and we were swamped with a gazillion children surrounding us. Okay maybe not a there is over 500 children at the school. Maybe not even a 100 surrounded us but at least 75 children. I made Merlin sit and tried to ward off the many hands touching him..although he passed with flying colors regarding the noise and the site of so many little people. Having Merlin since he was 8wks old I socialized him early in his life by taking him to work with me at other schools and also took him to my magic meetings which had over a 100 people in attendance. While not as well behaved as Panda, I trust Merlin completely in regards to's with other dogs he plays a bit rough.

Next we entered the classroom. Every morning the children listen to instructions on the PA as to the five mins of excercise they are instructed to do. Imagine the noise with 500 children jumping up and down! Merlin was in the down position and remained that way throughout although he did start barking aprox 4 mins later due to the noise. He stopped when they finished. We completed our visit with a quick pet talk of the importance of how to approach dogs expecially those not known to them. The Groomer showed up and the children said goodbye to Merlin. It was great the way how it worked out.

At the end of the day I was given many gifts from the children as it was their last day of school, and each item was special. Amazingly one mom, knowing I have a housefull of critters gave me a 40 dollar gift certificate from a pet food company!

Marianne and the boys
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Awww what a great day! Go Merlin! Go Marianne!

whatchya gonna do with all that extra time now, Marianne? Take at least one nap, I hope!
What a fantastic day and Merlin was such a great ambassador for ALL those kids :wink:

We live across the road from a small primary school and when the girls are young and learning use to stand out the front when school was over and all the kids would be all over them. Just love it and such great socialisation for them too. :wink:

Peppa when we had her and my kids went to that school, YAY NO DRIVING FOR ME THEN, just a drop kick across the road. 8) Well she was the class project for quite awhile, she would go into the classroom as a puppy and we would weigh her and measure her then the children would put all up on a graph. She was a Math lesson and loved every mimute of it.

Here's hoping Merlin gets another day in school real soon. :wink: YAY MERLIN :D
That's awesome! How sweet!
Congratulations on a great day and wonderful Merlin.
That's so cool, Marianne! You must be so proud of your boy!! :wink: :clappurple:
Way to go, Merlin!!! :cheer: You made your Mommy proud!!
That's one way to keep tabs on him, huh? :twisted:
Great job, Merlin!!!!!!!!!! :banana:
....And don't forget Merlin for being such a great boy. Great job by Marianne and Merlin!
What a lucky boy Merlin is!!!!!! How fun and what a good boy!
Great job Merlin!
I would say an A+ for the day!
when i was in kindergarten the assistant teacher brought in her great dane, and to this day i still remember how excited i was to see him. so i am certain that you and merlin made those kids day!
Very cool! What a good boy Merlin is!
Also congrats on the last day of school. :D
Yay Merlin! :)

Enjoy your summer :)
Thanks for all the comments everyone!!

I'm very lucky my school is very pet friendly, thanks to the administration at that particular school. The teacher next to me is now on her third puppy she has socialized for the seeing eye society. Pup lives with her family for a year for socialization and then she turns it back to the society for further training. It started coming to school with her at age 8 wks. When the pup is wearing her little vest she is allowed in any facility that normally wouldn't allow dogs. The vest allows her to enter malls, food stores, cafe's ect..and school every day!

The Librarian brings her aged little dog to work with her 3 times a week.

I'm glad Merlin was a good boy on his visit, as perhaps I can bring him a few times with me next school year.

Marianne and the boys
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