Barney won't go outside...any tips to entice him?

In the last few days Barney has decided that he doesn't want to go outside anymore. Usually, we'll give him his breakfast and let him eat it, then open the door and say 'time to go outside' (or something similar) and off he trots to take care of business. Then it's back in for a small treat and I'm off to work for the day. At night, same thing, minus the treat and the leaving for work. Then again before bed (not the meal part)

Now he just goes and sits down and looks at us. You can't budge him and I don't grab his collar because in the past he's growled at me for it. Plus, he gets really tense (like he did the 2 times in the past when I grabbed his collar and he growled) and if my husband is there he'll eventually go out, but will walk one s.l.o.w. step at a time. Last night while he was not moving and being tense he even peed a little on the floor.

Any tips on getting him outside? He absolutely wouldn't go out this morning, so I hope he doesn't pee in the house while I'm work.
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There isn't anything out there freaking him out is there? Has anything in the yard changed?
It has been raining, but (duh) it's rained before and that has never bothered him.

We added a potted plant to 'his' area to give it some ambiance, but that was last weekend and he was fine until a few days ago, so I don't think that's it.

Other than that, I can't think of anything that has changed back there.

We just started letting him sleep with us (last weekend--10days ago), which he you think that now he feels like he is in charge or doesn't have to listen to us because he is now allowed where he didn't use to be?
put on your rain boots, put on his rain boots, snap on the leash and take him outside. Could be he doesn't like to get his feet wet. Or he is associating this early morning pee with you leaving.......he doesn't pee in hopes you'll stay with him. Also consider he had a UTI and it hurts to pee....might want to get a pee sample and have it tested.

Try getting up earlier and taking him for a walk beyond the yard, could be you need to keep his brain cells she going to work or are we playing today??
It rained here last night and Foz is acting funny this morning too. He usually ALWAYS will go outside to pee or to eat something. This morning, he didn't want to go for the last pee before work either. He acted like he wanted to go out and then when I opened the door he just sat there too. I had to put on my shoes and go out there with him to show him that it was okay to get his paws wet.
My girl doesn't want to go outside either! Driving me nuts I also cannot force her or she gives a growl. She also won't get out of the car when we get home. Last night she sat in the car for 20 mintues and I finally figured that is enough and physically moved her which I stated ealier I get a growl from. Not even cheese will get her outside anymore.

PS it also has been wet here.
I've been out with him, or I'll go out and he'll usually follow me when it gets to that point, but not in the last 3 days...Once he's out he's fine, it's just the actual getting him out the door part that's hard. It started before the rain started, so I don't think it's that...
Don't grab collars, that's a personal attack to a dog. Put on Mr. Leash and let Mr. Leash control your dog. Let Mr. Leash stay on your dog even when he's back inside. That way the dog doesn't always associate your hands with Mr. Leash, you want the leash to become a third party to your dog.

When I had to stay at my parents for a few months, Mojo didn't want to go out for Ronnie. He knew after he did Ronnie left for the day. He started feeding him out on the back porch. That way he would go out and Ronnie could get ready for work.
I think since Barney knows he's going to get a treat when he comes inside that he feels that he should just cut out the "outside" part. Or that he just wants to be with you all of the time.

I think you're going to have to go outside with him. Bring treats outside with you and give them to him when he potties, maybe play with him a little while you're out there. He just doesn't understand why he should have to be out there by himself.
Bailey goes through stages where he gets really mad at me for leaving him and gets really stubborn too. In fact, we're in one now. I know that I'm going to have a whole heap of trouble this afternoon when I try to get him out for a potty break and into his crate. Because this morning, he saw me take out the Evil Suitcase :evil: . Now he knows I'm leaving and he's mad.

I agree that you shouldn't grab his collar. I use the leash trick - he'll usually come to me to put the leash on then I can walk him to the backyard or to the crate.
I put the leash on her, doesn't work. Sits her bum down or even lies down. I hate having to pull her with the leash also, I try to not do that. But she isn't even budging for cheese... somebody is stubborn! I cannot even get her out of her crate in the morning. I open the door and go about my business. I would think she want to get out of there!
Darby is like that sometimes... with her, it's because she wants us to go out with her. So we put a slip lead on her and take her out then let her off leash (in the fenced yard). With a slip lead it's easy on and easy off but you don't ever want to leave it on them unsupervised.

Just one of the leads we use-
Steph, this was the same behavior Panda displayed the other night when B spilled the ice water....she did NOT want to go out!! I have never seen her not want to go must be the weather....but yeah, Id say go for the leash...Im going to do that the next time she refuse to budge!
He gets in stubborn phases, but never really this stubborn!

I haven't grabbed him by his collar since he was a puppy. Usually if he is being stubborn a few nudges on his behind works.

Last time he went through this stubborn phases I introduced the morning after pee treat so he would come back inside! (Back then I had no trouble getting him out, it was the coming in part that was hard)

I tried going out this morning with his favorite treat, but he just looked at me from inside. I guess I'll have to try putting his leash on next. I think maybe he is trying to skip the middle man (going out) and getting the treat as he just sat by the treat door :roll:
what I really think happened is this...

Panda got ahold of the phone and called Barney and told him what to do........
I know we encouraged their relationship at first, but I'm not sure I want Panda influencing Barney in these negative ways! I might have to ground him...
Im sorry :( Ill ground Panda phone privilages for a month ...
That'll teach'em!
LOL see! I told you in the other post they were planning to take over....seems they have set things in motion :lol:
I'm really behind in my reading posts this week, Steph. How's Barney doing? Has using the leash helped?
Thanks for asking...NO! It didn't help. :cry:

It was really weird. For like 4 days or so he was really weird about going outside and on Wednesday I decided to use the leash to take him out. At first he was all excited, but I usually either put the leash on him outside to go for a walk, or in the kitchen and take him out the other door.

When he saw which way I was headed, he started pulling the other way. I finally got him out the door and encouraged (dragged, while saying come on in an nice voice) him to go, and so finally I got him to the spot and then he peed and I looked at it and the pee looked fine. But Barney was shaking the whole time, like knee knocking. It was very weird.

But he has had a fine appetite and has peed/pooped whenever he decided to actually GO outside, and never had accidents inside, so maybe it was just the weather that freaked him out.

He's pretty much back to normal now, although tonight he had to be encouraged more than usual to go out, but he is back to going outside with relatively little resistance. I take what I can get!
Well, I'm glad he's doing better and more his normal self. But don't you wish you knew what caused him to be so scared to go out? I hate it when you know there's something going on with them and you just can't figure it out. Wish they could talk. :?
Just to let you know, Panda is still not really wanting to go outside...I think its because now its not only hot, but humid as well.....(where the heck are the monsoons?)

Last night I opened the door to let her out and she just stared at me with the "what? youre crazy lady!" look on her face...instead of touching her...I stepped out and hesitantly she followed....gave me her sassy sneeze and walked away from me......oh well...she needs to sleep outside for a few more days.....we still have poop issues 8O
I missed this post for a while so I'm catching up! I'm sorry about the outside thing - do you always bring him out the same door? I'm glad he's getting better and I hope the other sheepies with this issue learn from him (in a good way) :wink: and go outside again. It would be a difficult thing to deal with! BTW I really liked the slip lead site. I believe Cesar does a lot with these . . .
Barney STILL will not go out voluntarily!! Driving me mad!
I have another take on this. I don't like to use force in any way. If putting on the leash gets your dog to accompany you outside that is fine. But if the leash is so that you are able to drag him out then that is another issue altogether. It may get the dog outside, and not happy about it, but it does not solve the problem. What it also can do is get your dog to run from you when the leash comes out, knowing what it means. I'm not sure anyone wants that.

So you need to find out what about the yard, the door, or whatever it is that is causing the dog stress. A dog that is clingy may not want to go outside to do their duty if they know that it means they are left outside, alone, and not close to thier loved ones. It may be as simple as that.

What I would do is do exactly what Darcy did, and go outside with him. Get him to play or whatever, have some nice bonding time, then take him back in with you. You may even want to feed him outside for a bit, get him to be happy about being there..with you....Give him a special treat when outside. Once he seems to be OK about going out again you can slowly wean him off your presence.

One thing that I like to do with dogs is sprinkle a bunch of thier kibble outside on the grass. Let him take his time and sniff around an gobble it up. If he get familiar with that you can slowly get it down to just a few peices for him to hunt for.

When you start to wean him off your presence just go inside for a few seconds, while he is busy, then come back out nonchalantly. Each tiem he goes out you can slowly increase your time inside, so that he doesn't notice a bit difference. Be careful not to get caught "tricking" him, because we know that dogs have long memories and he will not forget it.

Good luck.
The food is a great idea if he's food motivated. :D I wonder if any missed kibble would become moldy causing tummy troubles or if it would attract pests?

This rescue recommends using unsalted/unbuttered popcorn... if the dog doesn't eat it, birds likely will. It's cheap, lower in calories, readily available. It also stays more to the top of the grass and is easier to see. (Listed under "Quirks" here They use it for a different reason (Pica, Coprophagia... in other words, eating the do-do). Be certain you don't also have mushrooms on your lawn that might accidently be ingested along with the treat.
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