Hawaii Update/ rant

So I've been here for 3.5 weeks already, unfortunately I still have 4.5 left! The good part is that I am in one of the most beautiful towns I have ever seen in my life (I'm on the North Shore), I go to beautiful beaches everday, I'm getting paid, my place is nice, and my friend came to visit and my boyfriend (if we can stick this out, long distance is hard!) is coming in 2.5 weeks. Oh, and it's good experience as I am doing legal stuff.

The bad part: I do not like the people I am working with. They are very nice people and are trying to do very good things but I very much disagree with how they are going about it. The guy I am working with is also very much unavailable, I have seen him twice since I've been here and neither times were work related. It's frustrating as he kind of expects me to figure things out on my own so I have been pretty slow with my progress. I was getting really frustrated with him, and then yesterday he did something that really tipped me over the edge.

*Begin Rant*
He asked me to switch cars with his wife because they had moved some plants in there that she was allergic to and she was getting migraines from the car. The car I am using is not the nicest, but it works well and I trust it. But I thought fine, I'll switch. So I drove, out of my way, to go switch with her and I end up with a very beat up old civic. I think '"fine, I'll just deal with it I'm sure its fine." When I get in the car and drive away I realize the reason she is still being bothered by the plants is because the car has probably never been cleaned. It is FILTHY and has definitely seen its fair share of cats (which I am allergic to!). It smelled so bad I actually cut hanging out with the other intern short because I wanted to get the car home and clean it. So on my way back I get a call from my boss because he *forgot* to tell me that the car has problems with oil and I need to check the oil at least once a week and add more or it will break down. I live on top of a mountain and have to drive very far on the highway to get into town. There are no gas stations on 95% of my trip into town. I was so mad and grossed out when I got home I wrote him an email telling him that the car needs to be professionally cleaned and I do not want to be bothered with that or the oil and that they need to work something out so that I can drive the other car which I am comfortable with. Well, he takes the weekends off so I am supposed to call him about it Monday. I think if my boyfriend hadn't already bought a ticket I would be coming home early.
*End Rant*

But, here are some pictures to prove that I am having a good time and doing cool stuff when I'm not dealing with work and catfur cars.

This is a waterfall in the Audubon, a nature preserve, down the road from me. We got to swim in it, but the lifeguard was a little too excited about his job and wouldn't let us do anything cool.
When my friend was here last week we swam with sharks. It was one of the coolest things I've ever done. We went in this cage with snorkle gear and there were about 10 decent sized sharks directly next to the cage!
The tour guide was petting the sharks and caught this one by the tail, it was insane
This is my favorite place ever, Sunset beach. It is beautiful and never crowded

There are a few more pictures if you click on my camera.
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OMG... what gorgeous photos. Wish I was there!!!
I am sorry about the boss and his nasty car.
Hopefully you'll get the other car back.
Wow... all the pics are beautiful... and despite your car troubles and general dissatisfaction with the staff by the sounds of it, I still envy you for just being in Hawaii!! :)

Enjoy :)
Ahhhh, Heather,
You remind me so much of me, when I was a little younger and hadn't gotten my head injury yet (back in 1992).

Don't let the Turkeys or these truly minor annoyances distract you from your wonderful opportunity which is to relax, enjoy your summer in paradise, and if you should learn something and do something good along the way, so much the better.

Your pictures are wonderful! If you don't fret over the small stuff, years from now all you will remember about your rant is that some schnook stuck you with a car, but the rest of your wonderful experiences will remain strong and indellible.

Didja notice the guy grabbing the shark has only 3 fingers and a thumb? LOL
Probably (I hope!) just the camera angle, but it made me laugh out loud!
How cool! I would be angry about the car too - :? nice of them to tell you after the fact that it had so many problems. :roll:
The pictures are great, Heather! I"m jealous. That guy you work with is a jerk and it sounds like he took advantage of the car situation.
I think I am just bummed because I came here to work for an animal rights organization and to help animals, being on the beach really was secondary. I would have chosen a different place if I knew that my work would end up being so frustrating. Also it is to the point where i am not sure I want to put this on my resume, which is a huge bummer for me.

I am also having severe dog withdrawls. I need a good sheepdog hug to keep my spirits up!

But, I will quit my whining as my plans for today are :
1. go to the beach
Tasker send sheepie hugs and kisses!!!!

The time will be past before you know it, the car sounds GROSS (shame on your boss) but try to focus on the positives!!!!!!
Aw..Heather, sorry things are ''ify', but there are worse places...good for you to stand up for yourself that you want a reliable car....she could have at least cleaned it for you 8O

Sunset beach looks so different in the winter...I swear the waves are about 30ft high.....we've seen many a surf board break in half......it is just georgeous on the North shore!!

Those are amazing photos and the views are breath taking!

Just to add my two cents in..a few years ago when I worked in Upstate NY..I missed my home, started disliking the mundane routine of work and found fault with a lot of "stuff".

Apon returning home I realized what an adventure it had been. How amazing the people and sights were and how I loved the experience. Dunno why I didn't see it that way at the time?

You are in the midst of it now and perhaps in time you'll see what a good adventure this has been for you. Granted I'd be a little worried too if I lived on a mountain and didn't have a reliable car. Please be careful and always take water on oil with you..store it in the trunk..just be safe!

Marianne and the boys
Wow! Amazing pictures. Snorkling with the sharks looks AWESOME! Sorry to hear about the car though - I hope he makes it right for you.
Heather...your new mantra is:

This is temporary, this is temporary, this is temporary.

The time will go really quickly, and when you look back on this experience, you'll remember the beauty, not the "ugly".

Please! Enjoy yourself!
I agree with Deb, it stinks being home sick but this is a once in a lifetime experience. Try to make the best of it and explore as much as you can. Only 4.5 weeks left...

Get to Maui and visit the 7 pools, black sand beaches & the Eucolyptos (sp) trees. Kauai is very beautiful too, very lush and have great cave water expeditions. Go have fun!!
I too lived by the beach for one summer, it would have been fine if it didn't rain everyday, and the one day it was nice the beach was closed because the water was so churned up it was gross.

Now everyplace will have it's ups as well as its downs. Can you rent a car? Take a bus system? Have the guy switch back since you've cleaned and have the allergies? Have them pay for taxi service so you can make it to work? Find closer living arrangements?

Otherwise I would just try and stick it out, have a good laugh about it...life experience is worth alot in the grand scheme of things.

Learn all about Hawaiian culture, take it easy, find the cool places to visit, so when your boyfriend comes you will know what to show him and what to avoid.

Work people will be horrible no matter where you are.

Remy sends a sheepie wag your way. :hearts:
Thank you all for being optimistic, it does make me realize that I am in Hawaii and I am enjoying myself, so I should let the little things slide. But the good news is.... I GOT THE CAR BACK!! They really didn't say anything about it, I called my boss today and he just told me to go in and trade cars again. I got a little bit of a dirty look, but you can't please everyone and I'm willing to have someone mad at me if it means not having to sit in cat pee for a month.

tomorrow- the beach!
Great pics. Glad you got the car back. Sounds to me like the real problem is missing the SHEEPIE. :wink:
What a beautiful place! 8)

It is hard sometimes, to live in the moment, enjoy what you have, and ignore the jerks around you. Still, if you can pull it off, you'll be so much better for it! :wink:
Heather, in a few years all your memories of this will be happy ones, all the crap filters itself out. Experience as much as you can and remember it's only for a short time. Could you find a sheepie to hug?
See that is great news, I want to be at the beach today to, it is so hot here and the kiddie pool seems to lack something...a waiter and a margarita. :lol:
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