I had an awful day yesterday, just filling one prescription!

OK... You asked!!! :lol:

I had an awful day yesterday. I realized that I was out of my pain medication and had to drive 2 hrs to my Dr's office to get a new written prescription. I call them on my drive and tell them I am on my way in to pick up a written refill form. I get there and there are 12 people in the waiting room. I am told the Dr is running way behind and I had to wait until the Dr had a free moment to do it. 45 minutes later I had my prescription in hand.

Hayley and I go to see my Sister who lives about 15 minutes from there. Mom and Dad show up and we all go to Costco for lunch and to get my prescription filled.

I drop off the prescription at the Pharmacy and we shop for 20 minutes.
I go back to get the prescription and find out the dosage is incorrect. It is twice what I take and it's a duragesic patch that cannot be split since it has a gel center. I call the Dr and ask if this was right. They were at lunch. In the meantime I ask the Pharmacy if they can change it. They say no... I need another written prescription. 8O I don't get this since all I want a lower dose...not a higher dose.

I tell Mom and Sis to take Hayley to my Grandmother's house since she was getting antsy and Dad and I would meet them there. We had come in two cars.

I finally get a hold of the Dr's office 20 minutes later and am told that the dosage was a mistake.
The girl says they should be able to change it and calls the Pharmacist. The head Pharmacist says he can change it but needs to send a request to the Dr via fax and they have to fax it back. 15 minutes go by and the pharmacy hasn't received the fax back. I call the Dr's office again. The girl says, No we didn't receive it. I told her I had them fax it twice. She tells me to hold on and goes and checks. Sure enough both faxes are there. It takes another 20 minutes for the Dr to sign it and fax it back.
I hold told them that this was an emergency if I didn't leave there in 20 minutes I would not be able to get home in time to pick up Ryan from his after school program.

Well it took another 20 minutes to get the presription filled.
Dad & I get to Grandma's and I pick up Hayley...get ready to leave, had just changed her diaper and she decided to poop :roll:

Finally I get on my way home at 3:50pm.... Traffic hell time in Orange County, CA I had to pick Ryan up by 6pm and there was no way that was going to happen. At 5pm I am still an hour and a half away from home. I call hubby who has been home working on the house and has had a few beers. He does not even drive if he has had one beer. So I tell him there is no way I will make it home. He finally agrees to pick Ryan up.
I got home at 6:30pm....

There was a full moon on Sunday night.... that probabaly just added to all the craziness. I swear... The things that should go smoothly for me NEVER do. :roll:
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:( what a lousey day!!!! Hope today was better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, Thank you.... I haven't left the house all day :lol:
I am taking the kids to the kiddie gym in an hour. I really hope the craziness is OVER for me!!
Maybe I should bring some Xanax just in case :wink:
That sounds horrible. So frustrating! Some days just stink.
To top it off after I took off the patch on Sunday night my Restless Leg syndrome kicked in...after not having any symptoms in quite a while.

So I didn't sleep very well. It took me hours of tossing and turning to finally get to bed :roll: My legs bothered me all day yesterday like they had a mind of their own. It wasn't until a few hours after the new patch was on that it finally calmed down.
Also from all the stress yesterday I was in excrusiating pain last night. I was all tight and sore through my collar bone area, shoulders and upper bad.
So much for my Dr's policy of avoiding stressful situations.... He caused it!!!
A hot bath last night did help reduce the discomfort quite a bed.
What a day!!!
Sometimes doctors offices have the worst customer service around. And what are you going to do. You can't just go somewhere else. At least not right away and not with out a lot of hassle.
Glad the hot bath help.
Hope today was a lot better.
The only reason I still go to this Doctor is that I have been seeing him for 3 yrs and have applied for Social Security Disability. I did not want to start from scratch with another Dr that doesn't understand me as well. This Dr knows me and knows what I have been through for the past three years. I am hoping that will help my case.
Also I don't have insurance and he only charges me $50 a visit.
I used to live 15 minutes from his office. Now I live almost two hours from there. :roll: It is a pain in the butt....but there is nothing I can do about it right now.
Hi Elissa,

Yikes, I can only offer sympathy to that rotten day of yours! Seems like a few of us on this board had a whacky couple days. Kinda sounds like your day was out of a Robert Munch Book...that horrible no good very bad day...having kids you'll know that book. :D

Glad to see you can smile about it.

Take Care
Marianne and the boys
Yowsa! Haven't had a day like that in quite a while. 8O

Hope that doesn't mean I'm due for one. :plead:
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