Give Blood

I'm headed off this morning to work at a blood drive in memory of Doug's sister who died last year of a rare blood disease, idiopathic mylofibrosis. She had a stem cell transplant in Seattle, which did give her an extra year to live. But before her death she required HUNDREDS of units of donated blood.

It's easy to walk past the blood drive, or to give only every few years but, if you are able, PLEASE GIVE OFTEN :D . It's one of the truly live saving gifts we give that doesn't cost us a dime. Besides they usually give you free donuts or cookies :lol: :lol: and I always say the calories don't count because you are doing a good deed.

Save a life, give blood :hearts:
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I have had my NY blood donor card since I was in College.
I have also donated many times since then. I am not sure I can donate anymore. I had a mild case on anemia while I was pregnant. I make sure to eat a lot of food with iron in it but I bruise with the slightest touch so I am sure I still have it.
I would love to donate again. The last time I did it was for my little cousin's brain surgery. He never ended up having the surgery, so it went into the blood bank.
Also with all of my ailiments is it even a good idea???
Elissa, your Dr is the best person to ask about that. There are many illness' that are uneffected by blood donation but many that are, so that would be the best person to go to. There are alot of people who can't give blood for many different reasons which is why it is so important for those of us who can to do it.

The process gets more and more complicateded all the time. I remember WAY "back in the day" when they basically asked you one question, are you healthy? Now it's a lengthy interview (to make srue the blood supply is safe) which many people resent. It's harder and harder to get people to donate even with all the publicity.

Doug and I are disgustingly healty :lol: :lol: and lucky to be in the few to qualify as "Double Red Cell Donors" (more rare for female I guess) which means that our hemaglobin is high enough that they can actually take TWICE the normal blood, remove the red blood cells the infuse back the plasma. It takes a little longer but it's a good feeling to know you've "done double good".

And to top it off I get rewarded with dinner out tonight :lol: :lol: :lol:

Count your blessings that you and Doug are so healthy. I have given blood in the past but now due to several serious medical conditions I no longer can.

Always irritated me when co-workers were physically able to donate blood but refused to because they had a fear of needles or it was inconvenient for them. I have a relative that required transfusions and would have given anything to be able to help in some way.

Thanks for the time and dedication you put into this effort. Someone, somewhere most certainly is benefitting from your gift.

Believe me Nita I DO, I DO!!!! And I also appreciate the fact that alot of people can't give blood for alot of reasons so I feel it is even more important for peole like Doug and me to give.

It's easy to let "someone else" give blood. A readily available blood supply is something we all take for granted until you have a loved one who needs blood and you find out it's not so simple.

It's always been easy for me to give blood, at the hospital where I work there is a blood drive about every 60 days and if you gave blood you got FREE LUNCH (and free cookies made by the volneers)AND and extra half hour!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
The local blood bank goes around to different companies and schools year round for drives. They come to my work every 2-3 months, and I give every time. I also got my son started on it when he was still in high school and he gives steadily to this day. My daughter wants to give but I can't get her up past the 110 lb weight minimum (I should have such problems!). Guess it's true that children learn what they see.
:cheer: Good for you Chris!!!

The weigh requirement for giving double cells is onsiderably more than 110, it's the only time I'm glad I weigh MORE :oops: :oops:
I lied about my weight to give blood in College. I wasn't much less than 110. Now I am way over.
I guess that's what I get for lying. :lol:
Hi Ginny,

Great post! Sadly I've never been able to give blood although I have tried, and no not bragging but due to my weight I've always been turned down. Still I've signed up to be a bone marrow and transplate donor..helping another way!

Marianne and the boys

Sorry to hear about Doug's sister.
Marianne, that's why us "fatties" need to give :yay: ( one more reson for me to add to my WHY I CAN HAVE THAT ICE CREAM CONE LIST) HAHAHAHAHA
Don't forget that if you can't donate, youcan always volunteer to help at the blood drives. I can't donate due to weight (although I think I'd pass now :roll: ) and anemia so I volunteer whenever I can. They don't put you to work in the medical areas but someone has to man the refreshment area and give directions and put up signs, things like that.
When I go in to give blood I always tell them I'm not sure if I can donate today because I don't know if I'll meet the weight limit.........THEY JUST LAUGH AT ME, can you imagine!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (I'm 5'10" and it's been a VERY LONG TIME since I weighed anywhere NEAR 110). :roll:
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